We lost power for just over 26 hours and it’s eerie you know, when there’s no power and you live in a place that’s just a little isolated. We had no way of knowing anything about storm damage to our local area, or to anywhere other than the texts I got from people I know. And aside from just a few fixable problems, all is well here at our place. We had several large branches that fell from the big black walnut trees in the west yard, as well as the gutter system that was ripped from the roof of the east side of the house. So no real worries.
Staking the garden helped too.
As I’m writing this, all this damage has been cleaned up by my husband.
And it’s still raining, but gently. A bit windy, too with some good gusting every now and then.
My husband likes to keep busy.
I offered to help clean up the mess, but he probably knew that my heart wasn’t really in it.
I would have gladly helped, and gotten out of my pajamas, though.
Ok, maybe not gladly, but I would have.
When there’s no power, and things seem a little eerie, there’s nothing more comforting than a hot cup of coffee. I like mine with a dollop of half & half. And I appreciated this cup more than I normally would because of the effort that went into it. In the mudroom, my husband had the little propane camping stove set up. So I had coffee ready for me when I got up.
To help keep the frig cool, he used gallon-sized water jugs that he’d frozen earlier in the week. Three of them stayed in the freezer and the other three went into the frig.
I love living with a former boy scout in times like this.
Another thing we get out during storms is our collection of lanterns. Candles are nice and all, but we both prefer the Uco Candelier. We have several of them and they really light up a room. We also keep a good supply of the candles needed to fill them. You insert three of them into spring-loaded tubes and as they burn, they stay at the same height in the glass window. You can get them at a number of places, but I believe Campmor has the best price right now.
Uco Candelier at Campmor
We’ve had some of our Candeliers for more than 10 years. And hey, you can even boil a small pot of water on the top of ‘em.
: : :

*sigh* I just wrote a long post about our adventure home from SC...but it "poofed" into cyber space...so I will simply say, glad you are safe and came through relatively unscathed. I can remember my grandparents telling "agnes" stories, and now I have "Irene" stories.....
So glad you had minimal damage and your chainsaw was spared a workout!!
Re not being able to hear news..... we got a windup radio years ago and keep it with our emergency supplies. It wasn't very expensive and it was a real comfort to us when we were a week without power after Katrina.
Glad you are all safe!! Clever idea to freeze water ahead of time to keep the refrigerated stuff cold -- I didn't know about that!!
Much to be thankful for, huh? We are grateful we barely lost electricity...it's amazing what an hour can do.
...Yeah, I agree with the above comment about not thinking of freezing gallon jugs of water for a power outage. My husband does that but it's to ice down his beer. I'm certain he didn't learn that in Boy Scouts. *sigh* :o\
...Your home is so pretty! And I'm so happy that your home and you all are safe and sound. That my friend is good news. :o)
...I actually laughed out loud at: "I would have gladly helped, and gotten out of my pajamas, though. Ok, maybe not gladly, but I would have." *giggle*snort* ;o)
...Love the lanterns too. We have a couple of Coleman Lanterns then we have a collection of antique oil lanterns and oil lamps, which I love.
...Enjoy your Sunday!
...Blessings :o)
glad all is well, and yes, i'd gladly take some of that rain...
So thankful that you, DH, George and Blackie far so well during the storm! How blessed y'all are that the power was restored so quickly!
I am glad that Irene had lost most of its anticipated punch before arrival, but it still has affected so many people in so many ways!
Yes, I wish you could have sent that rain down here to Texas and to other states that are going through this drought...it's horrible!
I love my pajama days...but they seem to be increasing in number the older I get!
Hope you all have a wonderful week, and praying for those that are not as fortunate as you!
Glad you're safe!
Glad to see you here and know you've got light/power again ... and I am thinking that Candelier is a great hostess/housewarming gift ..
Thanks for letting us know all is well at the manor house with our friends! I'll have to check out that candelier; my middle-age eyes need more light in a power outage than plain ol' candles!
Off to make a fresh fig coffeecake I spotted on another blog; looks deLISH!
Im so glad to read all is ok with you up there.
I would never think of freezing big jugs of water. Brilliant idea.
I honestly would not know what to do. I have never had to brace for anything like this except in Hawaii where I mapped out all the flood ways and the evacuation routes both times I was there and should I return it could be a whole new ball game.
Not sure I could pack flash lights ect and take them over the boader on a plane.
Well glad your fine.
So happy to know that you guys faired OK from Irene! Your hubby is SO resourceful and to think, you even had a cup of coffee waiting for you with no electricity! He's a keeper for sure!
Just nice to know that your faired okay! Love that Candelier and going to take a look at them.
Thank you so much for keeping us posted. I'm as were all of us. wanting you to know that your safety means a lot to us.
Yay it's over for you! We are just getting the start of it here, well actually since early this morning except now it's starting to gust a little more. Your husband is just too cool making sure you have hot coffee and cold beverages! xo ~Lili
I'm glad it's over, and even with the damage up and down the coast, I'm glad it didn't end up the way they were predicting.
I'm going to have to look around for that candelier, that is just too cool.
I am very glad to hear that basically you are all fine.
Your husband is a good man, and thankfully well prepared.
Was going to ask if you had one of those crank powered radios?
Living in earthquake zone we have one here. Although it's really hard to keep extra water in a 800 square foot apartment. No big freezer or anything like that.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
That IS good news (about not having to get out of your jim-jams and also the lack of storm damage!).
So gald it didnt end up as bad as they perdicted for you and you are safe ! We love to use our old oil lamps and lanters when the power goes out its almost pioneer like ! Have a wonderful Sunday eve !
So glad you made it through safely Kate.
So glad you are just fine after the storm. It had to be nerve racking not knowing what the storm was going to do. Whew!
Wonderful lovely news. Thanks for letting us know how you are and hey that gadget that lights up your World and heats water..checking it out. Stay safe!
So glad all is well-it IS handy to have someone around that knows what to do in an emergency! Well, another "bout" with nature over and done--we'll see what comes along next! Have a good week. Mickie :)
you well convey the relief, and yet strangeness of being without power and communication. SO glad you are OK!
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
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Glad you guys are okay, Kate. With all the things going on ~~ heat wave, earthquake, hurricane ~~ all you need now is a plague of locusts. :-)
whew....i'm so glad that irene didn't do any more damage then what i've been reading...it could have so much worse.
it's good to know that you're fine....and that a boy scout really is a handy thing to have around :)
Glad to see you here and know you have got light/power again. And I am thinking that Candelier is a great hostess / housewarming gift.
Glad you are OK...so scary! Ay yi yi...what is going on with this world...so many weird and intense storms! Stay safe and day! xoxo
Gladd you're safe and sound and the Manor did well.
Keep that coffee coming to help your hubby clean up.
;-) D.
If I was going to be without power for 26 hours, then I would want to be there with you all! Hugs!
Having lived in Florida and moving back to the northeast i was thinking "here we go again", but the damage around my way was not too bad. Richard from Amish Stories.
I'm glad you're OK, Country Girl. Irene's bark was apparently worse than her bite (didn't know she was a dog, did you?). Your husband is a real sweetie!
We could use some of those lanterns the last 2 days ... of course, if I go out and buy them, that's when the lights will come back on! LOL!
And then I would have them for next time. Still without power. Ugh!
Thank goodness for Panera.
Glad to hear that you folks are fine and that damage is minimal. That coffee does indeed look extra yummy.
We have one of the little 1-candle lanterns. I didn't know they made them with 3 candles!
I'm glad all is well for you after the storm went through!
So glad ya'll are okay. 26 hours without electricity...yuck.
Glad you survived the storm without much damage!! Though 26 hours without electricity doesn't sound like much fun...
I was thinking about you this weekend...so happy you made it through okay....
So glad to hear that you came through OK. We got some water in the cellar, but never lkst power, thank God, or it could have been a lot worse...
Your husband sounds very resourceful! I like that in a man. Lol
We got a tad bit of wind but no rain and I wanted rain -smile-. So glad you and yours are safe and sound.
Glad to hear you are okay.
We were camping in the Adirondacks, they closed the whole park on Saturday so we headed down to our daughter's in Albany, we were lucky there, a lot of devastation all around us, but we didn't even lose power. Our trip home the next day took twice as long because the thruway was closed due to flooding. Feeling very grateful today.
We are in dire need of rain - grass is sooooo dry - we didn't get a drop from Irene!
so glad you weathered the storm well!!
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