Thursday, April 29, 2010

Early morning sparrow

This is what my world looked like out my bedroom window early Sunday morning. I woke to the rain gently falling. It’s such a nice sound to wake up to sometimes.

It was warm enough to have had the windows open through the night and I walked over and looked out. There were birds all over the dogwood tree and at the feeder. I had an idea and raised the screen all the way up which, of course, made the birds all fly away. But I knew they’d be back.

Then I went downstairs to get coffee. I love coffee. Love how it smells, how it tastes with a bit of half & half, love the warmth of the mug in my hands . . . love.

And by the time I headed back upstairs, over 10 minutes had gone by and I was prepared with my camera and a couple of lenses.

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The birds had begun to come back to the tree.

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However, the only clear shot I could get was this little white-throated sparrow who was waiting his turn at the feeder.

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Oh, why hello there.

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I love Sunday mornings.


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Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby.  ~Langston Hughes


The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.  ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella.  ~Terri Guillemets


Weather forecast for tonight:  dark.  ~George Carlin


Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Anonymous said...

I can just about smell the dew on the grass! Lovely!

beth said...

rain, birds and george it !

Jen at Cabin Fever said...

I love waking up to rain too. Still, the best sound ever is hearing the big heavy snowflakes falling. You can actually hear them if you have your window open a crack when its snowing.

...I always have to have our windows cracked in the winter when I overheat the house with the wood stove.

Glad you found a moment of peace and serenity! Hang onto it :)

Holly said...

lovely, I also totally enjoy my coffee. My morning coffee is MY time. What good picture of a tiny bird!

rxBambi said...

Great photos! I especially love the 3rd one with the green bokeh in the front and the wonderful tilt of the birds head. Looks like a wonderful morning. Great quotes too!

Chrissykat said...

Your white-throats are adorable. I get white-crowns in my yard in winter. I love having a yard full of birds & oh how I LOVE the rain.

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain." ~unknown~

Hilary said...

I love that little sparrow. It makes me want to kiss that little yellow spot on his head.

Andi said...

I have been trying to catch some of my birds at the feeder. The beautiful cardinal just seems to knooowww! :) I did capture a falcon with fresh pray sitting on our swing set at lunch time. That was pretty cool!
I love the smell of sleeping with the windows open when there is a light rain.

Char said...

beautiful rainy day shots - just beautiful

Kathleen Stoltzfus said...

Love the colors and composition of the last image.

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Great shots on a Sunday Morning..
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

What a perfect Sunday morning :)

Steph said...

I know I'm a lucky girl but that's kind of how all of my mornings start. I'm a little bit obsessed with the birds outside our windows. The very first thing I do when I come down stairs is look out the different windows to see who's on the feeders. I keep my camera on the table ready to go and most mornings shoot 8 or 10 shots before I've even had a cup of coffee. They're not all great but I love trying. Especially when the sun is shining but also on rainy days as well. Love the water droplets on the leaves. Love love love my 300mm's my favorite for the birds. Sorry to gab on and on's just nice to hear someone else enjoy "shooting" the birds as much as I do. :)

Mary Lou said...

THEN, the George Carlin quote. LOL..

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Adore these photographs ... Of course, I've not yet seen a photo of yours that I do not like!

Marla said...

Perfect pictures... I too adore Sunday mornings, especially when it's raining. :)

Marla @

Cheryl said...

How pleasant, love the last pic.

GailO said...

Perfect shots, perfect quotes, and sounds like a perfect Sunday morning:)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

It is nothing short of amazing to me that the bird's colors mimic the tree up to and including the little sprig of yellow.

The Terri G. saying about the umbrella is such a good one, and so very, very true.

wv: metsequo. Visitors to the Tidewater area were so overcome they couldn't pronounce nor spell the name of the vixen which overcame them: the dreaded metsequo.

Julie Harward said...

I love rain..I love to just be in the house and sit near a window and watch it. I also love to drive in the rain...there is just something magical about rain! Come say hi sometime :D

Jayne said...

I agree Kate... is there anything more wonderful than that first cup of coffee on a Sunday morning? :c)

BB said...

What a contrast to the snow photos of your red cardinals!! You should put them side-by-side - aren't the seasons and the birds amazing?

Gorgeous as always...

PS Thanks for the encouragement and support at my new place. ♥

Mental P Mama said...

Now I feel all easy like Sunday Morning....

Karen said...

Since I have lost alot of my hearing, one of the sounds I miss the most is falling rain. But there is still the smell of everything newly cleansed by the rains, and the moist night air...

Deb said...

such a cute bird...great peaceful...

Unknown said...

Just lovely. You can almsot smell the wet grass.


Gayle said...

Great quotes! Beyond zebra photos, wow! Enjoy your Thursday!

Daryl said...

Thanks for adding Mr Carlin ... sweet little bird .. lovely fleur

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

such peace.

Nurse Nancy said...

You captured the true sense of what Sunday morning should be.

abb said...

I love the little patches of yellow on that lovely bird. Your bedroom window certainly looks out on a beautiful world!

A New England Life said...

I'm not so sure I was thrilled with the rain but Sunday mornings are a nice time to relax. Of course I'd rather do it in the sun on the back deck with a cup o' coffee ; )

That George Carlin, he had it right on the money. LOL!

The JR said...

Sometimes I pray for rain so that we can slow down, relax and get some rest!

Anonymous said...

Oh how George Carlin always made me laugh. His quotes are just too funny.

Waking up to rain, even if it's in the middle of the night is almost as good as wrapping myself in a warm blanket. It JUST feels good!


Carolynn Anctil said...

Thank you for this post today. It speaks to a part of me that needs to be gentle. I'm going to swipe a few of your quotes, too. *grin*

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! I love how you can take pictures of the birds from upstairs.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I love them too except when you have to shoot 100 kids in that misty yucky mess! Otherwise, I am good ;0)

Mary said...

Omigosh, love it! I especially love that you can weave sweet little birds and George Carlin into the same post! :)

Cloudia said...

you bewitch us!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

Gail said...

You know I think your photos are so amazing. Stunning, Beautiful, captivating, fantastic, I've used them all and I am going to have to find some more words or keep repeating myself.

A Scattering said...

I've never seen a white-throated sparrow. Isn't it lovely!?

mrs mediocrity said...

Great shots, sparrows get on my nerves sometimes because they chase away the bluebirds and my tree swallows, but you made him look so cute, I guess I will have to forgive them...