Tonight we're having veggie burgers. My husband loves these things. I think they're just fine, especially when he makes them. Regular readers of this blog will remember that I am blessed with a husband that cooks. Mdeal preparation is not something that comes naturally to me. It is not a pleasure. Although it's something I'm capable of doing and doing quite well when I feel like it, I look on it as a chore and a bother. It's sad, really. And especially so when I visit blogs that I admire like Pioneer Woman or Noble Pig where the cooking is grand and looks so effortless. But let's return back to the point.
This is not a recipe post. I want to make that perfectly clear. All the meal is, quite frankly, is a chunk of rustic bread with a veggie burger and cheese inside, diced cherry tomatoes, onions, pickles and lettuce on top with a dollop of thousand island dressing. There's no recipe needed for that.
When I came home from work today, my husband was doing the dishes and complaining about it. My stitched up finger is doing fine, and the hand surgeon told me I could do dishes, but only under running water. I can't fill up the sink, plunge the dishes in and begin washing. I think it's got something to do with the bacteria and the foodstuff that would sit in the sinkfull of water. But regardless, lately I've been leaving the dishes to my husband. It's only the two of us and there's really not that many.
So there he was complaining about washing a dozen glasses and a couple of plates. I wanted to take out my miniature violin and sing a sad song for him, but instead I took George for walk just to get out of the house and away from it, planning on returning just in time for dinner. I am really a lovely wife, you know. I keep a nice house, and do the dishes and the laundry. But I don't do the dishes with stitches. Especially when I've just changed my dressing and don't want to get it wet!
When I returned from the walk, there was dinner on the table and he was taking a picture using natural light. I am teaching him well, aren't I? He told me that if the photo turned out well, I could use it on my blog tonight.
I love a man that cooks.
Tomorrow I am going out and buying a new pair of dishwashing rubber gloves. I mean, it's the least I can do, don't you think?
Until tomorrow, my friends.
Gotta love a man who cooks...and does dishes. Not to mention like photography too. Yep, we should keep our men folk, shouldn't we??
(not sure about the rubber gloves and getting back into dish washing though. I think I'd milk it just a little bit longer...)
I'm not either. But milking it is leading to whining and I hate the whining!
~ C.G.
I bloody hate cooking!!!
Hi there, by the way
How sweet of him and how yummy that looks!
I just had the best smoked tomato and mozzerella sandwhich from Panara Sunday.
Thanks for the sweetest comment on my blog. I really smiled big;)
I have a man who cannot cook a lick, but he does do the occasional dish. For that I am thankful. And hey, the natural light photo turned out pretty good! :^)
Forget the gloves - he does such an excellent job, who are you to step on his kitchen toes??? ;-)
I don't like to cook either. The veggie burger really looks delicious. I would let my husband cook every day if he wanted to.
looks good to me but my meat loving family would revolt at a veggie burger... My hubby was kind and did the dished when I had stitches for a couple weeks and even better when I had a cast for 8 weeks. he was even kind enough to get in the shower with me and wash my very long hair! we gave up on him trying to braid it however!
looks like you got a keeper :D and how sweet to get rubber gloves :)
looks good to me but my meat loving family would revolt at a veggie burger... My hubby was kind and did the dished when I had stitches for a couple weeks and even better when I had a cast for 8 weeks. he was even kind enough to get in the shower with me and wash my very long hair! we gave up on him trying to braid it however!
looks like you got a keeper :D and how sweet to get rubber gloves :)
I cook, but Harley Guy does the dishes - it works. How thoughtful of you to want new dishwashing gloves to relieve hubby of that duty! Hope your finger is feeling much better!
You are so sweet, thank you.
I love that your hubby took a pic of that fabulous burger, he rocks. You should photograph more of his meals. You don't have to include recipes. I think just pics of food are inspiring and trigger little inner responses to make something good.
That veggie burger sounds delicious - husband sounds quite good, too.
Awww, he's a sweetie. Might I suggest paper plates and plastic cups for a week? Yes, I know this sounds like heresy coming from the diva of dishes, but hey, it's a break from the drudgery. And sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
You are extremely lucky to have a husband who cooks. Mine doesn't know how to use the oven. He could use the Aga at a pinch and knows how to make boiled or poached eggs on toast but apart from that, he's not a kitchen person!
The burger looks very tasty. I'd rather have some meat in it myself though!!
CJ xx
What a wonderful thing your husband does by cooking!!! I do hope you are feeling a lot better soon. He did a great job on the photo.
Sweet. All around - sweet.
Nice post Kate - except for the veggie burger. Those are icky. :)
I love a doctored up veggie burger too! And I'm with my friend Annie. Don't get the gloves. You'll be back at that sink before you know it;)
LOL! Did he remember all the times you've washed the dishes without complaining?
My hubby will not cook when I'm not home, or when I'm sick or hurt. He just eats cereal.
dr. praeger's makes really good veggie burgers. they sell them at trader joe's.
i vote no stinking dishwashing gloves.
Yum ... we dont eat meat at home .. I dont eat it anywhere but Husband likes his steak so when we dine out he indulges .. is there a specific brand of veggie burger you buy?
And now, for some strange reason, I have an overwhelming desire for a veggie burger. Your husband doens't do take outs, does he.
By the way, I'm deeply envious of your Nikon array!
Love havin' a man that cooks! My hubby is a better cook than I am. So, like you, I do cook, but I love it when he does! Rubber gloves sound like a good idea, not that I'd want to volunteer for dishes, but we gotta keep those cookin' hubby's happy enough to cook!
Glad to hear that it's healing well.
Very enjoyable post! I love veggie burgers! My man doesn't cook much but he makes the best omelettes in the world!
The photo is beautiful, Pioneer Woman and the Noble Pig would be proud.
As one beginner to a pro I am wanting opinions about my new pics;) Is that bad?
Maybe you could check out my "Toast to Tuesday"?
Thank you! You are the best;)
I gave you an award but I can't find an email to send it to you at??
Funny I really don't enjoy cooking either but I do it because I feel like I should. My husband just lets me although he cooks sometimes as well. But you have trained yours well. Tell him nice job on the photo!
Awww he sounds like a sweetie.. and that burger looks quite yummy to my gurgling tummy. I quite enjoy cooking .. cleaning not so much.
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