Wednesday, April 1, 2009

George wants to learn how to do this

This is a video I’d been hearing about, but had never seen until a reader (hello, nannyboop) sent it to me in a comment. She said that she thought of George when she saw this.

It’s called Extreme Sheep LED Art and was made by a group of Welch sheep farmers who created a You Tube video with the sheep wearing LED coats and being herded by a group of border collies. It’s pretty astonishing.

On another note, in my continuing quest to share my favorite pictures from my visit to Longwood Gardens this weekend, I have a couple here. Unfortunately, I didn’t remember to take pictures of the name cards on each plant. I have no idea what the first two are, although this one below looks almost like ageratum only it’s about 2 feet tall.

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And the one below is Tower-of-Jewels, a member of the Borage family.

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I feel like I should be underwater, don’t you? I’ve never seen plants like this one. It said on the tag that it was from the Canary Islands.

Hope you enjoy your day. It’s always nice to have you stop by.

Until tomorrow, then my friends . . .

PS ~ A reader asked where I got my camera strap. It’s here on Emily Falconbridge’s etsy site. Unfortunately, she’s overseas until April 11.


Mental P Mama said...

That YouTube is amazing. The Baaaa-Studs;)

And those flowers are amazing. I'll meet you there the next time you go!

Betty said...

All I can say is I agree with Mental P Mama. The YouTube and the flowers are amazing

Char said...

gorgeous shots!!!! that purple is just so stunning

Sweetpea said...

Stopping by to read today's missive...yes, AMAZING.

oh, and the pale green flowers? Those are Red Hot Pokers (common name), also known as kniphofias (Latin name). As you can see, these are not "red hot", but pokers come in all kinds of gorgeous shades, from blazing red, to tangerine, to butter yellow, and this one. Lovely photo :>}}

Anonymous said...

Nice flowers whether they have names or not.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Country Girl said...

Thanks, sweetpea, for the name of the cream color flowers. And thank you to all as well. Always glad to have you visit.

~ C.G.

Ellen said...

Too funny. It reminds me of a show that used to be on BBC America that was a herding contest with different shepherds and their dogs. Now there's something for you husband to do on his walks with George - teach him to shepherd with different whistle tones! When he's not taking pictures,of course!!!!!

Woman in a Window said...

Holy crap, that last shot, the colours, gorgeous! Have I said that here before?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the funest video? Sadie wants to learn how to do it too!

shara said...

That was great! And now, I will go prepare Shepard's Pie... seems fitting somehow...

Shelley said...

Those flowers are so beautiful - I never heard of any of them and now I'm that much smarter for having read this post! :-)

abb said...

THAT was wonderful! (Flowers were lovely too.)

Kristin said...

Thanks for the smile (flower pics) and the laughter (youtube video). They made my day. :0)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

awesome stuff!

Skogkjerring said...

First of all I just LOVED that sheep video..too cool!! What will people come up with next??
Next those were some amazing flower shots- and you say they came from the Canary Islands??? That is one place we are considering going on vacation...huh...I haven't been too hung up on the Canary Islands it's like the Scandinavian hasn't interested me too much but if it has flowers like that I MIGHT consider it..
Have a super day!!!

Egghead said...

My brother sent me that video the other day. Amazing. Those flowers! Wow!

Kristina said...

I just love your photographs...I have several picked out in your Etsy shop that I want to buy for different friends whenever I can afford it. (Husband has been laid off for 7 months now) so I'm trying to wait patiently. I love the purple reminds of a warm fuzzy blanket!

Tess Kincaid said...

I've had a hankering to visit the garden center and now I really do! Gorgeous shots1

Daryl said...

If MPM meets you there I am going with her ...

Border collies ROCK . George should be their national .. no... GLOBAL spokesperson

Another Sister said...

OH. MY. GOSH. Such a cool video. And such cool pics. Thanks for sharing.

GailO said...

I've been enjoying traveling to Longwood Gardens with you the past couple of days...Gorgeous pictures ...I especially love the foggy road...It's fun to go to places with a great photographer!

I've been loving that video too!

Leenie said...

I can't help but wonder how LONG it took to make that fantastic video. The LED blankets, the communication, the outtakes, the designing, the editing, the confusion :D. Who says farmers and sheepmen don't have imagination! cool flower pics! THANKS

noble pig said...

That flower is a sea's so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Mary said...

Kate, those flowers are so beautiful! And the video is amazing. :)

Deb said...

I love these photos...the detail is amazing

Train Wreck said...

Oh I knew if I came over here it would be warm and cheery! You have theo most beautiful flowers. I would love to come visit your home. I'll bet it smells so good. I could spend hours walking around. What a great place for your great talent.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Wow, I love that last plant! I've never seen it before. And I've spent plenty of time in nurseries and gardens.

Anonymous said...

aunt kate, you are the bomb ;) i love these pictures. they are beautiful.


Anonymous said...

This video is so funny. Border collies are cool, We have two Aussies that herd my boys around the yard. I wonder if I could get them to wear LEDs, ummm

Beautiful shots too!!