Sunday, July 19, 2009

I don’t think she knew what she was getting into

Late last Fall, an offhand comment by a visitor to the blog of Chesapeake Bay Woman casually suggested that she host a blogging getaway in her beautiful part of the world. I’m still not clear on how it happened (nor is she), but immediately, several bloggers signed on, saying “I’m in! Just let me know when it is!” I think the fact that people would travel long distances just to see the place she calls home surprised our hostess, and as more and more bloggers signed on to attend, a real plan was needed.

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Angie (below) signed on as co-hostess of the event and Blog Fest was born. And thanks to their planning, I have just returned from the most wonderful four-day trip to coastal Virginia where I was able to meet fellow bloggers from all over the country, and Canada.

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I was one of the last to sign on because I really didn’t know anyone who was going, but after meeting Lauren, Daryl and Annie a couple of months ago, it was easy to let them talk me into attending and I do love a good Road Trip. Diane and Shelley joined us and we all stayed in a fantastic little cottage on the water, about 8 miles away from CBW and crew. In fact, I may have had almost as much fun at our little home-away-from-home as I did at the actual Blog Fest.

I’ll post more about it later this week, but for now I will tell you that we toured the delightful Mathews County area, right along the Chesapeake Bay.

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We walked along the shore and immersed ourselves in the wild beauty of the area.

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I have no idea why I was so nervous about going because I met the most wonderful people. This is Laurie below.

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We explored the remnants of an old tabernacle that’s now an historic landmark.

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This is Diane, the famous Asthmagirl and let me tell you, I knew she was a kindred spirit when she showed up not only with a Nikon DSLR but with the very lens I have been coveting for over a year (the Nikon 18-200mm) and she let me try it out a bit. So I offered her the use of my macro lens. I think it was a fair trade.

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A local waterman and his wife, both friends of CBW, took some of us on a boat tour. The boat ride on Mobjack Bay was perfect. From L to R are Ann Marie (steering), Auds, Meg, CBW (in the back), Lauren, Daryl, Annie and Diane.

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As if on cue, dolphins began to follow the boat. What wonderful luck!

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We saw a lighthouse . . .

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. . . and went swimming on Gwynn’s Island underneath the most stunning skies.

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It wasn’t only women who showed up on this retreat, either. This is CW, who came with his wife Nora. It was such a pleasure meeting the both of them.

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And on the last evening, a party at the beach. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

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I am still smiling. And I have some wonderful pictures to share with you.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Wow! What a fab idea: Blog Fest! I hope there are more of these planned around the country/world in the future. What fun!

You were visiting my old stomping grounds. I grew up near Annapolis, Maryland and explored so much of the Chesapeake Baby area while growing up.
I hope you were able to have steamed crabs and brewski's, there hon.
I sometimes miss it there...oh...and the silver queen corn. sigh.


~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Just gorgeous. That last pic took my breath away.
Glad you had such a wonderful time. Look forward to your next post!


Hilary said...

wow....I am so sounds like a marvelous time......maybe I should host a blog fest at the studio one of these days....that is something to keep in mind.

Unknown said...

It was such a wonderful time!! I am still smiling, but this post made me smile even more. Loved it and your photography is just amazing. I am so glad I got the opportunity to meet you IRL and love you even more!

I can not wait for MORE!!!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

CG~ what fantastic pictures! And it was so wonderful to meet you!
I am still just in wonder of it all!

tj said...

...OMG - I could just cry! I wanted so much to be there and oh the fun it looks like you all had! I read at CBW's place that they had a hard time getting you out of the

...Thanks so much for sharing the fun Kate and I'm so glad that you had a good time...I knew you would... :o)

...Can't wait to see more!

...Blessings... :o)

Jan said...

What a great time. How great of Chesapeake Bay Woman and Angie to organized this. I'm jealous, but am afraid I wouldn't have fit in, with my simple point and shoot.

Ellen said...

OOh, sorry I missed it.

A Scattering said...

You can see and feel the camaraderie in your photos. It looks like you all had a wonderful time.

Leenie said...

Welcome back. So fun to see big water of any kind from this--so very inland--location. What fun to gather with bloggy friends! Did George get to go?

Mental P Mama said...

Heaven on earth. And with wonderful people like you, my dear;) xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see those pictures. It looks beautiful.

abb said...


That's all, just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

Bayman said...

Kate, it was wonderful meeting you. We are so close, we should do something again, soon. I was just blown away by the fun we all had. Bud

Reddirt Woman said...

Oh, what a beautiful morning,
Oh, what a beautiful day.

I've got a wonderful feeling
Great photos are coming our way.


If they are more wonderful than this batch I'll have to keep a drool rag handy by my computer. My gosh what a wonderful trip you must have had.

Thank you for taking us along.


FireLight said...

What greeat fun! I can see you were all having a grand time!
Visit my little place to see one of your photos in its new frame!

cottage farm villa said...

Wow, it looks like you had a wonderful time with new friends!! You are making the most of your summer!!! Good for you Kate!

Coloradolady said...

What a wonderful time! I think that is a great idea, I will have to remember that for maybe next year....sounds like a blast.

Char said...

oh my!!! what a wonderful time

gorgeous shots - can't wait to see more

Annie said...

ah, finally ...thanks great to have some photos at last...and what gorgeous photos, people and place! Thank you so much!

noble pig said... jealous. It looks like a wonderful time was had by all. I can't even imagine the laughing that was going on.

Hilary said...

Oh that sounds so wonderful in so many ways. I can't wait to hear more about it from all of you. Beautiful pics! I'm so happy that all was perfect.

BB said...

Hmmmm... not sure how many people I would get all the way Down Under and Out West... but maybe one day??

Love the images of this part of the world through your eyes... and also - I have that lense you covet so!!!! (And I LOVE it!!!)

Jill of All Trades said...

I'm so envious. Looks like all had an awesome time. What fun, what fun.

Kentucky Farm Girl said...

That is so great! I have 5 friends and we all met through a gardening forum. This will be our 5th annual Get Away this year and it is at my house and it's 3 weeks away. I am so excited about it. It's amazing what truly awesome friends you can meet through your computer.

I am so glad you had a wonderful time!

Deb said...

I've missed your posts, Kate. This one is quite the combination of your grand time.

erin said...

looks like a fun time was had by all and the weather cooperated. we had a beautiful weekend here in our part of virginia.

mom x 2 said...

Ohhhhh! It was great meeting you IRL. Your pictures are amazing!!!I am so sad I missed the boat ride!

Meg @ Soup Is Not A Finger Food said...

The photos are FANTASTIC! You really have an eye for capturing people at their best. I can't wait to see everyone else's photos too!

Glad to have you joining the crowd of fine folks who live in my computer.

Unknown said...

Kate, It was so nice meeting you and all the other bloggers and Mathews locals at Blogfest. It was wonderful, and I can't wait for next year.

Daryl said...

Yowsa .. your shark pix are almost as perfect as MPMs .. my recappage will post on Thursday ..xo

big hair envy said...

Kate, it was SUCH a pleasure to meet you!! Words cannot describe the fun at Blog Fest, can they?? Have your fingers and toes un-pruned yet??:) Just curious...

Shelley Jaffe said...

Oh, Kate! I'm looking at these and getting all misty and mushy!

It was, as Annie kept saying, just magical. And for all of my apprehension beforehand, it was probably one of the better decisions I've ever made.

I'm charmed to have met you and honored to have been your Shanty roomie. You are so lovely, and I only wish we could have chatted more...

Big Hugs - keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what fab photos. Can't wait to see and hear more. Now off to blog hop around and see what everyone has put up about the weekend. Looks like you had a lovely time!

Donalyn said...

Just awesome Kate - so glad you got to go and that you all had such a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful captures Kate! You even made me look good!

It was so wonderful to meet you in real life and sip coffee with you each morning. I love the shots you took with the 85mm.

I'm particularly fond of our shooting time together. I enjoyed learning from you and laughing with you!


Donna Boucher said...

Wow! That is so great! I am happy for you.

foolery said...

Miss Kate, you are delightful. I can't believe I haven't found you before Blogfest, but I'm so glad I have, late or not. Every time I looked at you this weekend you were not just smiling, but *glowing*. You are radiant and you take a darned fine photo.

I've been home only 12 hours so I'll be a bit late with my meager shots!

-- Laurie

Anonymous said...

Wow what a great idea! Looks like you had a blast!

Audrey at Barking Mad said...

What amazing photographs.

More memories.


Maria said...

sigh oh sigh oh sigh. I can't think of anything more fun or any place more beautiful. wow.

GailO said...

I've been putting off catching up here knowing how jealous I would be reading about your trip!...It looks like more fun than I would have even imagined...