Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wordless Wednesday at my place



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And that’s all I have to say about that.



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{thanks for stopping by}


Low Tide High Style said...

That's a mouthful of loveliness, I'd say! :)

xo Kat

Debbie From Illinois said...

You have real Spring!!! We are having a very late Spring this year. Love the photos.

Cloudia said...

Gosh! You NEED no words!

ALOHA from Honolulu

=^..^= <3

Deb said...

So pretty. We are still waiting here for blossoms. Deb

GailO said...

No need for words with all this beauty!

Linda said...


Gail said...

Your pictures all blow me outta the water!

beth said...

wait….i think i heard george say something….snort

JaneK said...

Our azaleas have come and gone so it was nice to see yours...

Slamdunk said...

Lovely pinks Kate.

Acorn to Oak said...

SO beautiful!

Unknown said...

A wordless Wednesday but full of wonders! You capture a tropical beauty and that makes our day more spectacular! The lavender flowers Kate is one of my wife’s favourite - she grows one in her garden. I don’t know what exactly its name but it is the most precious in all!

Sebastian of
Tropical Life Style

Daryl said...

perfect in shades of purple!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

Lilac, one of my favorite scents. We have some ancient lilac bushes here at This Old House, love them.

Lisa Gordon said...

Everything here is so pretty, Kate!

Happy day to you.

Lee Owenby said...

Ohhhhh! I like the top one best! No wait - the 5th one. No, no - the last one, yes! I like the last one best.

They are all beautiful.

The JR said...

It's, enough.

Beautiful pictures.

Devon said...

Beautiful Lilacs... I can smell them from here!

Always nice to see sweet George! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Spring!

Devon said...
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Jeanette said...

Enough said!

Sarah said...

Haha! Love this wordless post! And thanks, because I receive each of your posts as a gift; thoughtful or beautiful, poignant or hilarious. I still giggle over the frozen bath towels and the plumbers marching over them...

JC said...

I swear I could smell those Lilacs. Give George a pet from me.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Lilac if I am not mistaken - I can almost smell it from here - wonderful.

tj said...

...[swoons][speechless] ;o)

...Peace & blessings. :o)

Candace said...


Bluebird49 said...

Why type, when the colors speak!

Country Gal said...

Beautiful ! Ours are almost there lol ! Have a good weekend !

Unknown said...
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Sagheer said...
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Sabrina Steyling said...

One word: LOVE! (I have to add, though, that the first three photos reminded me of the very same bush we had at my childhood home; it was my favorite bush and I was devastated when the new owners yanked it out)

Rain said...

With those photos nothing needs to be said!!! Spring is coming to Maine-finally!! We aren't this far along-but getting there!! Happy Mother's Day!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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mrs mediocrity said...

Well, who needs words when you have photos like that! :)

Kerri Farley said...

~ They take my breath away ~

Jan's camera said...

It's so wonderful to see the flowers again. Lilacs are just starting to pop here in Mass. Your photos are lovely.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I remember your post a few years ago of your lilacs. So gorgeous - thanks for sharing them with us!

Carolynn Anctil said...

We're SO far behind you here on the Canadian prairies. Our lilac bushes are just now beginning to show the first leaf buds. *sigh*