I am not one of those people who takes their blog very seriously. If I did, for one thing, I would hope that it would look at lot better than this. I barely have time for it as it is, let alone the time to visit everyone who is kind enough to come here and visit me. Maybe it’s my Catholic upbringing, but I sometimes feel a lot of guilt over this.
And then I have to force myself to let it go. I just cannot do it all.
Today I had this song in my head. I had no idea who the artist was and ended up having to Google the lyrics to find out. (God, I love Google). Tonight after my walk, I decided to create yet another video to share with you from photos I took along the way this afternoon and a few assorted others.
I do what I can and I yam what I yam. And I truly love having you come visit.
Here’s Ingrid Michaelson singing The Way I Am. Hope you like.

Ingrid Michaelson is one of my favorite artists! Her voice is perfect for your pictures. :) They all look great!
Well, thank you Ally.
Kate, I love your site and your (and your husbands) photos. Don't feel guilty. I never expect you to comment on my comment. You have a full time job! And a house and a husband and a LIFE! Don't worry about us. We'll always be around. Stalkers are like that:)
Nicely done, Kate.
You have a gorgeous blog and boat loads of talent. If this is what you produce with no time I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like if you did this full-time. It's already perfect.
Just the way it is.
I can SO relate to your guilt - having done 12 years of Catholic School myself. In any event, your pictures are wonderful and the song fits perfectly. I wish I could blog more, too, but with a full-time job and many animals, I just try to do the best I can and let the chips fall where they may.
Wow! That is REALLY NICE. I have been gone from the blogging world for a while but this pretty much blew me away.
I really enjoy the black and white and sepia images. I liked the photograph of George in front of the dresser.
The image of the night and moon are really nice as is the maple tree in full color.
Ken Burns step aside! Very, very nice.
Take care.
Aw, thanks all. Nice to see you again, Russell.
Well done Kate... As a blog hobbyist you're doing a fine job, keep it up!
While I'm not a daily visitor, I keep coming back for more... so you must be doing something right! Forget the guilt, nobody benefits from it!
Loved it....nice job.
And I concur......I don't always answer everyone either......I have to sleep, after all....and life is busy....please don't feel guilty.
If you won't, I won't.
love the pics... all of them... cant hear the song sound card is gone from the puter... someday though i will have another one and will get to hear things again:)
love and hugs.
I love your blog - have never commented. You seem to have a lot of love in your life. I wish I had that. Anyway, my daughter played that song at her wedding 2 years ago. I had never heard it. It made me cry that day. And now when I hear it again I cry again - in a good way - THANKS.
Really, really lovely song and photos. Loved the rich oranges as the first few frames. Loved the little wren butt and of course, gorgeous eyed George...
Great minds, I almost did a post on this very topic tonight, because I too feel guilty when I can't respond to my comments!
Loved the video and all of your wonderful pictures! No response necessary! ;-)
Kat :)
i love ingrid and i love this song....it's been on my ipod forever and it still does something to me when i hear it :)
No guilt, Kate, no guilt.
Perfect song for a wonderful slide show! Your blog is great:) and you yam what you am...always remember that!
You never have to reply, I enjoy the way you share your photos and your days
Funny...this song was in my head today too! I love this one, along with most of Ingrid Michaelson's songs.
Enjoyed that very much, CG!
Luved the hubs at the clothesline :>]]
"Hi George!"
I like that song too. It's perky & quirky - just my style. I love google and the internet in general. So much information available for the asking.
Actually, if you were to ask me, I would tell you that I think you have a fantastic blog and I feel that you've got it all goin' on. I can't keep up with you. I don't know how to do a quarter of what you do - videos included. That was a great little collection of images. My favourite was the sepia shot of George. Great shot of the moon, too.
I enjoyed this so very much and how uplifting.
Have a blessed night
Oh how I enjoyed this!
I think my favorite had to be the Clothesline Captures!!!!
Thank you!!!!
Remarkable video Kate. I love each and every shot. Wayne
Oh Kate, you do such a wonderful job and we are so lucky to visit here every day and come away with a moment of beauty or laughter or companionship to add to our daily lives...
I love that song, and your images compliment it perfectly!
That was beautiful!
Thats life, sometimes ya have the time and sometimes ya dont! I am retired and still have trouble finding the time or something to write about, not every day is full of creativity ! Just go with the flow ! Great post though. Have a good day ! And no ya dont have to post about it either lol
Nice! Does A know there's more than the back of his head in this?
It's hard to keep up with my blog some days too!
You keep doing your blog and we'll keep checking in. Love today's post. Now I'm all mellow...
Kate! please remember what they say about a clean house......the sign of a wasted life.....smiles....
We all have lives...we have obligations....jobs....friends and family....this blog is an outlet, please don't turn it into an obligation.....we love you just the way you are!
Always in admiration,
Oh a new artist! You point me in so many wonderful directions. And I love your blog, just the way it is. Perfect. Love those photos. And the video. You can do anything! Please do not ever feel as if you have to email me to keep me coming back here everyday.
That was a beautiful video and pics.
Ooooh, I love this. It confirms my theory that we need a great soundtrack to our lives! A great song. www.livewithflair.blogspot.com
Love that song. Love your blog. Love you.
I actually own this cd because I liked this song so much...
...it works well with all your photos!
I do like it, and I love that dog.
I love your blog, your dog, your old house and all of your photos. Always have ....
Loved the video! Agree with you on the guilt and I didn't go to Catholic school. I wish I could keep up with all the blogs I follow but there just aren't enough hours in the day to visit each one every day. If I get to everyone twice a week I feel lucky.
Thank you for the visit! Sometimes I feel like I am barely hanging on to the blogging thing too. I still want to, but the time thing is getting to me. Blogging requires time. And I have some Catholic guilt about it too.
Hugs! Miss you!
You've been tagged!
Come and see!
Deborah xo
yes, isn't google a remarkable tool?
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
How Beautiful!
I love you just the way you are. :) Never ever feel the need to apologize for blogging your style, or not blogging....
nice song
great blog
awesome pictures!:D
Awesome pictures perfectly matched to this beautiful song!
How beautiful and wonderful all rolled into one:-)
Your blog is one my favorites and I love it - just the way it is!
"man's reach should exceed his grasp ~ or what's a heaven for?"
Your aspirations are appreciated but your blog is wonderful as is. don't sweat the small stuff, honey. Don't sweat the big stuff either. :) The blog, the photos, and the content are just right. We appreciate you.
Love the photos....love the song. It made me smile at a moment I didn't think I had one in me. (One of those mornings, but it's afternoon so all is well.)
LOVE - sorry, didn't mean to yell - the video. It just gave me a perfect lift for the middle of a chore filled Saturday. Thanks Kate!
Hey, girl! As always, you are the real deal! And this is wonderful!
Another wonderful post, Country Girl. If only I could have a blog as lovely as yours. Evidently not taking it very seriously is working very well for you. Love the video ... your pictures with one of my favorite artists is a real gift!
Just lovely. Perfect for my Sunday morning.
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