If you can find him, that is.
This photo was taken in October 2007, when George was about 3 1/2 months old. Can you see him there, just to the left of center?
The sun was rising in the mist on that early October morning and George was watching my husband through the fence.
Taken off my back porch on the horse farm where we lived at the time, using a point-and-shoot camera - my trusty little Sony Cybershot. And because it was still a little dark, the flash went off.
Have a great day, all. Thanks for your visits – it’s always nice to have you stop by.

very nice!
awww......george as a babeeeeee......so sweet! i love going back and looking over old photos and pulling out a few favs :)
Gorgeous! Nice composition too! George is so cute! And little!
At first I thought he was that bit of white under the tree... What a beautiful sunrise! xoxo
Oh, Kate... this is such a sweet photo! What a good little pup he is just sitting there by the fence. Pure sweetness.
this is what Heaven looks like,
WITH George!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
< ° ) } } > <
this is what Heaven looks like,
WITH George!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
< ° ) } } > <
this is what Heaven looks like,
WITH George!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
< ° ) } } > <
A lovely photo ! Has a lot of interesting lighting ! PSST Thats what I started with in the digital photography world a point and shoot and I was able to get good photos with it ! Before digital I used a Minolta 35 ML and developed most of my own photos ! Have a wonderful eve.
Oh, puppy George! Look at you ... even with your little point-and-shoot you get great photos!
Love that shot!
I see George! Love this shot.
What a beautiful photo. I see little George too!! Love this shot.
Oh I saw him right away! That is such a cool pic, there was alot you captured here with the closeup of the morning glories, the vividness of that misty sunrise and of course sweet puppy George. It's pretty cool looking back on photos like that. xo ~Lili
Wow Kate, what a great capture. Love it.
He is so sweet. Love this photo and it is really amazing.
Such a handsome baby! Love that photo!
That's a truly beautiful photo.
Sweet photo!
I see him!! What a great photo! Just goes to show you it the photographer and NOT the camera that makes the beautiful pictures :)
Excellent capture!
Absolutely gorgeous and Georgeous.
Absolutely the best-most beautiful-simple photo I've seen for quite awhile! Thanks for sharing!!~~Rain
Gorgeous pic.
Absolutely stunning!
Love this shot. Really spectacular!!
Pretty ... love the sun and the morning mist/fog ..
Looks like he's in the classic I'm watching those ol horses pose.
It's lovely to look back to when they were pups ins't it. This is a super photo - and my goodness me, such a lot has happened to you all since then.
Kate that is awesome...
What a sunrise! George looks like he is looking at it too:)
I had a Sony Cybershot too:) It is probably still in the house somewhere....
Hi, that is one of my favorite photos. I never noticed George in the photo before.
~~~ melts my HEART !!!!
sending love,
kary and teddy
George was so little then!!
Am glad to see this photo again! It was the one I saw the first time I ever visited your blog! I thought it was just gorgeous and used it for my desktop background for awhile. (My apologies to George....I completely forgot that he was in the picture.)
The flash, aside, don't you have shots you got with your point and shoot, that you have never been able to better with the big camera? Why is that I wonder? Are they really not better, or are we just expecting more? In any case, it's lovely shot of the young lad :)
Just luv this, CG...oh George, sooo tiny, priceless memory....wunderfilled photo - the photo app inventors out there strive for these effects nowadays, HA!
This looks almost like two photos put together into one. You have the beautiful lighting of the sunset and then you have the flash on the flowers...but it works and yeah I found your sweet puppy right away but I have an internal sensor when it comes to spotting doggies :-)))
Have a super weekend Kate :-)) Hugs from the gang in Norway :-))
Amazing image, Kate. Just shows, it's never the camera equipment, it's the photographer with a great eye and a story to tell. Beautiful! – g
Just a Beautiful picture!!!!
Definitely pleasurable - and George is ver cute sitting there watching...
Stirs up a desire to don a cotton dress and kick off my shoes!
I love him!!! I love this shot!!! I miss you!!!
Very cool! George is so cute and I love the tones in this photo.
Been insanely busy lately, miss you.
Great picture,
Greetings from France...
I wish i see Maryland on my own eyes in the future. I hope that someday this will happen... ;)
Greetings from Polish ;)
What gorgeous color and light. And -yes - I see George!!!
What an incredible photograph!
Simply beautiful, I love that little George. I know that sounds strange since I haven't met him, but his face is so expressive, who couldn't love him.
its stunning ...even surreal looking!! i love a trusty P and S!!
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