Friday, July 31, 2009

Gifts from the earth

I loved reading your answers to the questions from yesterday’s post! Thanks for playing along with it.

Things are quiet here and thankfully the humidity wasn’t nearly as bad today. I feel for Diane in Seattle; they’ve had temperatures as high as 105, and only 15% of residents even own an air conditioner.

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Today I grabbed the camera and made sure the macro lens was on it before heading out for a walk around the garden. It’s bordered along one side with a grape arbor and there are a lot of clusters. Maybe I’ll do up some grape juice when they’re ripe. I used to do that when my sons were little, having learned from a Mennonite woman who watched the boys for me while I worked part-time.

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This is actually my husband’s garden. He took a patch of ground and turned it into this small wonderland where he grows sweet corn, sunflowers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs and squash. He also planted nasturtiums along one side and has a couple of morning glories that are really beginning to climb.

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My husband tends this garden on a daily basis and it really shows. I enjoy watching its progress. Today as I snapped the photos above, I kept hearing the slight droning of a bee.

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I stood up, with the tops of the tomato plants at eye level and could see little yellow flowers sprinkled here and there. A bee was slowly making its way down the row towards where I stood, methodically visiting every flower.

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Indian corn is always fun.

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It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. A beautiful day for a tomato would

you be mine . . .

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Oh, hello there, my friend.

Thanks for coming along on the walk with me. I planted a sunflower for you on [my other blog] today.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Anonymous said...

These are great! You are so talented! Keep up your amazing work.

Michelle said...

You might enjoy the photos in my post today. Don't know why; I just thought you might when I read your post. :-)

Deb said...

The bounties of summer are so tasty and photogenic!

Linda said...

What a lovely garden, beautifuly photographed. George is a great looking dog. Very expressive eyes.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

What a beautiful walk. Thanks for taking me ;0)

Journey said...

As always, your pictures are outstanding! George is very cute, too!!

tj said...

...Hey Georgie-Peorgie! Hi Kate! *giggle* :o)

...Do you have a good grape juice recipe that you'd be willing to share? We have a large grape arbor too and the last time I made grape juice it didn't turn out well. I had to do the whole smashing of grapes thing then hang it in cheese cloth as it drained into a was a mess.

...Love your husband's garden, he does a great job with it and great photos too! (as always :o)

...Blessings... :o)

Flea said...

*sigh* George is the most beautiful dog in the world.

Unknown said...

I love it when you post with your happy voice...I can just see you being peaceful and full of kate ness...

won't you be my neighbor?

And George always makes me happy.

Country Girl said...

I have a happy voice? You are too funny.

Thanks, all. And yes, Michelle . . . I did enjoy your post today!

~ C.G.

Alli said...

Love your photo of the grapes. Stunning!

Christine said...

I am with TJ... I'd love a recipe if you are willing to share. :)

We planted 2 container fruits (tomato/pepper) for the 1st time to see if we could grow something and it not die on us. So far they are looking good!

Love your husband's setup!

Cloudia said...

George is the most beautiful blossom!

Comfort Spiral

Asthmagirl said...

You have a very happy voice! And great focus... I can just see you taking those pictures!

It was 106 at work today but it should start dropping into the 90's tomorrow. A welcome relief!

I love the garden pictures! But then, I love your Macro lens!

Hug George for me!

Donalyn said...

Veggie gardening husbands are a wonderful thing, aren't they? And that George - stops me in my track every time!

Char said...

delish shots - love the macro of the flower (I never can spell the name right.)

Egghead said...

Lovely garden your hubby tends to. Love the sunflower shot on the photo a day as well. Things have been very hot here but finally cooled down to 95 degrees today. Thanks for the walk Kate.

Sarah Anne said...

I cannot get over how beautiful that dog is! He reminds me of a beautiful dog I once knew.

Mary said...

I miss having a vegetable garden. My dad always had a great one... the photos are beautiful, Kate, as always... :) Enjoy your weekend!

Daryl said...

Oh the grapes are ripening .. and the tassel on the corn .. lovely ... I wouldnt mind hanging out and having some ice tea .. no mint, please

The Good Life in Virginia said...

hubby's garden is looking mighty fine. and i so love garden captures :)

hugs to george from becky the kitten ^..^

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures.

Meg said...

You take such beautiful pictures! By the way I would love to have your dog! I'm jealous ;)

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love the way George pops up on your blog unannounced - that is just as it should be with a dog!


Beautiful tour.

Audrey at Barking Mad said...

I'm in love with the photo of the Indian Corn silk. I had no idea it was so beautiful.

All of your photos are wonderful, but there's just something about the corn silk that whispers, "Love me" to me. And I do...I do love it.

And George, oh how I'd love to smother him with pats and belly rubs, alas, I know he is not the kind of dog that would take kindly to that, so I'll admire from afar.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures Kate! Your garden looks lovely! We are getting lots of produce from out garden and can not eat it as fast as we can pick it!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

:0) How can one not smile when they read your content and happy words. You bring a calm joy to my day every day. (((Hugs)))

Mental P Mama said...

And I am lucky to know that beautiful garden firsthand! Hi George; I am staying over here....

Shelley Jaffe said...

Oh, my, Kate! As usual, the beauty of your photos just make me sigh out loud in pleasure. Thank you so much!

(and thank you to whoever invented the macro lens...)

noble pig said...

Beautiful shots! I love a macro lens!

carmilevy said...

Your work is extaordinary (said I as I stared at my D80 and wondered when I'd next get out to coax more photographic happiness from it.)

Your photos have a sense of reality to them that I strongly relate to. It's what drives me every time I sling the bag over my shoulder and head out the door. You never know when inspiration will hit...

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I'm going to get my sweater now neighbor!

Love the bee and tomatoe shots!

Skogkjerring said...

I've always dreamed of a little kitchen garden...someday, in the mean time thanks for sharing your husband's...looks lovely and your photos are great!! I noticed the yellow squash flowers..when we were in Italy the woman we stayed with fried them in a batter and served them- they tasted like potatoe chips or something- really good!!!

Skogkjerring said...

Oh geez, I hit the send button to fast- forgot to mention how nice it was to see Georgie baby again..handsome fella.;-)) The lionesses are winking ;-))

Gabensysmom said...

Awesome! Looks like you're off to a great start with that macro lens!!! LOVE the grapes detail!

Gabensysmom said...

Awesome! Looks like you're off to a great start with that macro lens!!! LOVE the grapes detail!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are gorgeous!

Little Ms Blogger said...

Beautiful garden. I'm TRYING to be better about keeping mine in great shape, but it either rains or is 90 degrees and sticky and who would want to weed in that weather.