Monday, June 28, 2010

Going green, memories of Maine

I noticed in my vacation photo files that I have several photos that are green and wanted to share them with you today. We’ve been lacking for rain lately and it’s good to see these.

It’s late as I write this and I’m in my oasis room where I plan on sleeping tonight. The temps have been in the high 90’s and twice got to 100 this past week. Today we saw it had climbed to 92 in the breakfast nook.

I am so glad my husband picked up this window AC unit and put it in our living room!

And now for the green.

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For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. ~Martin Luther

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It was springtime in Maine and it was beautiful. I have been home exactly one week today and am already thinking of the next time we can go.

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Long, sparkling aisles of steel-stemmed trees Bending to counterfeit a breeze. ~James R. Russell

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I’ve never before seen orange dandelions.

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This is what the leaves looked like every morning when I woke up . . .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for playing along on my Q&A this weekend. I’ve responded to everyone who has their e-mail set up and I always love reading these.

I found myself laughing out loud at this answer to the question ‘How many relatives do you have named Bob?’

No relatives, but I only marry Bobs. I am on my second.

Thanks for the giggle, Mrs. Mediocrity. And thanks to everyone who played along this week. Hope your Monday is a pleasant one.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


mrs mediocrity said...

Ha ha, I just came to catch up on my blog reading and there I was!'s true though. And whooeee, it is hot, isn't it!

Hilary said...

well, there is a lot to be said for that...if you just marry Bobs, you don't have to worry about using the wrong name at the wrong time.....actually any time would probably be a bad time!!

Jen at Cabin Fever said...

Those orange dandelions I believe are called "Indian paint brushes". They come in the colors red, orange, and yellow. We have them all over up here in Vermont. They color your skin pretty well too (I'm not going to lie.. I tested out how valid the name was once before)

Hope in a Basket said...

Devils Paintbrush

east coster

Low Tide High Style said...

These pictures are a welcome sight considering my yard is now looking a lot like the Sahara!

Enjoy your AC!

Kat :)

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

We hit the 90's here in CA today (we went from a high of 58 on Wednesday to 95 today) my body can't take it!

Char said...

gorgeous shots. it has been hotter than anything here - i can't imagine living without a/c

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

Several 100 degree days here in Missisippi...with about 100% humidity. Reading your post reminded me that my sprinklers were still on my garden beds!! Whew!! That would have been a water bill to match my electric bill...our thermostat is on 75 and the thing NEVER shuts off!

Chrissykat said...

1. Your green photos are fab.

2. Living w/o AC is NOT an option, period.

3. I busted a gut at mrs mediocrity's answer as well!

ELK said...

the greens just relaxed me instantly ..I know the aroma must have been amazing KATE

Ann On and On... said...

I agree, reading the comments left on my blog crack me up. It is so special that people take time out of their day to say something to me.

I Heart your photos!

abb said...

I've only married George's - men not dogs - see you SOON!

JacksDad said...

Yep, I had never seen orange dandelions either! I think Duncan is right!

Jayne said...

It's so green and lush along with the hot that I am willing to concede some humidity just to see everything so happy!

A New England Life said...

Thank goodness hubby finally put the a/c in! It's supposed to be 90 hear today. We have heavy fog this morning.

We called those Indian Paintbrushes and I haven't seen that color in years. The yellow, yes. Orange, no.

Lovin' that green!

Gail said...

Wonderful shots of water, something about water just makes my soul complete.

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh thank you, green is my favorite color. Might have to look at these again when there is snow on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Lovely green photos! makes me feel like I am right there in Maine!

BB said...

I love me some verde too... been away so playing late for your QandA.

1. When is your usual bedtime? About 2 hours after what I intend it to be! (Like now, 11pm instead on 9. Typical.)

2. In the past month, what was your biggest OOPS? Leaving my handbag at home when going to A) a fundraiser, and then B) town. Luckily IOUs work well in the bush!

3. How many relatives do you have named “Bob”. One. American. Not my favourite uncle. No longer with us.

4. Tea, or coffee, or juice in the morning? COFFEE, coffee and more coffee.

5. Right now, I hear my Great Dane pacing around waiting to be let out for a wee. It's so cold it may freeze mid-air. (Did you need that mental image?)


beth said... is good !
and our humidity is gone, finally !

have a great week !

Mental P Mama said...

Beautiful...hope this heat breaks soon. And that Bob thing was funny;)

Tess Kincaid said...

92 in the breakfast nook? That's a tad warm. Whew! Strangely enough, only one dearly departed Uncle Bob on the husband's side.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Gorgeous. You know, I think Maine would be a great location for a blog gathering. Of course anywhere is a great location for a blog gathering, but Maine really would be awesome.

Love the green!

The JR said...

Great pictures. It's very hot here.

Daryl said...

another scorcher here today ... so seeing all your green was a pleasant relief ...

Anonymous said...

Green is good... We need rain here in Roanoke before things go brown. Only 87 here as I write this, but feels much hotter for some reason.


Sue said...

heading towards 100 here today too...horrible heat..I would give anything to be up in Maine...We just got back from Martha's Vineyard where ofcourse the weather turned beautiful the last day we were there...I came back and actually need a vacation..

Meg McCormick said...

Those greens would make a gorgeous collage!

GailO said...

Hot and muggy here in RI too...will insist that my Bob puts the AC in the bedroom window tonight...but looking at these luscious greens did help me to cool off...

Unknown said...

I love love these green shots.
and the fact that I found you again..geez.

love your sprinkler rigging. that's brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics. We call those orange dandelions knapweed here in leafy Warwickshire.