He loves Starbucks, and he suggested we stop at one on the way and we could have a little something to drink and eat en route.
It sounded like an excellent idea to me, and early in the morning, we found ourselves driving in our little Honda Element with the windows half down on a glorious autumn morning. The sun was warm and shining as we headed south and after stopping for sustenance, and that first sip of cappuccino (his favorite) it felt like old times.

Snow geese on the water.

My husband saw a Great Blue Heron along the road. I posted it the other day on my Picture A Day blog. I walked close to him and he took off.

This is just a group of ducks sunning themselves and having a bite to eat.
I think it was a little too early (post-surgery) for a trip this long. My husband wasn't as comfortable as he thought he would be and when he realized that he couldn't get out of the car and walk, I think it angered him. We live and learn, don't we? Maybe the next trip will be a very small one.
Regardless, the day was beautiful and it felt good to be in motion, even for just for a little while.
If you click on these photos, you'll actually see the entire photo. I'm trying something Hilary taught me with my pictures. Usually I size them and upload them in blogger, but half the time you can't click on them to view larger. This way, I'm sizing them in Photoshop to a percentage and uploading them into Photobucket and then into blogger, and I think I sized them a litttle bit too big. But I am tired and I wanna go to bed.
Show me the way to go home
I'm tired and I want to go to bed
I had a little drink about an hour ago
and it went straight to my head
Wherever I may roam
On land or sea or foam
You will always hear me singing this song
Show me the way to go home
Well, I asked a question (about more photos from Bombay Hook) on your Picture a Day, and the answer's right here on Chronicles. Thanks! I do love that first photo with the colorful trees in the background. Such a beautiful place. I'm glad you both had a good day out.
I found that my photos won't enlarge if I put them in the center position of the post, but if I put them on the left or right they'll enlarge. Ah well, if you figure it out, let us all know, 'k?
I was going to comment on your previous post, but a friend dropped by just as I was going to, so now I see you've posted again. So I'll just add my 2 cents in agreeing with retail therapy. My sister is a great one for doing this, but then she can afford to buy something REALLY special. But just a little something can help. I'm glad you were able to get out and just blow the cobwebs away - sometimes, you just NEED to do that. I hope everything is coming along okay with your hubby's recovery. Sending hugs and good wishes out your way!
There used to be a pair of Great Blue Herons living near the pond at my Grandmother's house in Maine. Every evening at dusk we'd see them flying by, coming back to their nest after some birdy errand. The memory makes me happy. Thanks for reminding me.
I am glad you both got out, and still wish I were there to help you. And I could see those beautiful birds....
That song reminds me of "Jaws."
I agree...we learn many lessons along the way. I am sure it did him a world of good to get out, even with the discomfort. Hopefully, next time, your sweet husband will feel better.
Oh, and the snow geese photo did enlarge, once.
These are gorgeous pictures. That was sweet of your husband to suggest such a nice trip and to go to Starbucks too. Sounds neat. I pray he will be feeling better next time.
Is it just me or are the colors of fall especially brilliant this year? Your pics are gorgeous as usual. Btw, meant to post before that I absolutely LOVE that scarf you bought at Macys...I figure seems how we live on opposite sides of the country I might be able to sneek down to the Macys across the border (we dont have them in Canada) and buy one myself! LOL And it looks so nice against the chocolate brown!
Gorgeous! I like photo #2 the best. The colors are stunning and I'm sure it was even more breathtaking in person!
Yeah that would be quite the trip for hime right now. But at least in his mind he felt he was up to it. That's good news. The pictures are beautiful.
I am sure country girl that the ride out and the fresh air and the beautiful scenery did both your souls good - next time he will be a little stronger. Best wishes to you both.
Beautiful day! I'm sure the change of scenery was good for both of you. And yes, Blogger is the devil! My routine problem is that it changes the spacing from single to double radomly, with no warning and I can't get it back to the single spacing!!
This song always makes me think of "Jaws". :)
The pictures are gorgeous! It looks like a beautiful spot, and even though he could not walk around, it must have been nice to just get out of the house...
I resize my pics in Blogger "Edit HTML." I'll email you instructions.
Beautiful anyway.
That first shot with the long grass and the bits of colour, somehow that set the mood of slow motion for me before I even read. I like to think of your husband's legs, slow now, but picking up speed and strength each day with recovery. There will be walks, hikes, and the scooping up of you in real quick motions in times to come.
...Hello Kate! The main thing is at least you two tried and he at least wanted to get out and do something. It does sound like it did you two good tho'...
...As always, stunning photos!
...Oh I thought of you yesterday. I was having a bad day and thought I'd go out for a lil' "retail therapy" in hopes that maybe I'd come home with a killer jacket and awesome scarf at sale prices, but alas, no. I came home with a jazz Christmas CD...(*sigh*) Oh well, win some - lose some...lol ;o)
...Have a great Monday Kate & DH!
...Blessings... :o)
Kate that first photo is beautiful. It makes me just want to jump in there and stay. There will be better days. Deep breaths.
Beautiful pics girl...I know it still must have done your hubby a world of good to just get out and be with you..I pray he gets stronger every day! Have a great week sweetie.
Lovely .. and its been my experience with surgery that while our minds tell us we can, often our bodies go: Gotchya
At least he got out and you got to spend some nice outside time together ...
What a beautiful place to be able to visit Kate..how wonderful..even if you can't get out of the car..! Hope you do indeed find spots closer by so he is able to stretch his legs! Wonderful photos as usual!
Thinking of you both,
Love, Annie
I'm glad you two got out together. "Like old times" is such a fine feeling.
Thanks for the linkage, Kate. Blogger does seem to be having some serious photo issues these days. I'm having to downsize mine in html mode for the last couple of posts because the usual sizing options are not working for me all of a sudden. Their forums indicate that a few others are experiencing this and several other photo woes - none of which they appear to be addressing.
The click to enlarge feature wasn't working for me for a couple of posts either.. buts seems to be back to normal now. Sigh!
I love all of your photos but the first one in this post has got to be my favorite. I love the mixtures of color. The deep red is so beautiful against the lighter colors!
Kate, these scenes are just fabulous! No matter the clicking doesn't work. Looks and sounds like you two had a wonderful outing here. Praying all is going well.
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