Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Oh there you are

Hello, my friends and apologies for not posting regularly. I have some things going on right now and one of them is the fact that I currently do not have internet at my house. It was my own doing and I have my reasons and they involve my son. To write and upload this post, I’m using the mobile hot spot on my phone. I looked into all of it before the Big Decision and the hotspot comes with my plan. I rarely use it but it’s nice to know that I have access. I also bought a Kindle and have been reading a lot.

Today is a snow day, only our second of the season which is pretty amazing. No snow but we certainly have a layer of ice. I was super careful walking across the patio this morning when I went to top off the bird feeders.

I keep the camera by the kitchen window in the wintertime and am sharing some images of the visitors I’ve had over the past week or so. The light in the mornings is not so great, but by the afternoon, it’s sometimes enough to make me swoon.


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I didn’t think this one was at all good, but when I began to edit it, I changed my mind,, falling in love with the soft colors and the pretty background. And of course, fat Mr. Cardinal.


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A downy woodpecker visits my suet block. This double-block is a new addition this year.


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And Mrs. Cardinal with her soft and pretty blue background here.

It is difficult sometimes to get photos through the glass and this one is a bit distorted because I’m shooting at an angle and not straight on.


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The Carolina wrens love the suet blocks.

The feeders are straight-on shots through the glass.


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This soft little house finch waits her turn for the sunflower seeds.


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The afternoon light was soft and pretty when I captured this male cardinal. I cropped him for just the head shot.

:   :   :

Today I’m going to get some laundry done and will probably make something yummy for dinner. I have reading to do and will take my buddy on a walk later on. But for now, it’s another cup of coffee for me.



My son, Matt, gave me a Kindle for Christmas this year and I had really wanted the Paperwhite. So I returned it and upgraded to what I wanted and I love it. I also needed a cover so I did some research and found one that I am really happy with. I couldn’t believe how much some of those covers sell for, but this one was only $16 from Amazon (Prime). It’s super thin, which I like. And it’s really pretty. Here’s a link:

Kindle Paperwhite Cover

I’ve read several books this past month but my favorite so far is the first of the Outlander series. I’m well into the second book and am liking that one as well, but it’s a great story.


Thanks for stopping by to visit. I don’t tell you enough how much I appreciate it.

Until next time, then ~

123 Signature[5]


Deb said...

Your photos are always so pretty, Kate. Love that Mrs. Cardinal with her beautiful colours. Deb

Tracey Grumbach said...

The outlander book is on my list as well...I've read a ton since I've gotten so ill with Lyme and have truly enjoyed the adventures the books take my mind on. Miss you, my friend!

JaneK said...

So good to see you! Been wondering how the weather is up that way with all these polar blasts! 60 yesterday, 30 today down here... No wonder my sinuses are screaming!
Have a cozy day :-)

Mersad said...

All of these bird photos are simply stunning. I love the shallow depth of fields as well as the colors and light.

Low Tide High Style said...

It's great to see a post from you. I'm always amazed at how you can get such gorgeous images through glass, it's a talent I do not possess! Enjoy your snow day, we have a 2 hour delay due to the ice.

xo Kat

Devon said...

I really enjoyed all of your pictures... they are so sweet. We don't have cardinals or wrens where I live, so a treat to see them.
I have the very first kindle... very simple and easy to read. I am reading 'Girl on a Train' now and really like it so far... her writing style reminds me of Sylvia Plath.

Latane Barton said...

Love your pictures!! Wintertime is so fascinating when you have birds (and other wild life) to watch.

I love my kindle fire. What's the difference between Kindle fire and paperwhite? Since you love to read you should hop over to my book club for bloggers site at http://springtimeinmagnolia.blogspot.com We'd love having you visit.

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos ! We have had snow falling every day for over a week now then it would become mild and it would melt a bit then it would be sunny then snow falling again we did have freezing rain the other day ! Glad your enjoying your Kindle paperwhite . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

Been looking for a good read.. will check that out!

Steph said...

I love the Outlander series! It is a great story and lots of historical references. There is now a series and so far, I am loving that too! Your pictures are so beautiful. That headshot of the cardinal is stunning.

Susan said...

Love all your birdies but the first one really speaks to me.

Stay warm and safe.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I just adore Mr Cardinal. How I wish we had them here too.

DesertHen said...

Beautiful birds, lovely light and good to see you.

Debbie From Illinois said...

Gosh, your photos are lovely, I mean it! :-)

We have lots of snow and it sure makes filling the bird feeders an adventure.

We are having internet battles at our house. My son and I love to stream movies but my husband is so fed up with paying $80.00 a month just for internet service. Grrrr, lots of arguing about it.

Enjoy your snow day!

Linda Kay said...

Kate, such beautiful birds. Good luck with your internet issues!

Lili said...

So so pretty Kate! Loving all your birdies. So glad you can still get internet through your phone, I would be lost. Yes, careful on that ice Kate, must walk upright here in June! xoxo

Michelle said...

I hope the internet situation to which you referred isn't adding a bunch of stress to your life. I have a lot in mine right now, and I wouldn't wish more on anyone. BUT – your Waterlogue recommendation has been a bright spot recently! I've posted a few of my "creations" on my blog; thank-you so much for turning me onto it! Now to go ride my horse, another bright spot....

Cloudia said...

So glad you are surrounded by such friends, and of course your buddy [ our hero]

Thanks for looking in. You are so much more than a blog-friend. You have become a real friend: Velveteen Country Girl.

Always a joy to see you. Take care. And bless you for caring for the birds.

Warm ALOHA from Honolulu

Nellie said...

Wonderful photos of the birds! They know where to come for a winter feast! xo

HappyK said...

All your bird pictures are lovely. : )

Candace said...

Lovely birds. I have a Paperwhite, too, and I love it, mostly because I can just carry it in my purse for those times I am stuck waiting somewhere.

Daryl said...

i started the Outlander series too .. read books 1 and 2 … i can also recommend The Magicians by Lev Grossman .. you will love it .. and if you havent read The Goldfinch .. another amazing read … xo

thewiildmagnola said...

you've had many visitors day. that is good.
i enjoyed the birds and snow and soft lights....

have a wonderful rest of winter.....

Chrissykat said...

Your birds have become my birds as I've seen barely a handful over the year & half since we moved. I miss them....a lot. I just finished The Book Thief (love love loved it) & I'm just starting Orphan Train. So far, so good!

sharon said...

love those cardinals. Their color is so beautiful. I like your Kindle cover. I saw that one and thought it was gorgeous. Happy readings in this cold weather.

thotlady said...

Outlander series is so good. I am finished with them all and wait with baited breath for the next one.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh, your birdie shots make me swoon :)
What a beautiful cover too!!

Deborah said...
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Deborah said...

Love your photos! I've put up two bird feeders in the stable. I actually bought them for my balcony, but that turned out to be too much of a mess, on top of pigions turning up. So the stable it is.

I'm sorry you still haven't changed your settings, now you've found the spam-thing, so you can have non-google comments.

Anyway I hope you have a lovely Valentinesday and evening.

Regards Deborah

Lisa Gordon said...

Kate, these photographs are wonderful, but I think the first one is absolutely gorgeous. I love the wonderful softness.

Have a great weekend!

Gail said...

Great to see your wonderful photos.

I have been away too.

beth said...

hey sweet girl….
i've been such a bad blogger while away, but hopefully i'll get back on track soon…..

as always…thinking of you so very often!!!

Bluebird49 said...

Missing more bird, George and Kate posts! Hope you aren't frozen up there--(like our pipes did...because they burst.) Not fun. Not at all. Too, to expensive!