Upon seeing my car, the dog took off running, trailing the vehicle all the way up the driveway. And when I opened the door, there he was with his tongue lolling out, so happy to see me. He always thinks I’ve brought him something, so he put his feet on the front seat, looking over to what was in my packages. It was nothing really, but he was very interested in the tied-up bouquet of pink flowers lying on the passenger seat. I felt bad that I didn’t have a little present for him, after all that effort of running to the car – uphill all the way.
But he was over it within seconds. I thought I would share a few photos with you today, all of which are pretty random. I’ll start with the pink flowers ~
A gift from one of our parents today.
I love peonies.
He brings me lettuce.
The shade garden at the back of the house, taken two weekends ago.
Silly squirrel.
: : :
I heard this song on the way to work today. I didn’t write down the name of the group or the song, figuring I could just remember it.
Like that would have happened. Luckily, the radio station I listen to has a playlist I could check back on, which I just did tonight. It’s kind of a cool summer song, and I liked it.
I love this radio station, It’s based in Philadelphia and I’ve been listening to it for years.
WXPN 88.5
: : :

Damn. I hate when that happens . . .
: : :
Finished the book (11/22/63) and lent it to a co-worker. I can’t believe I read such a thick book in only a matter of days. I did like it, though. Oh, and this is one of my husband’s new favorite cam sites on the internet:
EarthCam - Statue of Liberty
I think we can see our son’s office building . . .
Until next time, my friends ~
A lovely post and photos . That was soo nice of the parent to give you such beautiful flowers , that pink is one of my fave's . Poor George he does what Miggy does every day Papa comes home from work and is more then happy to get a cuddle from Papa. Have a wonderful day !
that comic made me laugh out loud, the song made my ears happy and your pictures made my heart smile :)
So much in this post.....wow.
yes, summer has done the same thing to me.
LOL...I was all peaceful and then...the ecard. Too funny. Hi!
Thanks for sharing your day and your music.
I like this song/singer .. sort of reminded (until the strings joined in) of James McMurtry .. do you know him? You'd like.
2 sleeps!!!!!!!!
That George. I'd be broke from buying him presents.
I love peonies! Your garden is so much farther along than ours. I only just planted our lettuce and there are still seeds to be put in the ground. *sigh* It sucks to be impatient.
Very cool song. Thanks for sharing. I LOVED the picture of the peonies. The composition was just so pleasing. Really, it made me smile just looking at it.XXOO
i love walking through part of your day with you....randomly.
i'm going to have lettuce in my "i've never had one, but want one" garden...someday. and hopefully a gardener, too :)
your shady area is so pretty....do you have ferns there, too? i want ferns soooooo much. some day !!!
That is one chubby squirrel...I'm assuming you had a zoom lens? They are fast little boogers; I have a hard time capturing them.
I'm fully experiencing the summertime sneak up. At 43 it's time to admit that the metabolism just ain't what it used to be ;)
Sweet post--you really went all over the place for us today, Sparkle-girl! I love that your husband brings you lettuce, and I am so thankful that he is there and able to do it.:)
Now if he would just start cooking again--well--we can't have everything. At least you had a cook for a husband for a good while--I've never had that. Or a cowboy for a husband either. ;)
We're visting our son and our 5 an 7-yeaar-ol grandchildren..and until you've had them---you just CANNOT know how loud they can be when you have a headache from your TMJ, and and how tired you can be at night. I so admire grandparents who have taken on the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. I would do it--but I pray that I never have to do it--I got up everyday after my daughter passed away to see that my then 7-year-old grandson was cared for, and almost raised him til he was 13, when the dad's "girl-friend" took over for awhile. Then--he was suddenly 21! Wow! Talk about time flying. I wish I could slow down how fast these two are growing--you can't imagine the "secrets" I hear from my 7-year-old grandson. They're so funny, cute--and amazing!
I love your silly squirrel
'he brings me lettuce' could be the start of a country song, think about it :)
and my gigantic ass is very worried about summer, it is
Oh, I LOVE these photos today, Kate! Your beautiful flowers and garden, your husband bringing you lettuce, and that darn squirrel... all totally wonderful. Hope you have a terrific weekend. Looks like we may salvage two good days out of it here in Jersey... xoxo
I love peonies too! They always remind me of my grandmother. Less than 48 hours and I'll be seeing you! Woot!
A treat for the eyes, ears and the funny bone. Thank you.
those comics just slay me.
this one made me snort the other day: http://www.someecards.com/usercards/viewcard/MjAxMi03MmE1ZDZkZmU1N2Y3ZmUy
my peonies are just beginning to open, i love this time of year...
hope you have a fabulous long weekend!
The song is really quite soothing--isn't it? I like it. :}
I LOVE that photo of the peony. It is so amazing. Do you sell any of your prints. That is absolutely stunning!
Thank you, Michelle. I do have a site where I sell my prints. They're available on etsy:
~ C.G.
Oh the lettuce, the shade garden and the silly squirrel, I enjoyed seeing them so much! Just love the way your posts are always so comforting, with beautiful shots and they always put a smile on my face. I read that Stephen King book too in a matter of days and have to admit I really enjoyed it and I'm not really much of a reader. xo ~Lili
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