Sunday, November 28, 2010

Because I want to ~ a Giveaway for you

Because I love you, and because I’ve reached another milestone in my blogging (ahem) career, I’m hosting a Giveaway. The winner will be selected randomly at and first prize will a standout print of your choice.

Second and third place will each receive an 8 x 12 or an 8 x 10 print of their choice. Each prize will be shipped directly from the online lab to your home.

A standout print is an excellent way to decorate in your home, as it can be moved from place to place or hung directly on a wall.

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Here, you can see three of them on my mantle. I labeled them because those other framed prints are also there. I move the standouts around the house all the time.

The two on the end are both 8 x 12 standout prints and the tulip standout is an 8 x 10. I always choose the black trim vs. the white offered because I think it looks better.

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Prints are mounted on 1 1/2-inch thick Gatorfoam. On the back, there are four holes drilled, one in each corner. I think it would be easier to use an adhesive wall mount sticker for the back, however.


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This is one of my favorites. It also makes a nice addition to holiday decorating which I’ll be starting soon.


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That last print in the frame is my dragonfly. You might wonder why I have a photo of a bug in a frame on my mantle.

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It’s because I like looking at it.

This is a 4 x 6 print in a frame I found at WalMart.

Ok, let’s get to the nitty gritty here with the Giveaway.

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1. You need to be a follower of this blog.

This is not a blatant attempt to attract more followers. If you want to follow in order to enter the contest, fine. If you already follow, more power to ya.

2. You need to visit my etsy site.

It’s the one place where all the choices are stored together.

3. You then need to answer this question:

If you win, which of the photos would you choose to have mounted on a Standout Print?

And most importantly, make sure I can link to you to contact you. I can’t stress this enough. I need to be able to e-mail you or link to your blog. See THIS POST if you’re still not sure.


The giveaway will continue until this Wednesday, December 1 at 6 PM (EST). Winner will be announced some time that evening.

So which do you choose?

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Hummingbird in silhouette is one of my favorites! Love it!

xomecha at gmail dot com

wayne15575 said...

I would defiantly enjoy " Daisy in texture". Beautiful.

I know you have my e-mail address. Is there anything I have missed ?

Thanks again for the opportunity to win one of our fabulous captures.

RottenMom said...

So hard to pick a favorite, but I love Female Cardinal 3!

If I should be so lucky, you can contact me via my blog.

Have a beautiful week!

Michelle said...

I would choose Female Cardinal - 3 as well; so beautiful, and we don't have cardinals here. Thanks for the chance to have one of your wonderful prints in my home, Kate!

Heather said...

Kate, you've inspired me to do this with some of my own. I've just begun my own gallery, and have yet to upload some of my favorite photos but when I do, I think I'm going to have to collect a few of my prints. What a great idea! Why I don't print out anything, I can't say - laziness, probably...I don't know. I end up returning to my computer a half dozen {or many more} times, daily, just to see some of my favorite shots. Loopy, I think...plain old loopy.

Anyway...As much as I LOVE George, I would choose Female Cardinal 3 :)

I've been an admirer of your photos for a long time, Kate....even though I don't comment as often as I used to, I still fly through your updates ♥

meeyeehere said...

OH my gosh,You took these picks?? They are so awesome! I am around very talented and well known photographers all the time and I must say you have something!Very talented indeed.One of my dearest friends does pics for some news papers,mags. and some very big weddings and I can tell you these are very eye pleasing!
I like Tree in Silhouette so much.
I am now following you as rachel crisman

Megs said...

Oooo... They're all so pretty! But I LOVE "Female Cardinal -3." Beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

I'd have to do Female Cardinal 3 also. There's just something so tender and vibrant and hopeful in that picture. I can't explain it. It just glows.


Thanks for the chance at winning something extraordinary!

Snap said...

Oh, goodness. Decisions, decisions!!! I love the cardinal in the snowstorm, but then there is George at the Gate, and the wonderful sea shell .... I'll stick with the cardinal!!!! Perfect for the season and I do love cardinals. I am a follower .. yeehaw!!!!

Sharmon Davidson said...

How generous of you, Kate! Wow, it's tough to decide, but I'm going to go against the flow (go figure!) and choose Female Cardinal-1.

Ashley Sisk said...

This is an incredible giveaway...and yes, you are quite generous. I obviously follow...

I'm a bit curious about the print shop you use. Seeing how I'm considering starting my own Etsy shop, I need help finding the best print shop for my dollar so I can keep prices reasonable but also make a profit. favorite - I love Singular. I would love to have that!

Elizabeth said...

Hi there...what a great contest! If I won, I'd choose Bell Tower.

click on my name to get to my blog...crossingmy fingers that I win - if so, the address is

thanks for doing this - your photos are fabulous!

Melissa@Little Log House Chronicles said...

This is very generous and I love all the photos so it was very hard to choose but I narrowed it down to Singular or Bell Tower. So I guess it will be Bell Tower! That was hard.
Thank you very much.

A Scattering said...

Being a huge George fan, my pick is "George at the Gate" - it's sweet. Just in case my link doesn't work I'm at

Fingers crossed! Have a great week Kate. Elaine

Hilary said...

George at the Gate....hands down.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Kate:
I don't want you to include me in your drawing, as I've been a fortunate winner of your images in the past and don't want to be greedy. Give another a chance to own your fabulous works.

I did want to say again how much I enjoy your writings and your images. You always manage to bring a smile to my face.

Ellen said...

That male cardinal in the snow is just too beautiful for words.

Congrats on your milestone.

mrs mediocrity said...

It is so hard to pick....but I love singing for his supper. Thank you for the chance to win!

Gail said...

You just can't make it easy, can you?? I have looked and looked and love every thing.

I can only narrow it to three...Tree In Silhouette, Lilac Bud or Soft. When I win, I will have to tell you then!

I also love the Dragonfly...see, still can't make up my mind.

Gayle said...

Ooooooooo, standout print 8x12, bright red cardinal. I covet it every time I see it, We have no cardinals in CA and I love them so. Your photos are so beautiful.

Laura~peach~ said...

ok i am so torn i love the queen annes lace... and love the dragonfly and i do believe i have the tree in sihouette... but still totally love it and of course george and the cat... oh my and the last hurrah!
love you!

KateF said...

This is my first post but I've been following your blog for months (maybe more than a year now!)

I would love to win the cardinal print.

Annette W. said...

I would choose Turkey Point Lighthouse.

First, I was drawn to the tree, but then I realized what it was...where it was...and some friends from Arkansas visited us this month and we went special memories, too.

You are so generous!

Liz said...

Gosh Kate, could you not just choose one and say that's it..? You sure make it hard but I would have to choose 'Dragonfly in Texture' just because I love it so...
Thanks for the chance to win..

Alli said...

The lilac bud photo is my favorite (and has been for a while!). I love the soft colors in nature. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway Kate!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Yellow Boat.

And congratulations on 700 followers!

Low Tide High Style said...

Congratulations on reaching another milestone!

Since I already own several of your beautiful prints I won't enter the contest. But just in case you were wondering I would have to pick the cardinal in the snowstorm! ;-)

Have a great week!

Kat :)

Jan said...

I love Cardinal During Snowstorm! They're all wonderful and it's too hard to decide. Thanks for the chance to win one; I've definitely got to have some of these!

Anonymous said...

I love trees in a mist.

Deb said...

that is a tough all the cardinals and the are so sweet to have a give away.....

Unknown said...

The female cardinal is so so pretty, siple and pretty.



Jeanette said...

Tree in silhouette, definitely.

His Song to Sing said...

Big fan of your blog and would love to own a print, Country Girl!

My fave is the Queen Anne's Lace2. Love the pristine white against the blue and brown in the background. It would look beautiful in my home!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Kirsten said...

I love Country Girl! Thanks for your blog. I really enjoy reading it!

It is very hard to choose, but I must settle on the Cardinal During Snowstorm. It is just so gorgeous!



Lili said...

"Cardinal in a Snowstorm"
is perfect for this time of year! But so is "George at the Gate". I love the "Fleur de Lis" too that is amazing and my fav symbol! Also love the one of the gull at Schoodic. Oh heck, I really just love your photography Kate! Congrats on reaching another milestone, this is such a lovely giveaway. xo ~Lili

deborah said...

I'm a follower!
So hard to pick, they are all outstanding..but I chose 'Female Cardinal 3'. I like the way she has her head cocked to the side:)

JacksDad said...

I think they are all wonderful. Does that count? :)

Jen at Cabin Fever said...

You know I'm a follower :)

Love your Etsy site.
I think I would have to choose either "singular" or the "daisy in texture". If I actually win it will be a tough decision!

Clare Tea said...

i'm a gfc follower.. and i love beauty on the roadside. So beautiful!

le.paradis.found at gmail dot com

PatchworkRose said...

I always like to get a daily Fix of Kate :-) My Favourite print would have to be the seagull. I do live by the beach :-) Second and a close second at that is the dragonfly.
Love all your work though

Sarah said...

Thanks for the give-away fun!

I would choose female cardinal 3.
The subtle but bright colors are wonderful. And I am a mama...

Seashell is beautiful, so contemplative.

Nurse Nancy said...

I would choose the tulips. I already have the cardinal and have it on the mantle all winter. The tulips would be nice for the spring.

Rocky Mountain Yankee said...

I love them all but my favorite would be "cardinal in a snowstorm." It would look lovely on my mantle this time of year ;-)

Sarah said...

I would just love to have any of these lovely prints for my home, but if pressed for just one, I'd have to say Beauty by the Roadside! Perfect!

maillady said...

i'm a singular girl. i too know you have my e-mail address. hope all is well. ttyl. peg

LivewithFlair said...

I love "Singing for His Supper." For some reason, I feel like that bird, singing out, as a writer, mother, teacher, wife.... It's beautiful.

LivewithFlair said...

Quick question: I "follow" you through my RSS feed. Does that count? Do I have to sign up in a different way? Thanks!

Karen said...

I'm not entering, since I already have my four absolute favorites :-) However, just wanted to tell you, you're such a good soul. That's it. :-)

The JR said...

All your pictures are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I would have to select the 'Cardinal During Snowstorm' since I know it's one that my husband would enjoy. He's a big fan of the birds especially during the winter months. AND, cardinals just look so great in the snow, don't they?

Thanks for this opportunity!

Simply Me said...

How wonderful! I so enjoy your photography! It brightens my day. If I win I wouldlike to have female cardinal 1 as my standout print. She is captured so graciously as she atempts to figure you out. I just love this photo. You can reach me at , I love following your blog.

Unknown said...

I'd pick Female Cardinal-3!

All of your pictures are beautiful!

Mary Ann said...
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Mary Ann said...

I think I would pick cardinal in snowstorm. I love the red against the white! They are all beautiful. It's hard to choose.

Andi said...

Vibrant sunflower vibrant sunflower! :) The belltower always tempts me too. I am so happy for you to reach another milestone! Congrats!

The Single Nester said...

I am a sucker for a red cardinal against that pure white snow. Or the Turkey Lighthouse is sweet too.

sharon said...

Do you see what happens when your home computer goes down. I miss all of the news. Love your other post. I like the Bell Tower picture. Love buildings, what can I say!

Ann On and On... said...

I am a faithful follower...amerskine at hotmail dot com

GailO said...

You know how long I have been a follower...but perhaps you don't know how hard it is for me to make decisions! Many, many times I just don't buy anything because I can't decide which one to buy:(

If I had to choose one photo today it would be Female Cardinal #3...I am surprized at how many others chose the same one...I guess my tastes are not as different as I sometimes think:)

Thank you for this opportunity!

Unknown said...

Do you know you will be my first follow??
Seriously, would so love Cardinal in Snowstorm,

thank you for your generous heart.

Carolynn Anctil said...

Oh...I really want that cardinal. Have wanted it ever since you first shared it here. I follow you, but I'm not a card carrying member of the Country Girl team, so I'll just cheer the others on from the sidelines.

I like the standout format. Will definitely treat myself to one of those soon.


Donna S. said...

So hard to make a decision. Probably cardinal in snowstorm. Love so many of them.

tea4too0 said...

It is so hard to choose. They all spoke to me. I really like Tree in Silhouette. Im pretty sure you have my email, but here it is,

Marilyn said...

Hi Kate
I admire your photos. I also love the one of George at the gate but I just recently travelled through Virginia and was hoping to purchase a little cardinal bird statue for my windowsill but was unable to find one. Your photo of Cardinal during snowstorm would be wonderful to own and a pleasant reminder of my travels in the US.
Have a great week.

Chrissykat said...

Yay, giveaway milestone! Congrats to you. My choice is Daisies in Autumn...I'm a sucker for daisies, they make me smile (something I've done little of the past few weeks).

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Wow, so hard to choose but, Cardinal in a Snowstorm or George at the gate. I am also a follower. Thanks for such a great give away!!

Mental P Mama said...

Hi. Cardinal for me. Thanks;)

Debb said...

I am a follower... I looked at all your photos on etsy and my all time favorite is the 8x12 cardinal... maybe because this was my mother's favorite bird or because it's the holidays and it looks so festive... thanks

debbebennett at yahoo dot com

Vickie said...

I LOVE your cardinal. That would be my favorite! Actually, the dragonfly is awesome (but it's not in the contest!) Maybe next time...

And I've been a follower for a long time!

Enter me in your contest!!!

Genna said...

OK, although choosing just one is hard, I think I like singular. I would like to enter the contest and I hope I win! :)

Beth said...

Tough choice, but I have to say I have been in love with Cardinal during Snowstorm for a long time.
Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Kate, I love your cardinal! ...and I also love that you have a photo of a bug on your mantle instead of children....that would be my choice of decor too...smiles.

Tiggeriffic said...

I like George at the gate..
What a beautiful picture..

Daryl said...

Yesterday I was very sick and did not even go into the living room .. well lets just say after I exploded and slammed the bedroom door I didnt go into the livingroom .. note to self if you storm off, storm off with something like an iPhone and its charger ...

Anonymous said...

I think female cardinal #3. Everything is beautiful on your site!

Giselle said...

It's a difficult task to choose one favourite. I guess it would be 'Cardinal During Snowstorm". I look at it and it brings a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing.

My e-mail address is

Dawn Gross said...

There are several that I would love, but I think my favorite is Upsidedown.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

My favourite, always has been and always will be, George at the gate. Snow, winter light and George. It doesn't get any better than that.

And that's a pretty nice frame you picked up at Wal-Mart. I think your selections are better at WM than they are here in the near North. I've looked for that squirrel toy you picked up for George without much luck.


Unknown said...

I am a follower and love your work. After spending a lot of time at your Etsy I have three favorites, the Daisy's, George at the gate, and the Female Cardinal.

If I am not the lucky winner I know what I am asking for as a Christmas gift :)


Rebecca Lewis said...

Hello Kate, just out and about tonight and thought I'd stop by this evening to see what's new. Your texture work on your most recent post is beautiful.
I always enjoy reading your writings and love your work.
What a treat to discover your giveaway. To answer your question about which image I would choose...well as difficult as it is to pick only one, I simply adore your Queen Anne's Lace-1.
Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity. Enjoy the rest of your week ~ Rebecca

BB said...

Ooh - have I slid in, in time? I love all your shots, but decided on one I couldn't possibly see over here: The Female Cardinal 3. It's gorgeous.

I am of course a Follower... and a Believer.

Dawning Inspiration said...

So hard to choose!! Though I adore Female Cardinal 1 - that little look with the side turned face... priceless and such an amazing capture!

I'm a follower - long time...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Ann Marie said...

the dragon fly!!!!! I have been obsessed with them lately.. love love love the dragon fly in texture.

Miss you and George

Jill of All Trades said...

Woo Hoo! I'm having a giveaway too for my 1,000 post! Come on by. I love the cardinal in the storm but I also love George at the gate and the snow but probably fav is the cardinal! Wonderful. Carla (ebby43 at aol dot com)

Anonymous said...

I already follow you, lucky me, I've loved your etsy store for a long time.
I love the female cardinals, number 3 to be exact. thanks for the give away
peace n abundance

Anonymous said...
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Southwest Cottage Designs said...

The beautiful female cardinal would be my choice. I'm a new follower and really like your beautiful photos on Etsy. Angi