Monday, June 14, 2010

A Sunday in Maine

I’m writing this from the vacation cottage where my husband and I are spending a week on the coast of Maine. We stuck close to the house today, going kayaking in the morning and then taking a walk and exploring the area around the house and the shoreline.

There’s a small selection of books here and we spent some time sitting in the deck chairs reading. I’m reading Lobster Rolls & Blueberry Pie, by Rebecca Charles and Deborah DiClementi. It’s full of some wonderful recipes and a great family history.

We sighted fog southeast of us and watched as it slowly made its way to the house, chilling the air. My husband started a fire in the big stone fireplace in the living room. It’s spring here and the yard is full of buttercups and dandelions.

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This week, I’ll be taking landscape photographs . . .

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. . . and macro shots.

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And of course, you’ll hear all about George’s adventures.

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I’ll tell you a little about the house . . .

. . . and about this book I found here.

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Ok. I didn’t really find the book here, I created it using Photoshop; but I think it’s pretty funny. I’m sure my husband’s family will think I’ve gone off the deep end.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


FireLight said...

You have the just put all your GEORGE posts in it! Instant best seller I would say! Have fun!

Alli said...

That is such a fantastic idea for a photobook! I bet George had a lot of fun out on the water!

Michelle said...

If Carl the Rottweiller can have his own series of books, why not George?

Chrissykat said...

What a lovely little spot you've found there. The last photo of George & Hubs kayaking is just too friggin' cute, I just love it! And for the record, who isn't just a little off the deep end? :D
Can't wait to see more...

Gail said...

I am sure many Border Collie lovers would enjoy this book. You may have something there.

I am glad George got to come and I am sure he is delighted.


Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Kate:
Oh, my goodness! Your landscapes are wonderful. Makes me want to visit Maine! Hope you and your husband and George have a great week. Looking forward to more photos and adventure stories.

Betty said...

A book about George would be a great thing to do. You could make it a children's book and George could tell all about his life and his people.
Love Hugs and Good Thoughts♥♥♥

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I totally bought the book idea. You could so write that book for real.

Love you. Have a fabulous vacation!

Julie Harward said...

I LOVE the book you created and I can't wait to hear about your week there! :D

Mental P Mama said...


Carol Mattingly said...

Hey Country Girl in summer 2008 I spent a week on Deer Isle. I stayed at an inn. If you get a chance ask the locals how to get to Sunset Cove and Burnt Cove. They're both gorgeous. Especially Burnt Cove. You'll see some photos I took on my blog, carolmattinglyphotographyblogspot. Carol

Michelle said...

I have to agree....a George photobook would be a hit. I am in love with him.

Low Tide High Style said...

Wonderful photos, and I would buy that book!!

Our BC hate going out in the kayak...oh well!

Kat :)

Char said...

i've always thought that texture looked like a book cover. :)

gorgeous shots, especially that first one

Karen said...

You know, seriously, why can't this be a book? Too bad you don't know a photographer who could document it for you :-)

Sharmon Davidson said...

You know what's going to happen now, don't you? People are going to demand that you actually write the book about George's kayaking adventures. Personally, I would buy it for sure!

Speaking of books about border collies, have you read any of Jon Katz books, such as "A Good Dog", "The Dogs of Bedlam Farm', "A Dog Year", etc.? I really enjoyed them.

I love both photos, but the first is especially gorgeous! Looks like a beautiful place; now I have to add Maine to my list of places to visit. Let's see, that brings the list up to 15,582 now...

Donna S. said...

Oh yea!!! I feel like I am on vacation again!!! Looking so forward to the photos. Hope the cabin is everything you want it to be!! Want to hear all about it, too!! Have fun....relax!!!!

Jill of All Trades said...

The flowers...awesome. Love the book. Love it.

JC said...

Love the book cover ...

deborah said...

Love the pictures, can't wait for more-
Sign me up for a copy of the book by George! He looks as if he is enjoying vacation as much as you are!
The cover is fabulous

GailO said...

Oh Kate these photos are so great!....The lupines are are so lucky that they are still blooming...and I love that bright colorful shot of the house interior...well done!

BB said...

And George's fan club goes WILD!!!! You are far too clever...

Adore your holiday snaps. Axel would just adore to be taken on holidays. Sadly most Aussie places anywhere near us aren't big on dogs visiting too!!

Hilary said...

Each one of these photos are just gorgeous. And I think that George Goes Kayaking could be more popular than Lassie Come Home. ;)

altar ego said...

Ah, the lupine. I adore those lovely spires in such luscious colors. Much too hot in my climate for them, and these days it's much too hot for me!

Love the book! The picture is wonderful and I can only imagine the stories that George would tell. Seriously. There's a goldmine there.

Reanaclaire said...

Hi..first time coming by.. awesome pictures here.. a real photobook!

Barb T. said...

When will you make it to Acadia? What is your first planned hike? I am envious and can't wait to see more photos.
Have fun!!!!

A New England Life said...

As I'm looking at the picture of George I'm thinking he looks a little fuzzy from the humidity. LOL!

I hope things are going well and your having a nice time, Kate. Just being in such a beautiful, peaceful place has to be joyous.

Kathy said...

What a great place! Glad you found it. I'll keep an eye out for George's book when it hits town and I'll be sure to scoop it up and send it to you so he can autograph it for me! You say deep end?

Unknown said...

FUN~ I am so glad to read that you are taking some time to have fun! good for you both! smiles.

Nurse Nancy said...

Now that you have the cover of the book, the rest is easy.....If you ever need a ghost writer, I would be happy to oblige!

Mary said...

Omigosh, I'm loving all your photos already! And I think you've got a great idea for a book there... even if you were just goofing around!

ACORN said...


Peppermint Ph.D. said...

can't wait to see more of all of it!! I've never been to Maine, but it's on my list :)

Daryl said...

Awesome ... I bet George will want his own Kayak next year

Kerri Farley said...

Oh I just love the shot of George and your hubby! That one is a treasure! I'm so happy for you that you are having a wonderful time Kate! You deserve it!!

ELK said...

you look as if you are enjoying an idyllic ALMOST gt me with the book ;))))

Anonymous said...

A fab place to spend a vacation. Is George loving it as much as you two are? A fire in June? NICE!


alphabet soup said...

George goes Kayaking - will there be a television series too? What a hoot!!
As for the deep end, I'm sure that thought has crossed the in-laws mind before today but they would be far too polite to actually remark on it!!

Ms Soup

Sweetpea said...

oh lookie there at that kayak picture...George is STILL searching for squirrels!

Give it up, George, you're on VACATION. geesh.

Love the book idea, CG, hope we'll all get to see it.

Sweetpea said...

oh lookie there at that kayak picture...George is STILL searching for squirrels.

Give it up, George - you're on VACATION.

Love the book idea, CG, hope we'll all get to see it!

Fallon Shay said...

I love this book. Very clever...I think I might have to try this with my cat. If I send it to my Grandma she will totally believe it's a real book ;o)

mrs mediocrity said...

Ha, ha, yes you should totally complete that book!

Misty DawnS said...

Oh my gosh!!! These photos are absolutely OUTSTANDING!!! (and I really am in love with George. I think he should be my Maggie May's boyfriend. Just sayin')

Anonymous said...

Love the book cover shot! Have a greta time!

prashant said...

Instant best seller I would say! Have fun!
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The JR said...

You probably could sell those books!

Great photos. Still catching up from being out a few days.

abb said...

I do think your family's heart lives in Maine. All the photos are just wonderful!