Monday, September 28, 2009

A look into my house

This morning I sat in this, our living room here in the manor house that my husband and I are caretaking. And I came to a decision after looking around me and realizing how dusty and dirty this room had become.

It was time to clean this room, really clean it. And so began a mini marathon cleaning session that left these couple of rooms gleaming and me very tired.

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A psychologist would have a field day with me and my cleaning issues, but I don’t care. We’re all crazy, is what I figure. Some more than others, for sure.

After I was done and showered, I decided to take some photos of my now-clean digs. The photo above looks towards the front door by my favorite seat, the loveseat. That’s my laptop on the right edge. And a toy at the top of George’s toy box that sits at the other edge.

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Look closely at this picture. Do you see anything amiss? Look again.

Can’t see it?

It’s the arm of the couch that’s missing. This is half of a sectional that no matter how we arranged the furniture, would not fit in this room attached to each other.

George thinks this is his jumping couch, and it is I guess. It’s why I keep that cover on it.

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I like the letter K. It’s kool. And kooky. But it looks like it means business. It’s also the first letter of my name. That’s the top of a bottle of Kendall chardonnay on the left there that my husband and I shared this afternoon.

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I cleaned the foyer, too. This is an Agraria reed diffuser in mission fig scent. I like how it smells and I bought it here [link].

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I keep the diffuser in here because the kitty litter box is down by the back stairs there. But you’d never know it.

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The dingy front door that I swear some day I am going to paint. When we moved here, there was no storm glass in this door, so the weather beat in on it unmercifully. The sun did a number of on it as well.

I created a mosaic using some of these photos for Mosaic Monday, hosted by my friend, Mary. It’s on my other blog, A Picture A Day.

Have a beautiful week, my friends . . .


Mary said...

I have always seen those reed diffusers and wondered if they really work. I just love that green room, with those marvelous bookcases... and how nice to see a little peek at you, too! :)

Have a great week, Kate!

Unknown said...

You have an amazing sense of style. I love everything about these photos...I can feel how much you love life.

Pony Girl said...

I love the green walls/bookcases. Was it already painted like that when you moved in?

Reddirt Woman said...

I love your 'loveseat'... I have been there and done that with a sectional that I loved and kept around until I wore it out. And I know about getting on a house cleaning tear. When I start on it everyone stays out of my way and I don't clean halfway when I get into it.

rxBambi said...

I love your house. It's so beautiful, and I love the green bookcases.
Thanks for letting us in...

Donalyn said...

I cleaned the fish tank today. There are fish in there - a fact we suspected and can now confirm. :)

Love that house - so much history attached I am sure.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

"We’re all crazy, is what I figure. Some more than others, for sure."

That really made me laugh, because I resemble that remark, for sure.

Your house is beautiful.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Love, love, love your house Kate!
Who you calling crazy Willis =)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful place to hang your hat. And... I, too, like the letter "K". I like the door weathered...I'm always trying to get that look if it's not already naturally there.

Leenie said...

I thought what was missing was George on the couch. I was right. I love the shot of you with your Nikon. My Nikon is my favorite toy.

Good for you and your clean freak habits. I just went through all the cupboards in my kitchen. It makes the guys crazy when I get in one of those moods but I like the final reduction of clutter and grunge.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Oh my! This is a lovely post. Cleaning is so therapeutic. I love that couch. Looks like it was made for the space.

Linda said...

What a beautiful home to be caring for. I love it. Thanks fro letting me peak inside.

Char said...

hello friend - we were on a house cleaning frenzy too this morning before the party. it smelled so clean and fresh and the party was a great success.

loved your shots - your home looks warm and cozy

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the letter K as well, especially on top of a wine bottle
; )

tj said...

...You are an awesome decorator and an awesome person. Period. :o)

...God love ya girl! ;o)

Sue said...

Hi Kate...Oh I love the painted green bookcases and all the painted molding..what a pretty shade of green...the house is cozy..

Egghead said...

Can I come to your house. I don't want to clean so maybe I can enjoy yours now. Love the green bookcase.

Anonymous said...

I skipped what is written but Yes, Neat & Well administered peaceful house - The pictures speaks a lot.
Cheers !!!

Marsha said...

Your home is so charming and comfortable. Thanks for the invitation. Enjoyed my visit. Have a wonderful week!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

beautiful place I love love love the shelves and the fact that you are like me... i do marathon cleanings and love when i am done but the do a bit daily just exhausts my mind heart and body.... you have a beautiful place :)

Jill of All Trades said...

What a great place. Love the pic's.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Makes me want to come over and visit.

Debbie said...

Your home is lovely. I love the color in the "green" room. And I notice you have many photos on your shelves...I love to go into homes that have lots of photos on display. Makes it feel like home to me.

Mental P Mama said...

What a beautiful place!

Ellen said...

Love your home. I can feel the love in it.

CarlaHR said...

Lovely house - like so many others I too have cleaning issues. I was sure that when I retired my home would be spotless - well that's not what happened. So now I too have days when I look around me and can't stand it any longer so a cleaning frenzy ensues while my husband tries to find a spot to hide in. Doesn't it feel good when it is done though?

Tess Kincaid said...

That shade of green your woodwork is painted is just delightful. Love it. (didn't notice the missing arm at all) :^)

The Weaver of Grass said...

It is so nice, Kate, to look round a house in US - your ways of furnishing and presenting are so different from ours. Over the years i have seen so many American houses - it is just fascinating to see inside. More please.

Robin Ripley said...

Lovely place!

(Can't stop here for long. Must go back and read the many posts I've missed. Hope you're well!)


Anonymous said...

I love the way my house feels when it is clean, although it never last long around here with my three girls and two dogs :)

Michelle said...

Thank you for the peek into your old house. I love old houses and live in one myself. Your is gorgeous! Love the bookcases.

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

I love your home - so warm, cozy and inviting. Lovely touches of you everywhere :)

noble pig said...

Such lovely cabinetry and it's so cozy looking. Thanks for letting us in!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh, can I? May I? Please let me come clean. Talk about cleaning issues.... I LOVE TO CLEAN!!! I'm compulsive about clean and order. Too bad we couldn't get together, we'd balance each other out to normal...maybe? LOL :o)

Have a wonderful day, God Bless!!!

cottage farm villa said...

I love the letter "K" too! YOU are right it is kool!!!

What do you think about the letter "C" ? Classy? Cute? Crazy?

Have a beautiful week Ms. K a t e

cottage farm villa said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, that the first thing I noticed in the picture was George's two headed toy!!!!

GailO said...

Cleaning can be very cathartic...I know I always rest so much better if the room I am in is nice and clean...unfortunately that doesn't happen all that often:) Love the mosaic!

Lisa said...

Beautiful Kate. Im loving this tour.