I've been sick since nearly the beginning of the month and was diagnosed with bronchitis last week. Today is the first day that I actually feel almost "better". I'm trying not to overdo it, although George would love to have me back in form much faster than I'm able. But he is a patient pet.

We had some snow and still have a nice layer of it on the ground here. I've been keeping the feeders filled, which sometimes sucked the life out of me, but it's good to see the birds. They have been good company and an inspiration for my camera lens.
I often post my bird photos on Facebook. It's easy to do and doesn't involve writing a lengthy post here in blogland.
I like this one. Pretty colors, too.
I use a lot of Florabella actions when I edit. The bokeh is a texture layer I added.
The suet cakes are rock hard.
This morning, it's 9 degrees here and feels like -3.
We had several flocks of red-winged blackbirds that came through here, eating me out of house and home as far as seed was concerned. But everyone's got to eat, right?
Even the squirrels.
Today I'm going to venture out to the grocery store.
Down the long driveway.
I plan on roasting a chicken for dinner tonight.
I love the smell of roast chicken on a cold winter afternoon, don't you?
What a beautiful week we've had (although I was too sick to enjoy it).
At least I could sit by the window and be entertained.
Thank you for stopping by to visit me here today.
To better days, then ~
Love your wintry photographs. Do wish we had cardinals here, they are such beautiful birds. Hope you are soon 100% fit again.
As always I am in awe of your wonderful talent. Fantastic pictures.
Heal quickly.
Have a very blessed rest of the month.
Do miss you. Hope you are better soon and thank you for feeding the creatures during such tough times.
Hello, Lovely your pretty birds and images. I hope you feel better soon. Take care! Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!
WOW oh Wow! as much as I LOVE your Bird pics....and I DO LOVE them ... that "down the long driveway" pic may be my favorite of yours. Ever. It ...Is.... Amazing!
Sorry to hear you have been sick , hope you get better soon . Wonderful photos .Yes our birdies have been feasting like mad on the feeders to and I have been filling them every day , it is cold here to -4F Feeling like -11F with snow on the ground as we finally got our winter but the sun is shining today and that makes it that much better and I am also watching our birdies from my windows ! Thanks for sharing , take care, until next time have a good week .
You truly live in a Heaven Kate! I could look at your photos forever. I love seeing the birds in your area and to see so the lovely lay of the land there.
I hope you continue to get better and feel back to normal very soon.
Thank-you for your post; your photos always treat and inspire. Guess I'm going to have to follow you on FB so I can see them more often!
Omg, that photo bomb one should go viral!! The cardinal is like "wtf"! And the bomber is all "Tawooooonnnnndaaaa!" you took my spot :-)
We share the redwing blackbirds, and recovery! Please take care of yourself.
Love that last image....
Oh, I have missed your blog so much. Have been without internet for many months now, my dear mac packed it in. Since then, I was gifted a laptop AND since I am visiting a friend with internet service AND it was -35C this morning ... my poor car probably won't start until spring .. it was the perfect chance to catch up. I am so glad to see you are still out there in blog-land. Your photographs bring me such joy, esp the cardinals, but that's another story.
Stay well, keep feeding our feathered friends,
Sorry you have been sick. I have been too and just getting over my bronchitis. I am on antibiotics but essential oils helped soothe my bronchials a bit I think. The birds are so pretty and so is the snow. Happy Valentines.
I was sick all the way to Georgia, and for the week after I got there. Ended up at urgent care, sinus infection, bronchitis, coughing so hard my ribs hurt. I am better now, but what a rotten ailment. Hope you are better soon, too.
Hi Kate
I was wondering yesterday how your winter was going. Now I know.
Hope you are feeling much better, very soon.
I should get my act together and send you some 'get-well' bird pics.
Ms Soup
i hope the doctor gave you a Zpack and told you to drink lots of water (and hot tea) and rest ... xo
Glad you're feeling better and glad I can see your photos on FB.
Kate, lovely photos as usual. :-) Hope you feel better soon. My husband and I are enjoying Florida for a few weeks, it feels good to escape the frozen land of Illinois for awhile.
Lovely to see you here today, and also your photos! I'm so sorry you have been ill. Not that you are, but I was a smoker until 1994 when I quit, and I used to get a lot of colds, coughs and bronchitis every year. Even had pneumonia once.... I asked my doctor about getting a pneumonia shot which he gave me and I have never had even a cold since. Not sure it would work for you, but if you have not ever had a pneumonia shot you may want to check into it.... xox So glad you are now feeling better...
Lovely images as always. Hi to George.
Beautiful photos! I hope you feel better soon!
Sorry you've been feeling poorly, but relieved to hear from you!! Can we hold you to the once-a-month promise? xox
Hi Kate! So long since I visited a blog, let alone posted since my mum went into a care home and I've been selling her house and doing lots of other time consuming stuff. So, instead of blogging, I've been posting on Instagram. I vaguely remember you talking about posting there but I can't find you. Are you still doing it and, if so, how do I find you?? Much love Em x PS - gorgeous photos!
Good evening, Kate. It's been far too long since I've visited blog land. I hope this message finds you well. Seems everyone is sick lately.
So glad you are still photographing the birds. I honestly can't remember the last picture I took. Yours are lovely! Thank you for reminding me too fill the bird feeder ;)
~ Sharon
wonderful photos Kate..
especially the last two!
sorry to hear you have been unwell,
bronchitis, ugh.
Glad to hear you are on the mend! Love your bird photos.
you never fail to prove to me that you are the bird whisperer!!!! so beautiful!!!
Absolutely love your photos and the snow makes your beautiful place even more so. Sorry you've been poorly - I so know the feeling as I was myself from 4th. November til 4th. of January. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Hope to see somtehing from you again fairly soon.
I'm sorry you've been sick. I hope you're feeling better now. I just went through a lengthy battle with a sinus infection and the resulting side effects of antibiotics so I feel your pain. Take care!
gorgeous winter pics. Hope you are feeling better. spring has arrived in Oklahoma and we are loving it! Have a great day!
Spring has sprung! Come out a play with us! (missing you)
You do what you can, when you can and live your life deeply and well. Appalachian spring is here, for which I am very grateful. Sun shine, weeds amongst the flower bulbs...it's all good.
What gorgeous photos!
Kay, I have missed you yes and I have missed reading a lot of blogs. I'm bad. I so love the photos as usual. Sorry you had been sick but hope by now you are feeling better.
I love the smell of roast chicken too. Ummmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it.
Have a good day.
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