Thursday, August 20, 2009

He travels well

Last week was one of two big road trips for George this summer, and one thing I notice about this dog is that he does travel quite well.

I’ve also noticed that since my husband’s surgery last October we tend to get out and go more than we did before. I think it’s because we realized again how short life can be and that we need to see the things we want to be able to see while we can.

When we were thinking of getting another border collie after our beloved Ralphie passed away, I was the one who always brought up all the cons rather than the pros of acquiring another pet. But we really lucked out with the dog that eventually became a member of our small family. Especially in the travel department.

All he needs is his little doggie suitcase packed for him and some food and he’s good to go.

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This is not his pillow. It’s my husband’s. I didn’t have the heart to take it away from him when I saw him lying on it. And then I realized that my husband had actually put it there for him.

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Yeah, we definitely lucked out with this dog.

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He’s a keeper for sure.

~ ~ @ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ @ ~ ~

I loved reading your comments yesterday! It’s great getting to know you better.

I giggled at a few of them:

What are you looking for?

Love ~ in all the wrong places.

My skinny self.

When you travel, what sort of souvenirs do you tend to bring home?

An extra pound or two.

And I got hungry reading about all your best meals!

From a birthday dinner at a beautiful seafood restaurant, to Daryl, who actually e-mailed me a picture of the best meal she’s had recently, I was actually drooling. I read some of them on a break at work, and actually had to eat my lunch early.

But so many of them also touched my heart.

What are you waiting for?

My daughter’s life to click into place, so I can get on with mine.

For my husband to return.

A job.

For the talent to become a portrait photographer. (The talent is there, my friend).

Several wrote that they were waiting for pain to go away.

And one of the best non-solicited compliments: (not that I solicit compliments!)

Kate, you could make a party out of four people and thin air.

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You guys rock! I wish I could visit you all. There needs to be more hours in the day for that, however. So I will just say thank you. Thanks for coming and making this website worthwhile. So many people out there write and share in the blogosphere and I just want to say I appreciate your company here on my little blog.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

PS ~ I woke up this morning to a mailbox full of spam. Someone with the handle of ‘disa’ hit my blog with Asian porn on 188 posts dating back to early 2008. I have enabled word verification. Just a warning.


Donna said...

I really enjoy seeing your pictures of George! We recently got a border collie puppy through a border collie rescue group in Tenn...he looks just like George! He has the same "half face" marking of white...only on the other side...kind of a mirror image. He is also a blessing....a truly wonderful little guy and he has wormed his way into our hearts! I love your blog!!

Hilary said...

George reminds me of the border collie I had years ago, her name was Zoe.
Dogs and blogs are just good company, aren't they?

Mary said...

My husband's grandmother used to feed her dog people food on heated plates... I think sharing a pillow is conservative behavior compared to that.

George is a WONDERFUL DOG!!! :)

T said...

George is one handsome boy!!

We just recently brought a new boy into our home - we adopted a beagle mix (we named him Nash) and it has been hands down one of the best things I've done in a while!

Reddirt Woman said...

You come up with the best questions. And if you can't share a pillow with your pup, who could you share with?

That last photo is my favorite.

Thank you for sharing your world.


Sweetpea said...

Ahhhh, if only we could all know the deep contentment that George is portraying while blissfully snoozing on his human's pillow.... Super photo!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

George, pitter patter goes my heart!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

And you can sleep on my pillow anytime!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

What a beautiful - and very loved and lucky dog.

You and your blog are so welcoming!

Country Girl said...

Thanks and welcome to Bonnie. So cool that your border is so similar to George, Donna!

Uh-oh. Gotta go. The commercials are over and Top Chef is back on!!

~ C.G.

Donalyn said...

Riley just got an extra hug because George is so cute. It made sense to him too. :)

Tess Kincaid said...

George sure is a handsome dog. And I'll have to admit Ralphie, or Ralphy, as we spelled it, is a great dog name!

tj said...

..."Kate, you could make a party out of four people and thin air." *giggle*snort*, I love that! And the thing is, it's so friggin' true! lol... ;oD

...George rocks. :o)

...Blessin's dear girl...

Leenie said...

Always enjoy the George posts!!! Thanks for sharing your friend with us.

Lady P said...

that is one awesome dog and some beautiful photos
and i love the comments you collected

Sarah said...

George is beautiful. You can see his intelligence in his eyes. I'll bet he's very in tune with you and your husband.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Awwww, George, you could easily steal my heart. Sorry, though, my guy Oscar is the jealous sort. He is a handsome guy, too...... and he knows it!

Cloudia said...

We so appreciate you lovely folks, and of course: George!

T'would be nice to see you at da Spiral of course, but the blogosphere is dauntingly BIG.

Today's post is heartfelt, and I really hope lot's of people will join me there....maybe even YOU!

I love your blog! aloha-

Comfort Spiral

Caroline said...

What great pictures. I took my dogs on an 8 hour road trip...should have taken some pics :)

Anonymous said...

George is adorable... And your husband is pretty great for giving him that pillow. :)

Anonymous said...

The greatest things about dogs is how they make us laugh and keep our hearts light during the heavy times in life.

Snappy Di
(I laugh at our dogs every single day)

Jo said...

George is the best dawg in the world -- next to Bailey, that is. :-)

I had a border collie just like George when I was about eight years old. His name was Sporty, and we all loved him. One day I slipped on some wet rocks by the river, and fell in, and Sporty grabbed me by the collar and held my head out of the water until help came along. Smart dogs, border collies!

Char said...

George is definitely the keeper isn't he? adorable

A New England Life said...

Sorry to hear about the spam Kate. I noticed they had hit you in the past too.

You gotta love a dog that travels well! My dog, Lily, travels well she just freaks out when we get there. It's too bad because I'd like to take her along more often. George obviously has a special place in your husbands heart : )

* My daughter’s life to click into place, so I can get on with mine ... boy can I relate to that one. Somedays it feels like it will be Groundhog Day forever.


Heather said...

I'm in love with your George, Kate :)

Tracy said...

Your George is a beauty...super photos! We have a cat right now, our sweet Charlie. But I love dogs, always have. Loved reading question/answer here... Happy Day! :o)

Ann Marie said...

George is gorgeous!
Our little girl goes everywhere with us.. the little Binky she is actually Binky 2. the first one passed away and it was absolutely heart breaking so I had a million cons as to why not to get another... I remember those days but now I can not picture what our life would be like without her.

Daryl said...

Ah disa . hit me too ... I dont know who said 4 people and air .. cause honey you dont even need 4 people .. you ARE the party!

Deb said...

There's something about the profile shots of George that to me, are so expressive. I often wonder, what is he thinking? Or does he simply see a squirrel or a leaf falling....

Mental P Mama said...

You could make a party out of thin air...and not even 4 people;) I cannot say another thing about George. He knows how I feel. Our relationship is a serious and complicated one;)

Anonymous said...

Ah, George. I'm not much of a dog person, but if I could have George's exact twin I would be!

Yesterday's post was fun, reading all the comments!

mom x 2 said...

Aww, George is so cute on that pillow. Our puggle, Sunshine, has her very own body pillow. She perches herself on it and sleeps there like the princess that she is :)

Unknown said...

I want to share my pillow with your dog!

Swetha said...

i think looking at your blog will make to fall in love with dogs!! He is such a cutiee!!!

Sue said...

I've said it before....I LOVE this DOG....I was driving into my sub-division on Sunday and out from between two cars ran a minature version of dear George....just a puppy but let loose to run out into the middle of the street....I was so tempted to stop and bring the little guy home where he atleast would be very well taken care of...I hate when people have a beautiful animal and doesn't watch out for it's safety....

cottage farm villa said...

I want to kiss George's sweet little sleeping face. This has to be one of my favorites, if you can actually have a favorite picture of George! xo

Anonymous said...

George is one of a kind. I love the photo of him sleeping! So cute!

Sorry about your comments! That is just wrong!

MaggieGem said...

Love to see the pix of George and his stories are always fun.

Amazing how dogs can just make things seem so right! My Maddox keeps us all filled joy each and every day.

Chocolate Cat said...

Mmm Jimmy has been known to share my hubby's pillow too!!! Beautiful photos of George once again!

Chocolate Cat said...

Mmm Jimmy has been known to share my hubby's pillow too!!! Beautiful photos of George once again!