Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar eclipse

I did not take this photo. It was taken by John (Gianni) Raineri in 2007. But at 3:40 this morning, it’s what the moon looked like in my sky, even with the little stars.

I woke up to see the lunar eclipse on the winter solstice, a rare event, and one that will never happen again in my lifetime. But I didn’t go to the trouble of setting up the tripod. I can tell you that it’s beautiful. And so different.

I’ve been watching it for an hour now (and waiting for George to come back inside – darn dog will not come when I call him and it’s freezing out there).

Lunar Eclipse Close Up cropped

I have to be up in less than two hours because a friend is coming to meet me here and we’re leaving for NYC to visit my son. Woot! We’re also going to see my blogging buddy, Daryl. By the time you read this, I’ll be on the road and am so excited to visit the city at Christmastime. I’ll be home on Wednesday.

Hope to get some nice photos to share with you. Have a beautiful day, all!


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Jen at Cabin Fever said...

We had a very cloudy sky here in Vermont so not a bit of the eclipse was visible :(

'tis life.

Enjoy NYC!

Cabin Fever in Vermont

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

Have a great trip! The tree in rock center!!!

A New England Life said...

Darn dog is right! I hope you were finally able to wrangle George and get him inside. It sure would be nice to catch a few more winks!

Have a fabulous time in NYC! Should be quite chilly, but I imagine the decorations will be beautiful.

Mental P Mama said...

Have a wonderful trip!

judi/Gmj said...

fab, have a great time and be safe as you can with Daryl.. Hee, hee.

Gail said...

What a event...and leave it to me to miss it. I woke at 12:30 and was not aware the eclipse calling me.

I shall have to add this to my regrets list.

Enjoy your trip and have loads of holiday fun.

Deb said...

Have fun....I got up to see the moon also...

Laura~peach~ said...

wish i was heading up to see daryl and NYC with you :) have fun!!!!

Unknown said...

CG ~ Have a fabulous trip .

and the moon looks so 3D doesn't it .

Sarah said...

Have a good trip and enjoy your stay in NYC. Oh, to be there at Christmastime! Magic!

But nearly as awesome as the eclipse this morning. I didn't bother with the tripod either! Any photos I may have gotten would pale in comparison... So, I'll just enjoy the others. I feel very blessed to have witnessed this event.

A Facebook Friend said she didn't even know about it. Amazing!

shirley said...

Unfortunately, we had all clouds (with snow and freezing rain) all night, so no show for us.
Have a wonderful trip!

Linda said...

Cloudy here in SC, I did wake up to check:) Have a great time in the City!

Unknown said...

It was beautiful, and thanks for posting about it yesterday. I had forgotten about this rare event. We hauled the kids out of bed and watched it with them this morning. We're all a little out of whack this morning but it was worth it!


Ashley Sisk said...

That is incredible!

The JR said...

I didn't see it. I wanted too, but just didn't have the energy to stay up.

We had a loss and it just didn't work out to watch it....

Carolynn Anctil said...

Damn. I slept through the whole thing. Story of my life......

Enjoy your day with Daryl. So incredibly fun to meet blog buddies! Have a great time and come back with stories.

Daryl said...

I wish I had gotten up to see ... but I will see you later and that's more fun than seeing the moon ...

mrs mediocrity said...

So glad you go to see it, it was too cloudy here. Have a great trip.

Mary said...

Oh, it was a fabulous sight wasn't it? Have a safe trip. :)

GailO said...

Im hoping that as I write this you are having a most marvelous time! I knew I would never get up for the eclipse but my heart was there:) and I am enjoying everyone else's photos! The winter solstice is one of my favorite days of the year...the light is coming! We have a yule log burning in the wood stove and a glass of wine to toast the light. Happy solstice to you Kate!

Jeanne Walker said...

Cloudy here too! Your picture is 'totally' amazing! Thanks for sharing it with those of us who weren't able to view it!

To be in NYC during this time of year...priceless! I sure hope you get a whole buncha great shots of the city dressed in its holiday best and shots of happy faces! And have a great time with your friends...wish I was there too!


Anonymous said...

I totally planned to get up and watch the eclipse but slept right through it! Oh well I guess I needed the rest. Miss H did wake up and saw it and said it was beautiful!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

I tried to see it but the cloud cover kept getting thicker instead of thinner as the weather guesser had promised and I missed the whole thing!

Lili said...

So glad you got to see it Kate! Our cloud cover prevented it here. xo ~Lili