Saturday, July 11, 2009

Separation anxiety

As I was leaving to go run some errands the other day, I tooted my horn as always and waved out the window at my husband. I could see him in the distance, in the yard tossing frisbees to George. I did a double take when I noticed he had the camera with him.

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So I waved some more.

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But wait. What’s this? George wants to come for a ride in the car. Forget the frisbee. It’s mom in the car! A ride!! A ride!! (He does love a good ride.)

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Oh, he’s coming all right. He plans to catch right up to me and take his rightful seat, the one in the back that’s covered with a quilt all his own.

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I think he’s getting surprised that I’m not stopping.  But that’s not stopping HIM.

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Ma!! Wait!! Take me with you!! Maaaa!!!

Shane!!  Shane, come back, Shane!! Shane!!

When I was very young, I had a huge crush on Brandon DeWilde and I don’t care that I’m showing my age. The boy was beautiful. And such a wonderful actor.

I’ve digressed as I’ve never digressed before. **sniff ** Let’s get back to George . . .

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Guess who’s turning two years old today?

George was born on Seven Eleven Oh Seven. That’s how my husband says it. (And he’s bought a present for him.)

PS ~ The quality of these photos is way below standards for my discriminating tastes, being the hoity-toity person I am. I did what I could with them, though and for what it’s worth, I’m just going to let it go. I’m just sayin’.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Anonymous said...

I remember watching that with you! I KNEW you had a crush on him, I just knew it!! Perhaps you need to read some other comments on the "new blog!"

the REAL fav!!

Country Girl said...

Dearest sister 'o mine (Judy), how could I admit it when you would have used that information to torture me? And so I kept my secret to myself. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do . . .

What do you mean some other comments? What have you done now (to torture me)?!!!

My name is Christine said...

Happy Birthday George!! You are a gem among dogs, and a handsome devil to boot!

Cloudia said...

My dear, I LOVE your blog and I love George.

This is the only blog I send to my husband at work. He loves George too!


Comfort Spiral

Anonymous said...

Your husband does not quite have your skill with the lense, but these are good nontheless. Did you edit them? Becuase the contrast in them is perfect. And, btw, I love your car.

Mary said...

Awww, he is such a cutie! Happy birthday, George!!!

Shimmy Mom said...

Oh, poor George had to stay home. We have one that likes to ride in the car too.

Owen said...

Oh boy, it's George's birthday ?!? Hope he's getting a big party this weekend ! And a ride in the car ! :-D

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE! Yep, I always get a present too. But I think they give me something mostly because every year they make me wear a stupid birthday hat! Been wearing the same hat every year for six years :( My mom saves silly stuff like that.

Happy Birthday and have a frisbee catch on me!

Your friend,
Zeke-Top Dog @ My Front Porch!

Kit Aerie-el said...

Your posts are the best. **sniff**
Happy second birthday George!
You won't have the terrible twos, will you?! No way! You'll have the terrific twos!

Unknown said...

So...George is now a teenager!!! Happy Birthday to George!

I loved the photos...they were perfect.

Sweetpea said...

Well, here's two big PAWS UP for dear George on his very special day! Will he be having a pah-tee perhaps, or some sort of celebratory frisbee game or maybe even a scrumptious treat in his food bowl...??? Give him some extra squeezes from his loyal fans in bloggy world, please!

SuzieQ said...

I love the photos of George. I can't believe how many I shoot of my two dogs. I JUST LOVE DOGS!!

BB said...

To Country Girl's hubby... I think you did a sterling job!!! It's all about the action and the feel and the moment. All captured fantastically...

(Said by someone getting ready to post up a series of some-focussed and some-not-so-focussed-cause-I-was-laughing-too-damned-hard photos of our dog!)


Daryl said...

Aw Happy Birthday George, if I had known ...

Can you believe I have never seen that movie all the way through .. did you know Alan Ladd stood on a soap box for the bar room scene because he was so short? Just sayin'

Mental P Mama said...

Happy Birthday George! And what's wrong with these shots? I'd call them perfect;)

Maria said...

Happy Birthday George

ELK said...

happiest birthday king george...delightful series of photos!

Donalyn said...

Happy Birthday George! I hope you get lots of cookies.

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to George!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, George :)

Deb said...

Do not apologize for your husband's picture taking...Miss hoity toity!!!
I could have done without the sad little film clip...sniff...
Happy Birthday George!!! He's officially a teenager now.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

The photos are heartfelt and that is all that matters! My dog has separation anxiety from me as well. He even tries to go in the bathroom with me, but I draw the line. I don't need an audience in there! ;0)

Have a great weekend!

P.S. I posted my cat pictures today! Must be an animal kind of day!

Anonymous said...

very sweet story...
George is really wonderful!!!!
Happy Birthday to George!!!


Jill of All Trades said...

Happy, Happy Birthday George. I liked Brandon too.

Reddirt Woman said...

I'm right there with you Kate. He was a cutie. But my heart truly belonged to Alan Ladd. I've always loved people older than me. Of course, I didn't know at the time that he was a short little peckerwood that had to stand on a box to be as tall as some of the other actors. He wouldn't have like me a bit. Even back then I was taller than him.

Happy Birthday to George. He is a very special dog.


Cindy said...

Happy Birthday George!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day Georgie Porgie!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Char said...

you make me laugh. but...happy birthday george!!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, George!

I wish you & Maggie Moo could meet. She's in desperate, heart-breaking need of a play date. (There aren't any dog parks in Korea.)

Her recent paramour, our neighbor's dog Paco (a daper little Chihuahua), has been noticably absent for the past week or so.

So Moo-Moo sits at the sliding glass door watching for any sign he'll show up in the yard next to us.

Poor Maggie Moo - she would LOVE to run & play with George.

Tess Kincaid said...

Happy Birthday, George!! (fabulous pics, husband) :^)

Anonymous said...

I think the pictures are great because they tell a story. They do not have to be perfect all the time.

abb said...

And you said it well! Did George finally get to go with you???

noble pig said...

Happy Birthday puppy dog. I hope you got a bone.

BB said...

OK - have posted up the aforementioned series of hopeless images (of a pretty funny Dane-versus-feline encounter).

You are officially invited to visit and see some much worse focussing at my place.

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE... I only hope Middy allows our Axel to make it to that grand age!!

Hilary said...

Aww happy birthday to sweet George. :)

I refuse to watch that video clip. I remember the scene well.. and it's a major tear-jerker. Shane!!.. sniff.

Anonymous said...

I can identify with this. My little cassie starts dancing at my feet when she sees me pick up my purse. She loves to go for a ride!

I can't tell you how sad it made me to see George chase you and not get to go. Poor dear!

Happy birthday to George!

GailO said...

The pics of George running after you brought tears to my eyes...never mind Shane!

Happiest Birthday to George...may he always catch up to the car!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday George!

Another Sister said...

I can NOT believe I got a little teary from watching that piece of movie. But just a little. And happy birthday to George. He has brought such joy to A's life and yours.
I loved the story about "OH... George's blog!"