One of my favorite things to do on a beautiful weekend day is to sit outside with my zoom lens and try to capture photos of birds.
I love feeling the sun on my skin while I listen to their little chatter and the fluttering of wings, while the little birds swoop to perching places or to glean some seed from the feeders.
Sometimes I have a book with me but yesterday, it was just me and the camera and a cup of tea.
Ok. It was a glass of chardonnay. But the tea sounded much more proper, didn’t it?
I’ve always wanted to be proper . . .
Above we have a tufted titmouse.
We all know what this is. Cardinals are rather shy, I think.
These photos aren’t all that, really. I was sitting as close as I could to the feeder without spooking the birds, but it still isn’t close enough and my Nikon 70-300mm lens was fully extended to take these shots.
A female . . .
and a male house finch enjoying a beautiful day in our backyard.
I believe my husband’s got the right idea here with this shot he took today. He cleaned the windows of the breakfast nook and took this with the Quantaray 70-300mm lens, which he prefers over the Nikon. (I think if he had used the Nikon, the photo would have been sharper).
:: ~ ::
It’s not too late to enter my Giveaway. It will run until Wednesday, December 1 at 6 pm.
Thanks for coming by. Hope you have a great day.
Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

Beautiful! And yes - getting a chance to photograph those cardinals is real difficult. They seem to be very shy birds. You got the pic! ATB!
WOW, that cardinal shot is better than any I've caught so far. I suck at bird-pic taking, to be quite frank. I believe it has something to do with patience, of which I have little.
No, no... the chardonay sounds better. Really.
You are awesome. And proper.
lovely, and i would so go for the chardonnay at that point, tea is for breakfast
What a lovely interlude here with your bird shots!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Oh my goodness! I can't believe you are lucky enough to have birds like that right in your yard!!!
I have to look at them in a bird book!
The cardinal has to be one of my favorites!!!!!
Oh I wish I could have just an afternoon there to see them for real...but your pictures are the next best thing!
Thank you!!
Thanks for sharing your lovely bird photos! It's always teatime somewhere!
I'm sorry to say, but I really don't know which of you is the better photographer. Every time you post one of your husband's photos, it's good enough to be your own! :)
it's good to have steady hands. beautiful shots.
chardonnay is the ONLY way to bird watch ;) these are just stunning kate
Beautiful shots! One of my favorite things to do also is to sit outside waiting for the birds that come to the feeders so I can capture them on my camera. It's so relaxing!
Great photos, Kate. The closeup is wonderful considering it was through glass. That always seems to flatten them some, but this one is wonderful.
What beautiful shots of all of the birds!!! And that cardinal shot your husband took is very cool!
Kat :)
Congrats on making it into PWs 5th group. We are in it together!
Oh, you know the birdies are my favorites!! Your hubby got a great close up of the cardinal - and your shots were GREAT too!!
Beautiful. And proper. Very proper.
(Corn fields notwithstanding and all.)
I think Cardinals are is hard to get a good shot with my camera...
being proper is sooooo over-rated :)
Beautiful, gorgeous, tasty. Love them all.
I had a glass of wine with dinner last night...woke me up in the middle of the night and I never got back to sleep *yawn* Does that mean I'm old...?
All of the pictures are wonderful!
I was going to ask if you took your bird photos through a window or not...Looks like a little bit of both!...and I like the shot throught the window as much as the others...a nod to the Mr:)
Which hand did you hold the wine glass in I'm wondering?:)
I love the cardinal in the winter picture on branch......I hope I win
Looks amazingly sharp to me ... I wouldnt mind sitting out with a long lens and a glass of Malbec .. I wouldnt mind sitting out with a glass of Malbec ...
Beautiful photos .I do the same thing just sit as close to the feeders as I can and just snap, snap, snap, and I do have a cup of tea lol I dont drink, I like it but it dont like me lets say lol. Have a great day !
Love the blue sky behind the cardinal.
*sigh* just wonderful...
Congrats on PW listing this week! Clever gal..
Amazing shots... what a place you live in!!
Thanks for taking us along w/you to spot the birds.
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