Thanks to everyone for their input about posting pictures on this site. A couple of posts down, I asked readers for their views on publishing photos of animals that I do not own, specifically horses, on this site. You're right, I've always been respectful of the privacy of others and was thinking that it should pertain to the owners of these horses as well.
The horses here aren't famous, at least not yet. It's not to say that the famous have not lived here, though. And I'd have a problem about publishing pictures of well-known racehorses. I wouldn't be the only one with the problem, though. I am sure the owners wouldn't like it one bit. So thanks for your input on this query.
And as for my nun story (below), you need to know that I harbor no ill feelings against her. I received an excellent education in the Catholic schools I attended in my youth. And for that, I am grateful.
I think I need to insert a couple photos of George in here. So here's one.
And here's another. Until tomorrow, my friends.

...Happy Weekend Kate! As always, beautiful photos girl!
...Blessings... :o)
..."Hi George" (scratch,pet,pet)
I miss the weekend guessing game...and I didn't ask about it because of the move and will be looking forward to the winter one...that could be interesting. You could do themes...
I hope I'm able to live in a place as lovely as you do someday! I always look forward to your pictures.
Speaking for myself, I would be thrilled with a different picture of George everyday! :)
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Loved the guessing game - hope you bring it back!
BTW - I do hope Sister Agatha is roasting. Just because you're a nun it doesn't guarantee you're a good person...obviously!
Just read over at WOTK that you've reread Ann of Green Gables...that was my all time favorite series of books EVER! Think I'll dig them out and reread them as well. Thanks for the idea, Kate!
I liked the weekend guessing game. But I'm not very good about posting my weekend game each week either, so I totally understand your not wanting the extra "chore".
Your pics are lovely as always. Give George a belly rub from me!
You must have been reading my mind. Just this morning I was wondering what had happened to your weekend guessing game. I really enjoyed it.
I just read your post about the nun. Sister Agatha sounded like a very sick person. I remember my mother telling me about an instance when she was in school, one of the nuns hit a girl over the head with a book and killed her. They probably just sent the nun to another school to teach there. There didn't seem to be much repercussion for things they did.
Bummer! It's Sunday evening and the weekend is officially over. I just came home from taking Doughboy to the airport for another week apart. Thought I'd drop in to see what you've posted, and you just made my day. I love photos of Georgie. He is such a sweetie! It rained on and off all weekend - remnants of tropical storm Fay. It was nice to stay in and get some indoor work done. Hope you have a great week!
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