When I got out of the car, I was greeted at the door by a big beautiful turkey. I asked the owner's permission to take a picture and she answered, "sure!" So I walked back to the car to get my camera which still had the macro lens on it, came back and got as close to him as I could and he actually stood and posed for me for a bit.
This nursery is beautiful, with all sorts of delights for the senses. There's a gift shop there as well, but I didn't have time to browse. Rain was coming and I wanted to get home quickly. I ended up buying 3 huge hanging baskets that were only $10 apiece and was treated to a big rooster who was standing on one of the sale tables and crowing. The owner tried to shoo him off, but I asked if she could wait until I snapped a picture. Looking quite regal, he permitted me to take his photo and then he was quickly told to "get down from that table, you naughty rooster. You know you're not allowed up there!"
When I got home, I ran a slight boost on the photos, using Pioneer Woman's free actions, and lowered the opacity down to about 25%. I didn't sharpen at all because sometimes you can overdo it in the sharpening department, and the pictures just don't look right. These were crisp enough as it was and I'm glad to have met these two characters to add to my collection. I'm definitely going back to this garden center and I'll be sure to bring my camera with me again the next time. I've also got another rooster picture on the Picture A Day blog. I'm just loving this area. Always have.
Until tomorrow, my friends.

Well, how cool is that.....to find a nursery complete with its own resident turkey and rooster!!
This blog looks very nice with the new template. The change is recent, isn't it? It matches your other blog now?
Hope things are going well for your son.
Not something you see everyday chickens and turkeys at the flower center. Pretty cool! AND you just happened to have your camera with you.Perfect :)
A turkey and a chicken...both in one fell swoop!!! How lucky for you...although, I'm sure with everything your family has been dealt with, you may not feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I appreciate the time and effort you put into your blogs...they are daily stops for me!
A turkey and a chicken...both in one fell swoop!!! How lucky for you...although, I'm sure with everything your family has been dealt with, you may not feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I appreciate the time and effort you put into your blogs...they are daily stops for me!
For a minute I thought you were going to say you came home with the flowers and a turkey. LOL. Love the pics as usual.
Great photos and I love that the garden center has fowl. One of ours used to have a small chicken coop with three hens and one rooster. It always made me smile and the kids loved it. They also have a huge fat black cat that sleeps on the check out counter. Fun times.
wow..what a nursery...so fun! what photo opportunities!!
Flowers and fowlers in one stop!
Lovely shots as always. Thanks for sharing.
How is your son doing?
lol@ hilary. Very clever! Great shots as usual, and wow on the hanging basket bargains!
Morning friend...Beautiful photos and any day you can see a turkey and a rooster at the same spot..ohhh that is a happy day to me! Have a great day!
Hilary, I should let you write all my post headings. I am really not good at that at all. Very clever of you!
Welcome to Picket (Dot). I don't remember seeing you here before. So glad you stopped by.
Thanks everyone. Hope you all have a great Monday.
LOL! I'm another one who thought you were going to tell us you adopted a turkey...or rooster...or both! Aren't they lovely fowl, though? Or is it "fowls?"
i'm craving mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and stuffing right about now. lol. is that bad?
Funny, Suzette! I just returned from a big walk with George and he scared up a (you guessed it) wild turkey! Amazing. It ran right towards me and they took off in a low flight further into the woods.
Fowl or fowls, they're both appropriate, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary.
CurlyWurlyGurl, no it's not bad. I'm finding it hilarious! Have a great day, you funny woman.
MMMM- Turkey! :D I love those little family owned businesses - in fact I work at one for 13 years and learned so much about plants and gardening. Love the shots - I miss having chickens.
You're brave but then I haven't spent much time near farm animals.
Have enjoyed catching up on your blog. I'm comment deficient right now : (
flowers at a discount! Can't beat it with a stick! Complete with a turkey and rooster.
I'm so glad you're loving the area you moved to!
What a beautiful Tom, thank goodness you had the camera!
That's my kind a nursery. I love you new signature too. Awesome touch! Have a great week.
Great shop. Great shots. I love the blue around Tom's eye along with the bright blue pot.
That new signature is neat. And, of course, your pictures are wonderful. Was that a pet turkey as well? It looks wild.
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