Monday, August 17, 2009

Feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment

I’m not overwhelmed with the unpacking or getting back to normal, and there was only one load of laundry to wash and hang on the line.

What is overwhelming however, is the massive amount of photos taken while away. Between my husband and I, a total of 992 images was taken last week. Crazy, I know! And they are all stored on one file entitled “Maine 2009”.

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I began the lengthy and usually fun job of processing the photos that I actually like, which are so very many (which is nice) and then I found myself becoming more overwhelmed.

In the end, I thought I’d just better end up taking it slow.

Unfortunately, there are so many choices when processing and I finally just gave up and did whatever I felt like doing. Lord knows, my husband tells me I do this all the time anyway.

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I liked this old structure, which is located right in the center of Main Street in Stonington. I think it’s some sort of antique shop.

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One foggy morning, I took a drive around the Stonington end of the island, snapping photos of old houses. I found the this deserted house at the intersection of Sand Beach Rd. and West Main. It just looked sort of lonely with its paint peeling and the old boat still in the yard.

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[This place] is actually for sale through Sotheby’s and is located along Sand Beach Road overlooking the water.

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View in front of the house for sale on a different day.

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And yet another day, this is the water view in front of the house. It’s an interesting place, but not very private. People like me are always coming along and taking pictures of it, I’m sure!

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Deer Isle is home to a large community of artists and I often saw this woman working on different projects during the week I spent there. That’s the harbor at Stonington in the background.

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The town even has an [Opera House]!

Well, I feel better now that I’ve made a small dent in my files. I have a long way to go, though.

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I think I’ll get in my little yellow boat and just paddle somewhere. Doesn’t that sound like a lovely idea? This last shot was taken with my zoom lens, sitting on the rocks at Sand Beach outside of Stonington, Maine.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Russell said...

I loved ALL the images in this post!

The yellow boat is great and, yes, it would be fun to row off in it.

The woman who is painting certainly seems to be enjoying herself and I can see why.

I am guessing that property is a bit (!!!) out of my price range, but what a wonderful place to live!

Take care.

PS For some reason I sure have a desire to visit Maine...!

Anonymous said...

Your photos turned out fabulous!

Sharon said...

Wonderful shots! Just do a few everyday and you will get it taken care of. And when you get too bored to do anymore, then you know you are "done."

OK, about that house for sale. $1,195,000 for 1700 sf!!! And how in the heck do you squeeze in 6 bedrooms in 1700 sf??? My house is 2000 sf with four bedroom and 2 of them are as small as possible. CRAZY!

Astaryth said...

This is how I've been feeling all year. I sit down to do something with Elements and I have so many pictures I don't know where to start... same thing with blogging or reading others blogs or... well, just everything. LOL! I think once school starts I am going to have to just force myself to sit down and DO something. Maybe if i make a start it won't seem so overwhelming. ;p

ELK said...

Kate just take it slow and know that your images will be enjoyed so much, it really is beautiful country

Mary said...

Oh, so many beautiful images! My fave is the abandoned house with the peeling paint in the fog... LOVE that one!!!

Molly said...

they are all great, and thanks for sharing them. i am going to make it a point to get on that maine photography class i saw...

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Love the photos and so glad you had a nice get away!

Char said...

beautiful shots for sure - glad you had a great time. It helps me on vacations like that to break the big grouping up into days

Sarah Anne said...

That last one should be framed and put on a wall in your entryway. It's fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful place. It looks like a good place for a story in a novel to take place!

I know what you mean about the pictures and being overwhelmed!

Lori said...

Beautiful shots! We often talked about taking a trip to the NE specifically Maine and never have. Now I really want to go!

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

Beautiful pictures. I enjoyed looking at them. Found you through Blue Ridge Country Gal. Your name attracted me because I chronicle country stuff too.

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful! And I could look at shots like these every don't rush it....if it takes until next year's vacation to get through them all...that's fine...I'll enjoy every minute of them!
So glad you had a nice time and found a place that would allow George to come as well.
I've told my hubby that this area has to be on our list! I've never been to Maine before :)

Ellen said...

Lovely photos. Looking forward to more.

Tracy said...

Hello! My first visit here...and not sure how I got here, but so glad I did. LOVE your images--so much beauty, texture--life--in them! I sympathize with the photos too--photography is a passion of mine as well, and I need photo a lot for my jewelry photos all the time--LOL! Take your time, enjoy each frame... And I look forward to looking at your archives here. Happy Days :o)

Tracy said...

Me again...LOL!... Just noticed you're in MD. I used to live in PA--now living in Norway though! Your dog George is a sweetheart too... :o)

imom said...

I have so enjoyed looking at all your Maine photos! It looks like you had a great time in a beautiful place.

Deb said...

Lovely. Maine is calling my name.

Mental P Mama said...

So beautiful. Glad you're home safe and sound;)

A New England Life said...

Gorgeous photos Kate! One thing that's different about Maine and New Hampshire's coasts are the pine tree's. Our coast consists of rocks, beaches and homes, almost no trees, but you would love it all the same!

Maybe next year when you come up north you can take a little detour so I can meet you : )


Laura ~Peach~ said...

beautiful wonderful stuff. enjoy editing all those pics it should be a relaxing thing!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

such beautiful captures ms. kate. i can only imagine all the fab shots you captured over the week. maine is beautiful. a very dear friend of mine has a place in maine, alas not near the coast. we always enjoyed our treks there.
have a wonderful day.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Take your time chickie-We all just have lots to look forward too! I like what I have seen so far!

Hilary said...

Sigh.. I love Maine.

Swetha said...

The photos are fascinating! Thats a very beautiful place

Home exchange said...

These shots are truly beautiful! Really well done. I hope you had a great time!

Carol E. said...

Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing. I always take zillions, too, and it is very hard keeping on top of organizing them.

Daryl said...

998 in a week seems right, I did 380 in 3.5 days in VA ...

Linda said...

Beautiful! Every one!

FireLight said...

Kate, these are marvelous! At least you have pictures. I have been busy with the dual distractions of SCHOOL and helping my son and his wife move! I so miss reading here when my exterior life takes over!! Not really a complaint, but you must admit, the Blogging Life is a a great escape!! I need to catch up!! I feel as if I have just had a vacation to Maine!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos. Really, I so want to go there. Love that first antique shop, the deserted house with the boat in the yard. Well, all of them. That's a lot of photos to go through though!!

Just think though, this winter on some cold, snowed in day, you can pull out a few, mess with textures and have a grand time remembering the trip.

Ann Marie said...

I loved loved loved all of these...
Ok.. you need to teach me HOW you did that.. cause sweetie.. the other day.. the 5 hour crabbing trip... I took 940 some odd shots.. in 5 hours... how did you manage to .. you really HAVE to tell me.. cause I stress terribly.. LOL

abb said...

Digital photography has certainly changed the photo world. Take 100's of developing costs!

Maria said...

You were in Deer isle? That's where Haystack (the school of crafts) is. Sigh. Always wanted to attend a workshop there. What gorgeous landscape. I don't care if it takes a month or two for you to go through all of your photos. What a lot of prettiness. :-)