Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday morning blues. I mean lilacs.

It’s the first day of Spring Break for me. I work at a private K-12 school and one of the many things I love about my job is the ample vacation time.

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We were originally planning on taking a road trip south to visit friends on the Gulf Coast. I was looking forward to it and could have pressed my husband into doing it, but it recently became clear to me that the journey may have been too much for him. For those that are new to my blog, this is why. I don’t want to keep harping on it. It is what it is.

We’re planning on doing a few small day trips and hey, maybe we could do an overnight somewhere, too. But for now, I’m sharing the growth of the lilac bush which is about the most exciting thing going on at the moment.

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These shots are all SOOC (straight out of camera). I didn’t think they needed anything else and I’m feeling sort of plain today anyway. Got a touch of the blues, if you know what I mean, but I’m planning on getting rid of them soon. Thankfully, they never last for long.

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The grass is getting so green here. I took these photos around 8 o’clock this morning and if you look closely, you can see the morning dew still on the grass.

How are things in your neck of the woods? As you can see, it’s pretty quiet here.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Blessings to you...for remaining a stable force and seeing the beauty that the world can bestow. Lilacs are one of my all time favorite bushes...the smell can not be replicated. Have a blessed the photos as always.

Skogkjerring said...

Hi!! You are so lucky your lilacs are in bloom, we're still waiting..but spring is coming, the snow is melting, every day you hear the drip drip drip of all that coolness's wonderful. Remember you are with your two favourite guys, anywhere together can be an adventure if you just think positively!!!
Have a great Friday evening!!!

Leslie: said...

I do hope you get a chance to do those day trips and perhaps even an overnighter. I love your photos of the lilacs coming into bloom. I actually did my L is for Lilacs this past Wednesday for ABC Wednesday. Come see my photos, even if they aren't nearly as good as yours! Hope your hubby is feeling better, Kate. And Happy Spring Break to you - ours is over now and we're into the last grind.

Kentucky Farm Girl said...

I have been lurking around on your blog for awhile now, and I just want to say that you take beautiful photos. I love what you do with textures also. Hope your blues are gone soon.

Spring is definitely in the air around here. If the T-storms would go away, I could go out and enjoy it!

pam said...

Quiet...sometimes it is nice to have quiet as it can be hard to hear God with all this "noise" we have in our lives. Your thoughtful words and beautiful pictures reinforce his majesty in the "everyday" things...the peace and joy in a flower blossom, green grass, church steeples. We are all so blessed.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss the fragrance of a lilac bush. It looks GREAT SOOC.... don't change a thing.

The Blue Ridge Gal

tj said...

...Oh girl, I'm so sorry to hear that you're still not feeling better. Don't cut yourself short, you've been thru alot here lately and sometimes it just catches up with you all of a sudden. If you're going thru a blue time then just do what you like to do 'til it passes... You know, take photos of George, drink a nice cup of hot tea, take a nap, etc... It will pass, I promise.

...This morning I woke up with a heavy heart and knew I needed to kick it in gear and do some much needed cleaning. Well I did some cleaning but I moped the entire time 'til I put my Tony Bennett Christmas CD in and now I feel better! lol... That ol' Tony, he's easy on the eyes for an old codger and goodness, does he ever have a set of lungs! lol... I'm sure the FedEx guy thought I fell out of my rocker when he walked up on the front porch and heard Christmas music blastin' ;o)

...Keep your chin up Kate! We're all here for ya! :o)

...Btw, love the lil' link on the side about George - that's cute! Of course, he's cute! :o)

...Many blessings...

shara said...

I love the shots- beautiful. Things in my neck of the woods? On fire! Well- the area in the metro where I live is okay- but we have lost over 100 homes to fire last night.
Gratefully, however, we are expecting rain!!!

Mental P Mama said...

Come up here!!!!!

Woman in a Window said...

No lilacs here, but gosh those are lovely, but we did take a hike down the railroad tracks today. Warm, smell of creosote lifting, and pretty much perfect. Have a great Easter!

Anonymous said...

Lilacs are my favorite flower and I love their fragrence. Your lilacs seem different than ours, maybe a different type. I can't give you any pictures yet of ours as we don't have buds yet - or green grass. We still have snow! It has mostly gone now though and if this sunny weather continues it will be gone this weekend. Our spring does not really start until May and we cant plant anything before the 24th or there is a danger of frost.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I cannot imagine how you got that shot of the grass unless you lay down in it! It is absolutely lovely - I can almost feel the dew. Have a lovely break.

Char said...

I understand about the trip hon ... the shots are gorgeous

Deb said...

Day trips are so much fun! You get a way from the hum drum routine and get a chance to investigate the countryside. I love them. And there's the wonderment of slipping into your own bed and so soft pillow.
You enjoy and be sure to share the camera with Andrew!!!

Ellen said...

Enjoy your week off - I'm around for day trips too!

FireLight said...

My spring break is winding down. I have just enjoyed being at home and practicing with the digital camera. (I have even learned how to upload them on this laptop! It is the season of miracles.) Yesterday was my husband's birthday, so we did what he wanted to do. Though I dreaded the two hour drive, we went to Atlanta's High Museum to view the Terracotta Warriors Exhibit and Louvre Atlanta: Third Year. Both were grand, and I am so glad we went. Today I have just enjoyed a movie and catching up on the Bloggyhood.
I think your plan for short trips sounds just right. Thank you for the lilacs. Peace be with you.

Country Girl said...

I welcome all lurkers, BOCTAT! I lurked for quite some time before I really understood what a blog is, on Pioneer Woman. So welcome to you.
Weaver, rest assured I was lying right in the grass. It wasn't really that wet, come to think of it. And worth it seeing the little drops of dew.
Thanks to all and I plan on coming 'round and visiting all. Something to do this evening, understand?
tj, tried writing you directly and it got too sappy so I quit. I'll write you soon. Ellen, Mental P ~ I'd love to get together. We shall soon, ok?

~ C.G.

Donna S. said...

Down by Atlanta visiting my son! In the midst of a storm now, tornado warnings but looks like it will be right north of us. Hope you get to do something fun.

troutay said...

Lovely photos!
Just reminds us that even though we are going through tough times, Spring is just around the corner.

Good luck with things. Take care of you both.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

God bless......

Donalyn said...

It is amazing how much further [farther?] along things are down there, just a couple hundred miles away. You saw that tight little lilac bud on my blog this week - they didn't open up any more in this cold either. Hope you have a fantastic vacation - send those blue packin!

Flea said...

Enjoy your day trips with your husband. Especially with spring at hand, take in the scenery. Visit an Amish community and sample their food. Touch the quilts. Ellicot City is a pretty place to visit, too.

I've never seen a lilac up close and personal. Thanks for sharing yours. :)

Russell said...

I am a HUGE fan of lilacs! I will be honest - I usually like looking at trucks and tractors a lot more than flowers (!) but I have always enjoyed lilacs a great deal.

It is really good to see they are starting to show color in your part of the world -- that tells me they will be starting soon out here in Iowa. I can usually count on lilacs blooming the first part of May through Mother's Day - sometimes they go a bit later.

Last year we had lilacs on Memorial Day which was a bit rare but nice.

Take care and keep thinking good thoughts... you have a lot of people who think a great deal of you and it doesn't get better than that!

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Lilacs are so lovely and smell so wonderful--too bad my dog dug mine up and killed it last year!! lol Anyway, the weather here is pretty blah for Easter--too cool and cloudy and rainy for me-But I will dye beautiful eggs with my grandkids tomorrow and make a cake in the shape of a bunny, so that will help lift the mood a little! Enjoy your spring break (I work at a school also), and have a blessed Easter!

Sarah Anne said...

Spring Break started for me, too. We were going to go to California, but that fell through. So I know how you feel. But it'll all work out, you know?

Chin up!

Sue said...

Something tells me that even though you are not able to travel too far from home your time spent with your husband is priceless...Have a wonderful Easter...

Maria said...

Ha ha ha. I had the blues too but I guess they're the lilacs now. :-) And maybe the pinks since tomorrow I'm going to go see a friend who just got five new baby chicks. :-)

Hope you have a lovely Easter, Kate.

Mary said...

Our one lilac bush was killed by a wild rose bush. Seriously. The rose just invaded it's space and took over. :(

Love that second shot -- so simple and beautiful!

Maybe just a little change of scenery will chase away the blues. And some sunshine would certainly help, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Trying to catch up on some blog reading. I have been busy these last few days. We too are on break. I love the lilac pictures. My favorite flowers.