Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One misty moisty morning, when cloudy was the weather

I chanced to meet an old man, clothed all in leather.

He began to compliment and I began to grin.

“Well how do you do” and “how do you do” and “how do you do” again . . .

I loved reading old nursery rhymes to my boys when they were small. While working on the photos that I took early Sunday morning, that old limerick came to mind.

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Our weekend in Maryland was soggy for the most part. Friday dumped a whopping 6.5 inches from the skies. Roads were closed, creeks were running high and wild, but somehow we made it to the wedding in Philadelphia. Saturday it only rained about an inch, but it was a steady gentle rain. We’d heard that Sunday was going to be beautiful, but when we woke, it was dismal. I found the beauty in it, though.

After my coffee, I dressed and took a big plastic sheet and a blanket outside to take photos. You know, just in case I end up seeing something on the ground. From the walnuts in the first photo, these were all taken with my macro lens.

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I love how the moss and lichen stand out against the dark of the trees when it’s wet. I just think it’s beautiful.

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This little bug was quite upset that I was so close to it. It seemed to be agitated. I wanted to say “watch out ~ there’s a huge drop of water above you”, but I don’t speak bug.

When I opened up the photo in Photoshop, I saw that I’d taken a photo of a baby katydid. At least, that’s what it looks like. For the grownup version, check this photo [link] I took last year.

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A droplet of water on my sedum plant.

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More lichen, droplets of water on a blade of grass, dogwood bark, and standing under the turning leaves of the dogwood tree out back.

It’s all beautiful.

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George is beautiful too, with his frizzy fur!

The day turned into a picture postcard by late morning, as evidenced by my post below. And speaking of that . . .

I just want to say that it always surprises me no end to read your comments when I write about silly, simple things like washing and waxing my floor, or having cheese and crackers in my yard. You make my day with the things you say. And for that, I thank you. Hello to all the new faces I’m constantly seeing, and welcome to those who have been reading and following my blog all along. It feels like home when you come by.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Sugar Creek Beads said...

Oh how happy those photos made me since I am so taken with lichen. It brings up old memories of years ago when I would search the woods, scrape lichen from the bark and take it home and make dyes from it. I love to spin yarns and natural dyes make the loveliest shades. Lichen have been a special favorite. Thank you for your beautiful photos. Jeanne

rxBambi said...

I love the photo of the baby katydid, amazing! I also love the water droplet shots. And of course George because I am a dog person (although I'd say a cat person too, I just can't have one because of stepchild #4). I'm so glad you stopped by thru Willow because I think you are very talented and can't wait to see more of your photos.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Stunning photos!! Just love water droplets in photographs - wet lichen too. There are such great opportunities for shots after a rain.

Mental P Mama said...

Just beautiful. And I thought you were the one who did speak bug....

Christine said...

Don't speak bug...whah, ha, ha!

abb said...

You write with great joy, Kate.

Jayme Goffin, The Coop Keeper said...

Just found your blog...I've no idea how, just a lot of clicking around. It's so lovely! Has such a nice feel to it. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Caroline said...

Love these photos...feels like fall is right around the corner!

Leenie said...

The hazy wet weather produced a great setting for your camera skills. Good for you leaving your house to capture another post full of beautious shots. The backlit orange dogwood leaves are especially nice. I love that old poem too, although we seldom have misty moisty mornings here.

Char said...

rainy here too so I know the feeling. glad you enjoyed the wedding and I always enjoy your shots.

I also love lichen for the patterns it makes. beautiful.

Skogkjerring said...

Kate you inspire me! I have taken countless photos of moss on bark which I think is just lovely but I didn't think anyone in blog land would find it interesting- I now have reason to look over my moss photos and see if there is anything worth publishing!! Thank you for continuously inspiring the novice blogger!! :-)) Have a super day!

Anonymous said...

I am one of the people who read, but don't blog. I really enjoy reading your posts, and love your pictures. It's the first thing I look for when I get on my computer! Hope you have a great day, and keep blogging!

Heather said...

Kate, I always feel calm and peace when I visit. Your posts, such as this, make my heart smile...because you are real.

"I don't speak bug"....love it.

Continue to share your life, thoughts, moments and beautifully refreshing photos with us, please :)

Love to you.

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

You don't speak bug. Too funny.

What incredible colors. All the greens. Nature is really miraculous, isn't it?


Muhammad khabbab said...

great post. good to know you dont speak bug he he he. keep posting.

Mary said...

Oh Kate, these are all so beautiful. there is something so lovely in the thought of a quiet rainy morning... :)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Breathtaking photos!

Golden West said...

Yes, moss is great stuff. I can never not reach out an touch it. Enjoy you rain - it's been dry here since late April and we're under mandatory water rationing for the foreseeable future... Best regards.

Daryl said...

MosaicWoman! I love how prepared you were with plastic sheet and blanket ... me, I'd have ended up with wet jeans ...

Maria said...

you really can find beauty in everything if you set your mind that is what you are looking for. Beautiful photo's - all of them

JC said...

Grand Photos ...

I live in the woods with lots of moss ...

And, like your George, my Maddy Jean gets wet ...

Thanks for sharing

Donalyn said...

Is there anything nicer than a day spent taking photos? I think not...

Hilary said...

Always beautiful photos. You never fail to impress. And that George.. sigh! Perhaps he can speak bug..

GailO said...

I can only recite the nursery rhyme "One Misty Moisty Morning" to the tune sung by Maddie Prior of Steeleye Span....If you haven't heard of this British folk/rock group I think you would love them and I urge you to take a listen here...

...Your mosaics are lovely...and I am so impressed with the plastic sheet and blanket!

RURAL said...

You have made lemonade out of lemons. And of course gorgeous photos. They would make the perfect tabletop gift book.....

Great job.


Anonymous said...

I am amazed by your photographs. Truly beautiful.

CHummelKornell said...

While living in the northeaster part of Washington State, I used to gather lichen, birch bark and various moses. From those I would craft Christmas tree ornaments. (Burned a lot of fingers with the hot glue!) Always loved the final product of crafting a totally natural Christmas. Still love the woods and all of nature's bounty. Seems like you do too.

Love your blog and photographs.

shirley said...

Wonderful photos! And thanks for the comment on my blog.

noble pig said...

The rain makes everything beautiful.

Swetha said...

Photos are lovely!! And yes George is is gorgeous!You are an amazing photographer!

Jeanne Walker said...

Love all your photos...George is precious. My favorite is of the dogwood canopy. In my eyes, it looks like a beautiful piece of stained glass. If you were to put that one in your Etsy gallery, I just might have to consider buying it! Blessings to you and yours, Jeanne

Debbie said...

Amazing photos.....I love the moss and lichen. I'm glad to see others like it too. I'm glad you included George ~ what a beautiful dog....fuzzy fur and all. :)

Kay said...

I really enjoy your photography and writings......sorry it is so rainy back there...Here on the south coast of Oregon is still beautiful....but we need a good downpour badly, but not tomorrow as the community garden is holding their big stir fry of fresh harvested veggies for end of the summer....

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Only in the past few years have I been able to see beauty in the rain. It's been raining here for days--it's soggy!! Still, there isn't a hint of chill in the air yet, so I'm waiting and longing for that first fresh breath of autumn. Love the photos as usual! V.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

But that's just it...it's the silly, simply things in life that are important and which are beautiful, yet so many people seek out other things, more things, things, things, things because they think it will make them feel better, that it will make them complete.

When all along, happiness is right under their nose if only they could see it.

You not only see it, you highlight it beautifully with your pictures and your words, and even better-- you share it.

The pictures are fabulous...we have walnut trees here too, they're gorgeous.

I speak a little bug, but it involves foul language, so I won't share it here.

cottage farm villa said...

K a t e, you are too darn
funny.... "don't speak bug" ! You crack me up!

LOVE Lichen!!! It is sooooo pretty, isn't it?

ELK said...

your misty moisty is so stunning...george too!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos today Kate! I love your collages. I think I might have to do a couple now. The seasons are changing so fast.

Anonymous said...

They are so beautiful!