Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Wake up mama, turn your lamp down low

I just finished reading The Scottish Prisoner and was wondering why on earth I was so melancholy. And then I realized that it was because the book was finished and I hadn’t wanted it to end. Earlier this year, I discovered the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I’d heard about it years ago but dismissed it, thinking it it had something to do with that old Highlander TV series and I just wasn’t interested.

This turned out to be a good thing, in the end. I’d shut the internet off to the house (it’s a long story involving my son) and while it was off, I needed something to do and decided reading would be best. So on the advice of a friend, I downloaded Outlander to my Kindle. By the time the book got to Scotland in 1743, I was totally hooked. And then, about two thirds through the first book, I discovered there was an entire TV series on Starz. And so began my obsession. Since February, I’ve read all of the books and, just for kicks the other day, decided to read one of the Lord John Grey books. He was a minor character in the Outlander series, showing up in nearly every book save the first.

Are you asleep yet?

Well, wake up! I promise I’ll stop talking about Outlander. I have some photos to share, all taken with my cell phone.


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I shot this through the window of a charter bus, rented by our school for a faculty trip after the year finished up. We were heading through Amish country to Strasburg Railroad in nearby Pennsylvania.


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We had tickets for lunch in a private dining car and later on, a tour of the mechanical shop.


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The view from my table as the train began to chug along through the countryside.


We were served a lovely meal as the train slowly made its way east . . . then stopped and went back the other way. It was fun and everyone was in high spirits (which might have had only a little to do with the fact that someone brought a couple boxes of wine along). It was not me but I thought it was a good idea.

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The trip was nearly two weeks ago and ever since, I’ve been busy clearing out the old school year and beginning to gear up for the new. People are always surprised that there’s much of anything to do at a school in the summer but there are a million things. And I’ve got a deadline, set by myself, to have so much done by this Thursday. Because on Friday . . .


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I leave for Maine!

Long-time readers of this blog know how much I love coastal Maine and this year, I’ve rented a house with a couple of friends on a small island that’s only accessible by footbridge. My friends have the place for two weeks so are already there. And George is with them. My dog is on vacation without me! Anyway, I plan on taking my laptop and hopefully posting from there. Hope you’ll come back to see the photos.

Thanks for stopping by today ~

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Country Girl said...

Oh my gosh - I miss George!

donna baker said...

Oh boy Sounds like this is going to be fun. Loved the pics and now tell me. I'm on the second to the last Outlander book. I have enjoyed it too (without all the sex thank you). Are the John Grey books good too?

Michelle said...

I was just thinking about you and George last night. Have a wonderful time. I have friends that will be in Maine in a couple weeks. What part, I do not know but only know she is going there to visit family and run a marathon.

jinxxxygirl said...

I'am waiting to start that series... i only read hardcover books and I've been able to get my hands on all the books save the first two... ggrrrr :) I would love to be able to read it this winter curled up in front of the fireplace.. :) Good to hear from you! Hugs! deb

Cheryl said...

Outlander is amazing!! I have watched the first 8 episodes with Alexandra, and next weekend we will watch the next. I think she started reading the book. Delighted we found them.
I think of you and often wonder how you are doing.
Enjoy Maine!

beth said...

i'm so happy that you're going to maine!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!…..please send me a note and let me know where you're staying…since my sister lives there and knows every place, i want to see if she's been where you are going!!!

i miss george, too….so i can't imagine the size of your missing him!!!


ps…the amish country…sigh…..i love that kind of stuff!!!

alphabet soup said...

Have a great time in Maine - I guess that will happen without any prompting from me...

Ms Soup

The Weaver of Grass said...

Fascinating photographs Kate. I love Amish country and have visited a couple of communities over the years. Have a lovely holiday.

Daryl said...

loved The Outlander series .. i only saw/watched the first Starz episode and well not so in love with it to stick with it and then we dropped Starz from our line up ... no biggie ... but renting a house in Maine that's a biggie .. i am jealous .. i will share it vicariously via photos ...give George a huge hug from me ... and have the best time!!!!!

Mersad said...

Lunch in a private dining car sounds so good. Especially when driving through such great landscapes. I love Maine, I really do. It's on my bucket list definitely. So happy you get to visit soon!

Mersad Donko Photography

Lee Owenby said...

Love - love these photos! Your composition is great and I like the dreamy look.
Have fun in Maine. Can' wait to see your photos!

thotlady said...

One day I will get to Maine. You think living on the east coast I would have traveled there before now, but no, not yet.

Have a wonderful trip, give George a hug for me. Love that guy.

Low Tide High Style said...

I know George must be missing you as much as you're missing him! Have a wonderful time in Maine!

xo Kat

Linda Kay said...

We are making the trip to Maine in July/August, and also have a house rented in Camden for a month. Hope you have a wonderful time, as I know we will. It's our gift to ourselves for our 30th.

WPgirl said...

Enjoy your time in Maine. Safe travels. Looking forward to seeing pictures.
Lynda in Michigan

Leenie said...

Your photos, as always, are outstanding! I've got a real weakness for big old barns and clotheslines and you got both in one driveby photo. Wow. JEALOUS of your vacation in Maine.

Jeanette said...

Have a wonderful time! We are taking a road trip to Maine this August and I can't wait. I have never been to the East Coast!

Linda said...

Outlander! I read the series and loved it! But I don't subscribe to Starz so :( I haven't read any of the Lord John Grey books. Might have to look into that.
Amish country Pennsylvania, sigh. So pretty and peaceful. I loved driving through that area when we lived in New Jersey.
Maine! Another place I want to visit very soon. I'll bet George misses you too. Have a great time!

Michelle said...

So glad you're heading to Maine again!

HappyK said...

I've been on train rides like that I've enjoyed.
I'm reading the second book of the outlander series now. : )
Enjoy your vacation in Maine.

Hilary said...

I am so happy for you....so glad you are going to Maine.......enjoy, my friend.

June said...

Your posts are always so beautiful Kate. Beautiful photos!

Gayle said...

End of school year and prep for the beginning of the next were always faves of mine. I understand all that involved. Love that you are off to Maine. I have been there many times and love it to pieces. Enjoy!!

Sabrina Steyling said...

Beautiful photos! Enjoy Maine, and please give Sir George a hug for me!

Stella said...

Glad to see you back at the blog. Missed you. Have a great Summer. Regards, Stella

Country Gal said...

Haven't read the books but love the TV series seen it all . I am glad you have gone on a nice trip to your fave place but with out George ? I would go mad if I went with out my Miggs lol ! Hope you have a wonderful time and looking forward to lots of photos ! Thanks for sharing .

JaneK said...

I'm sure George was missing you, too!
So happy you are able to go to Maine. Can't wait for the pics so I can have a vicarious vacay through your pics!!!

Pepper Medley said...

Can't wait to see your vacation photos! Maybe George is taking a few before you arrive. LOL

Steph said...

I have read the Outlander series a few times and am absolutely in love with the series. I even have my husband hooked! I also liked the Lord John Grey books too. Some day we will go to Maine, it looks so beautiful, cannot wait for your pictures. How lucky is George that he is already on vacation?

Angie said...

So okay I'm ready for Maine and George, girl :)

Sarah said...

If you enjoy historical fiction, can I recommend some of my other favorites?

Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati (the writing is not as compelling as Gabaldon's IMHO, but a very compelling story non-the-less)

Shogun by James Clavelle (a favorite I have reread a dozen times)

All the best to you and George in Maine!

Annie said...

Hmm, I may have to check out the Outlander series now. Thanks for sharing! I hope you've had a good vacation and are reunited with George!
