When my sister, Char (the mother of the bride) came out this weekend, she brought several pieces of jewelry and wanted our help in deciding which one she should wear to the wedding. The jewelry was designed by a friend of hers who created the signature piece to be worn by the bride this weekend.
Colleen Lehr is the designer and owner of KCR Lehr Studio, and her vintage-style creations are unique and inspired.
I took these photos rather quickly while my sister was upstairs packing to go home on Sunday, and my other sister, Ginny, helped me with the styling. We used her white scarf as a backdrop.
I love the color of these stones. And that clasp.
This one’s fun and kicky.
But this is the one that I wanted for myself.
So pretty.
And this one’s so unique.
The jewelry we were looking at was chosen because it complimented the mother of the bride’s dress, which is a shade of lavender.
And I believe it was this one that my sister ended up choosing.
: : :
KCR Lehr Studio
: : :
Taken during a family celebration in the summer of 2010, this is my sister, Char’s family. What surprised me about this photo was that out of the four of them, three decided to make faces at the very last second – leaving Emily (in the front) looking like the normal one of the bunch.
Or did they forget to include her in on the joke?
Or maybe she is the normal one of the bunch.
I’ll never tell ~
Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

Great photo! Bet Emily laughs every time she sees it too. I would, had I been the straight faces victim.. HEE HEE.
So, will you be purchasing a necklace too?
OH Kate - these are AWESOME!! WOWZA!
LOVE the one you chose!!
I love it ....and the prices are great!!! Thanks for sharing.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
beautiful jewelry...I love family photos...especially the silly ones...
Beautiful jewelry and even more beautiful family.
I can see why your sister wanted some help picking out which one she wanted to wear...every single one is beautiful...I am always paralysed by difficult choices:)
What a wonderful family snapshot! Their personalities definitely shine:)
Oh my, that jewelry is gorgeous! I have this "thing" about jewelry though -- I put it on, and then take most of it off... I guess I feel too dressed up, or too much like I am "playing" dress up... I think I need someone to nominate me for What Not To Wear... lol
Your impromptu jewelry photoshoot was beautifully styled and shot! :). xoxo
Enjoy Philly for me.
Have a TastyKake or something :-)
And savor that wedding, Friend!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
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LOL... love that pic. and Ooooh, I am swoooning over that jewelry.
I think you deserve to splurge.
I am the normal one. They are crazy- just look at them! I love them anyway.
Colleen was my high school art teacher, which somehow sounds trite because she was so much more than that. She inspired a love of history, she gave excellent hugs and pep talks, she was and is a mentor and a role model. I could spout a million wonderful things about her!
Love you can't wait to see you in T- 2 days! Holy Matrimony Batman!
I love vintage jewelry, especially pins or broaches as my nana used to call them!
Great photo! Hope you had a blast at the wedding!
all the necklaces are lovely, I'd chose not so much because of color but I'd base my choice on the neckline of the dress .. the next to last one would be my fav thats not to say I'd wear it .. not my style but I do like it the best
Hey lady, congrats on your POTW over at Hilary's Smitten place!
Dear Kate,
Thank you so very much for you wonderful shots and comments regarding the jewelry I made for Emily's wedding. The jewelry was made with love for such wonderfully gracious and charming people.
I really appreciate your blog and great photography. I too love textures and your composition is fantastic. I also love the whimsy quality in the whole presentation. I can see where Emily, Samantha and Charlotte get their talents. The entire family is so creative.
LOve and blessings to all the family on this great time of loving and laughing together. God Bless,
PS- I found the blog through my ETSY site as I noticed a jump in visits from this site and just had to visit. I will return.
wow....what beautiful necklaces. how fun to be able to pick "the one"......
and family photos like that crack me up !!
Pretty things. The lady is very talented. What a hard choice to make.
Lovely work. I really like the photo - so much character!
Lovely photos of lovely jewelry! Enjoy the wedding festivities. I have a niece getting married soon, too.
Beautiful Jewelry!! I like the one you chose it's gorgeous, I also love the one your sister chose. I would definitely have a hard time choosing!
OMGosh! That last picture....love it. Oh and all of that vintage inspired jewelry is GORGEOUS. Wonderful styling too, you have such a great eye for that. xo ~Lili
I know that no-one has ever pointed this out before, Kate... but you know, you take FANTASTIC photos! I swear you could take photos of loo paper and make it look glamorous...
Gorgeous jewellery.
Great family too.
The jewelry is so elegant . I loved how you photographed each piece.
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