Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life is beautiful

Ok, calm down now. I know posting three times in one week is something that’s a little out of the ordinary for me right now. But there was a time in my blogging life that I wrote on a daily basis taking off only for weekends.

Speaking of weekends . . .


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Last weekend I went to Alisa’s senior thesis at the university she attends in Philadelphia. She’s studying photography.

Alisa is the granddaughter of my friends, Jeff & Karen.


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She is a great kid.

Very talented.

Very cool.


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I am not a fan of crowds. I could handle them much better when I was younger but it really gets to me now. The place was packed and full of tiny rooms. After I visited Alisa’s exhibit and looked around a little, I found a quiet place outside in a little courtyard. The wall to the back of me was full of plants and a fabulous tree that kept me dry in the rain. The other three walls were hallways with glass walls that framed the courtyard. I could sit there and people watch while the rain fell softly around me.

It was really nice.


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Then we drove to a bar to meet up with other friends who were already there to celebrate Alisa’s accomplishment. The bar was across from the Keswick Theater in Glenside.

Several women came in from the show across the street and mistook my friend, Karen, for a wild, zany woman who sat near them at the show. They had the wild and zany right and Karen just went along with playing the persona of who they thought she was. They gave us tiaras because they were so taken with Karen.


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And then she kissed everyone.

It was a fun night.



Our breakfast the next day.

Oooo lah lah.

It was so nice to have a bloody mary (or two) on a lazy Saturday morning.



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This evening, taken from the front porch.


Life is beautiful.


And that’s what I have to say about that.


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Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Yes it is.

What a wonderful weekend.

Is that sunshine in that last shot? I haven't seen that all week.

Cloudia said...

Oh thank you for the Keswick Neon! (Grew up in Philly you know) Lovely girl and nice "happy cat" - though it is usually seen in how Tats have changed! Mine were really transgressive, and were in places that could be shown or not. Now I look like a square with only single tats here and there on view - not a whole sleeve.
Another blogger recently posted photos of her niece's graduation from nursing school. I wish the girl well, but if my nurse walked into the room with a hand grenade tattooed on her neck (a pistol was also on display)I would feel a little strange about it. . . .

Crowds? No thanks (what a fuddy duddy I've become!)

LOL! Thanks for bringing us along-

ALOHA from Honolulu


JaneK said...

Yes it is.... And you have a beautiful way of finding and sharing that beauty! Glad you had a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

This post makes me happy! Dang...I love her tattoo!! And the last perfect...I'd love to just sit there for a spell. xo

Anonymous said...

This post makes me happy! Dang...I love her tattoo!! And the last perfect...I'd love to just sit there for a spell. xo

Slamdunk said...

Congrats to her success, and glad to hear that you had such a wonderful time. I am not big on crowds myself and can understand your need to find some place to just sit back and observe.

Blondie's Journal said...

How wonderful that you made the trip, I'm sure your friends were happy. I'm the same way...small rooms/big crowds. And height in theaters and concert venues (feel like I'm tumbling over!).

A Bloody Mary, Bellini or mimosa is just decadent on a weekend morning!

Love the last is indeed beautiful on days like this! :)


Bluebird49 said...

Isn't she (Alissa!)beautiful, too! You sure do hang out with some mighty fun and pretty folks, Miss Kate... tiaras and all. Wow.
I get it about the crowds! I'd rather get up on stage and play and sing with my husband and a few friends than mingle with people I know and don't know...if that makes any sense. (Seeing this is you know who--I don't imagine it makes any more sense than usual!)
Anyway, I rarely do either --mingle or entertain anymore! Probably best for everyone..except maybe for me! ;) I am becoming more of a hermit, and that's not so good. So, I'm glad to see you're out MORE!
And that exquisite color of purple/lavender/whateveritwas at the last--was just that! Exquisite! See? I told you I can't remember words anymore. sybil

Daryl said...

i have never liked crowds .. i do like what i can see of her photos .. and she's a pretty girl .. congrats to her!!

Karen said...

I don' like crowds either! Congratulations to Alisa.. and to you for this beautiful post. Seriously. Amen.

Kerri Farley said...

Yes it is - and so are your pics :)

Jeanette said...

Love that last picture! Stunning!

The JR said...

The top photo' are great. Thanks for sharing.

The last one makes me wish it was so peaceful at home like that. The gnats are horrible this year and we can't even walk around right now.

Happy weekend.

Lee Owenby said...

An adventure! We all need more of these. Love the shot of the chairs and azalea (or is that a rhododendron?).

Happy weekend Kate!

Em Parkinson said...

Well said! I know what you mean about crowds now - definitely an age thing. x

GailO said...

I am happy to see that you survived all the rain that has been in the news up here! I am no fan of crowds either...the older I get the worse it is:(

Your friends daughter is lovely and her work looks interesting...sounds like a fun filled night!

Life is beautiful indeed!

~Pam~ said...

What a wonderful weekend! Great photos as well.

Sabrina Steyling said...

Oh I adore that last photo! So beautifully peaceful...

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos ! I see you have pretty flowers already , all ours are slow this year . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

Cait O'Connor said...

Life is beautiful indeed. (I hate crowds too). Great photos.

Hilary said...

You deserve it to be very beautiful....and I am so glad for those moments that you see that it is.

beth said...

can i just say wow….what a beautiful girl…and her body art….i adore !!!

ps..i hate the word tattoos, so i say body art :)

thewiildmagnola said...

How fun this visit of yours....thank you for sharing.
great breakfast......looks so good. and tiaras....splendid.

mrs mediocrity said...

Oh, it looks like it was a beautiful weekend, for sure.

JC said...

That would have been an interesting adventure.

Kay said...

Golly, your yard is so pretty, and the chairs add so much to it. You really know how to have fun also. Keep it all going !!! Kay from Coos Bay, Oregon

thotlady said...


sharon said...

sounds like a fun filled weekend. Love the scene from the porch. Looks nice and green.

Unknown said...
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thecatalanway said...

We all love to go out and about with you but oh how much we love coming home at the end of a post and finding ourselves in the garden. George is somewhere around? Oh yes there he is lying snoozing under a bush.
Hello! I have been catching up after a wee while not reading any blogs. Not for any reason except the overwhelmingness of everyday life.
Glad to see you are well and happy andthat Spring has sprung
love Kate x