George is doing really well, with no side effects from his recent surgery. And the good thing is that he’s not humping my leg anymore.
Today, we each took him for a bike ride/run. My husband went first, before I got home and said they were out 45 minutes. When I came home, I took him out for a half hour. He jogs right next to the bike, and we live on roads that are rarely used by the public. The only people you’ll see go by are farm workers.

Even after the runs, George is still rarin’ to go. During dinner, he squeaked his squeaky toy practically the whole time, as if to say “I’m ready to play some more.” So, after dinner, some more fetch games and then I took these pictures of him.
Right now, he’s sitting on the back deck, quietly looking at the deer grazing in the paddock below the house. Such is the life of George.

As an aside, I am really missing visiting all your beautiful blogs. With the time-out that WildBlue Internet has me on, my access speed is choked so far back that even getting on to my own blog to post is difficult. I’m still writing in a word document and then pasting it into blogger when I can get on. Usually I have no idea what it will look like until I get to work where the real internet is: Comcast. I’m trying to be patient. Reallly, I am. So, when I can, while I’m on my lunch break, I visit 3 or 4 blogs during the day. But I miss you all, and July 2 can’t come quick enough. Oh, yeah. July 2 is supposedly the day when my time out ends. We’ll see.
Have a nice Wednesday, everyone.
Beautiful pictures of Gorgeous George! I'm glad he did okay post-op. Visit when you can!
Peace - D
I was needing a George fix! Thanks and hurry back!
Happy to hear that George is doing well. Also I know you are happy as well. LOL.
Glad to hear all went well with George... he's beautiful!
Happy Wednesday to you! :)
I, for one, canNOT wait for your time out to end!
Cute George pictures though!!!
According to the F.A.P. you should resume normal speeds when you fall below 70% of your usage limit. What are you at now? I hit 80% last week and got the dreaded warning email. So I cut back for a few days and am at 75%. That was the highest I've ever been.
I'm just impressed that you've been able to post every day. It will be great when you're back to normal speeds.
Great pics. I have just fallen in love with George!
Oh, George is such a handsome fellow! I'm glad he is none the worse for his surgery, and is rarin' to go.
great photos of George, he should be a professional dog model. and love the last one best of all with that bit of tongue peeking out!
It's just not fair that you're on a time-out! Hope July 2 is a miracle day for you1
Aw, he's beautiful. Whadda dawg. :-)
We're looking forward to you coming back on line - full time!
George is so darn cute and I am glad to hear your time out is almost up. This is so much worse than the time outs I give my grandkids when naughty. A minute per year of age...gosh that must make you really old (har har),
He reminds me so much of my Lou. Partly because they are the same colors, but also the look in his eyes.
I wish I had had Lou "fixed", maybe then he wouldn't have gone running off, and then maybe he would still be alive. I sure do miss him.
Such nice, clear shots of George!
Your internet provider sounds like the mean parent who grounded you for a minor infraction.
George is such a great dog. And so pretty. I love looking at pictures of him. He just looks so content.
WildBlue sucks. I've been back commenting on a couple of weeks worth of posts I've missed and left a rather nasty comment in response to the "satellite provider" who commented on your rant. I had to.
I love George he is so pretty!
I have my new dog on my blog right now. Her name is Sumatra.
I'm going to post one for our newest addition Luke. In a couple days. (I have to get some pictures of him first) All together we have 4 dogs right now.
He is "gogeous George" ! Wow! We've raised BC's in the past, own 3 now. Nothing beats a great BC ! Do you show or Trial him?
(hope this doesn't duplicate..Blogger issues...)
Hi, WOW factor. Good to see you here. No, we don't show or Trial George. Don't have the time and we've never been into it, really. We work him on the frisbee and jumping and he loves all that. Thanks for stopping by!
~ C.G.
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