Yes, I know that's not a real word, but perhaps it should be. If the definition of bucolic is
of or characteristics to shepherds or flocks, pastoral, then I'm addicted to it. The pastoral thing.
I don't think bucoholism runs in my family or anything, and maybe there are others out there such as myself. I think we need to admit our addictions and face them.

I've had one of those days, you see. And I swore I'd never post about things that trouble me and I still won't. But when I have one of those days, I'll tell you how I cope.
What I do when I get like this is: I walk in the pastoral setting in which I live. It's probably why I've always chosen places like this to live. Today, however, I can't really walk, nor can I gaze out my windows because there's a thunderstorm brewing out there right now. So I go through my pictures and maybe work on some of them in Photoshop. And suddenly, I'm feeling better. I don't mind having this addiction. And furthermore, I'm not ashamed of it. I could be addicted to far worse, you know.
So many of you have written comments and e-mails asking how my recovery is going with the knee. I'll tell you that I'm walking much better and I can bend it really well now. I took my last pain pill on Monday evening and although I really miss the recreational drug use, I found I could live without them. Besides, I don't think these pain pills are good for me.
I sti

ll use my EB Ice machine in the evenings for a couple hours. Today, though, I almost forgot I had a bum knee. I was doing way too much, not putting it up, trying to accomplish everything at work (as we've been so busy all week) and about 2 pm it all hit me. I had to hobble down to the health suite and get a motrin from the school nurse. I wanted to cry because it's not just the knee, it's all this other stuff in my life. I told someone I know it's like a big 'ol bag of crap. Not very ladylike, and you know I'm always very demure. (Now that's a big 'ol bag of crap!)
And this is when my bucoholism comes into play.
Now I'm no doctor, nor do I play one on TV. But I know how to deal with my own stress. And it's in these pictures.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by
Kacey's blog and voted for their favorite Photo of the Month. It's not too late to vote and please don't vote for mine. Unless you really like it. There's a lot of good entries this month.
And to all you budding photographers out there, take pictures this month. And enter the next contest when Kacey posts it. It's fun!
I hope your knee is better soon .I can understand the pain. I have Fibromyalgia and it hurts too, and no one believes you ! You look normal to them.They can not see pain, therefore it does not exist.I will keep you in my prayers. Doris
I'm so glad to see your post. And glad to hear how you are feeling. Remember to take it easy and rest. :)
I don't know what other stresses you are dealing with but know that I'll be praying for you.
And I'm right there with ya in "bucoholism". I get my release through photography and reading books. :)
Well, glad the knee is better, sorry you over did it! Slow down woman! Sorry life is dumping crap on you now. It does it sometimes. I get lost in messing with photos when I'm stressed too!
I think I'll steal your word. Bucoholic. It's a very good word!
Hang in there.
There is nothing I love more than making up new words - I am in awe of this one. And your photo is waaaay out in front - congrats! Did you see my crocus pics this morning? I think spring is finally making it's way to NY!
Your photographs are beautiful. You live in a gorgeous place, and summer is coming. That is something to look forward to!
I hope you knee is feeling better soon.
I think I'm a buchoholic too! I love all that is pastoral. It put me in a different mood. Glad the knee is coming along, it's hard to be kept down!!!!!1
I know it can't be easy, but I think you're doing the right thing. Some people need to take the hard path for a while before they see the light. Lordy, has that been true for me. Hopefully that will be the case here.
I applaud your ability to escape in a positive way and lift your spirits. Sending happy thoughts and good vibes your way!
Argh... blogger ate my first reply!
Such lovely blossoms! I can nearly smell them. (Let's hope they aren't Japanese pear blossoms which smell like dead fish since they are pollinated by flies. And yes, I learned that the hard way!)
I must be a bucoholic, too. I need my nature fixes, even when living in a big city as I am now.
Here's wishing you a lovely day. :)
Kate, those photos are gorgeous! Somehow it doesn't seem right that we get to benefit (see such lovely pics) when you are feeling crappy. Take it easy -- hope everything conspires to make you feel better soon. :)
Mary, it's fine and I'm much better now! Everyone should benefit from pretty pictures so I have no problem with that.
Mental Mosiac, good to see you back. I'd been checking your site for a new post.
Thanks for all the good vibes you've been sending my way. It's good.
...I'm glad to hear that you are doing okay. And I'm glad to hear that you are bucholic and not an alcoholic or a shoppaholic or a...well, you get the picture! lol... ;o) I'm bucholic too. I love pastoral, picturesque settings and surroundings. I have to have it or I think I would wither up and die. Yeah, it's that important...
...Beautiful photos too by the way!
...Take care!
...Blessings... :o)
So glad you are feeling so good, and if anyone tries an intervention on you bucoholicism, I will beat them up!
Beautiful pictures as aways!
Big, big hug!!! Love term "bucoholicism"...thanks for the words last night, you are my hero and I am not going to be scared!
Just popping over from Humble Origins site to say hello. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. I really enjoyed looking at them. I understand your need for a Pastoral life! There is nothing like beautiful scenery to soothe the soul.
Oh and I noticed that your first commenter, Doris, has Fibromyalgia. I just wanted to let her know that I have it also, and so I understand what she is going through. It is so important to find support and others who know what it is like to live with an invisible illness.
Be well,
Glad to hear your knee is mending and there's less pain, but, as others said.....take it easy and don't overdo it!
The blossom photos are perfect for this spring day!
As for all the other stuff in your life, my grandma used to say, "Don't fret; it'll all come out in the wash."
Take care and thanks for being such an encouragement to other photographers!!....and others in general!
Welcome, Doris and Debra W. I'm so glad you stopped by. Looks like you have something in common and I hope you can get to talk to each other. I know 2 people with fibromyalgia and they both feel the same way.
Take care.
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