Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cosmos in the evening and a brief intermission

I’m stepping away and taking a couple of days off from my posts here on the Chronicles blog. Oh, I’ll be back, rest assured, and until I return, I’ll be posting daily on my photo blog, A Picture A Day. No worries, k? I’m just awfully busy at the moment.

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As always, thank you for your inspiring comments. It has been wonderful having you here and sharing my photography with you. One of the nicest things I’ve heard lately is about a woman who is battling breast cancer that was led here to my site by her mother-in-law as a place to feel peaceful. That touched my heart.

Your comments to me and e-mails continue to convince me that beginning this blog was the right thing to do. (I sometimes wonder, that’s all).

And now, as Ahnold so aptly put it, “I’ll be back.” Until then, my friends . . .


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...


Time off is always a good idea...absence makes the heart grow even fonder ;0)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

That was a wonderful tribute - and I understand why she was directed here.

cottage farm villa said...

Will miss you while you take time.. we all need time and should never feel pressured to blog :) hugs & peace

Unknown said...

Love you so much and I certainly understand...time off is a good thing sometimes.

See you when you come back.

Sue said...

Don't be gone too'll be very missed...and I'm sure all your followers will agree...We are happy you started your blog!!

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

You'll be missed, but hope you come back refreshed. Time off now and again is a gift to yourself.

Tess Kincaid said...

Your spot IS peaceful and so lovely!!

Cloudia said...

You will be missed!
We will be here when you return...


Comfort Spiral

Char said...

enjoy the step away - we'll be around

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Hope your break brings you some of the peaceful feelings your site brings to your readers. I read you first everyday because you have a way of calming my day. Thank you for that and all the beautiful photos you share. Hurry back. Jeanne

Caroline said...

See you soon...I think I need a break too!

tea4too0 said...

Enjoy your time away. I really enjoy your blog, it brings a sigh of contentment to me. I especially enjoyed the video of the blue morning glory. The music was perfect

Mary said...

Enjoy your time away, Kate, Blogging can sometimes get to feeling like a responsibility, and a break can be so welcome... :)

Skogkjerring said...

Hi Kate!! Enjoy your time off from the blog world...though I doubt you'll be sitting on your laurels. Appreciate you thinking of us with your picture a will help us keep from missing you too much and yes, your photos bring a very peaceful feeling everytime I look at them!!! These were gorgeous cosmos..

Mental P Mama said...

Take care of your wonderful self;)

Daryl said...

Those silly cosmos look like they are reaching out ... maybe they are trying to lure George over ..

noble pig said...

Until you return....have fun and get it all done!

GailO said...

Such a beautiful, restful picture...Cosmos floating in the wind...Hope you are resting and relaxing as well!...xo

Another Sister said...

Cosmos are one of the many things that make me thing of Pop-pop. I will miss your blog too, but will see you on-line. And of course, I'll be checking out the photos. Love the photos. XXOO

Anonymous said...

Have a nice break! I find your blog the same. Very calming and relaxing part of my otherwise busy day!

Anonymous said...

It is peaceful and a beautiful blog to visit. Take care xx

ELK said...

enjoy the time does get busy doesnt it!?

Jeanne Walker said...

"take time for yourself...sometimes the most important things don't get put on 'the list'.
~Mary Ann Radmacher~

Woman in a Window said...

and how did you get that shot? aperature priority? full manual? a mask? I'm intrigued.

Be well on your break. Thank you for your kind words, your acceptance, and your foresight into me.

Country Girl said...

Thanks, everyone. And in answer to Erin (Woman in a Window), I shot this late afternoon with my macro lens on the auto dial, landscape setting. Rusty Cage from TRA at about 50%. Sharpened the center flower first.

~ C.G.