Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Someday we’ll look back on this and it will all seem funny

Three things here, ok?

ONE: I almost pulled yesterday’s post because I thought it was ‘stupid’. You continue to surprise me with your comments. I should know by now that anything to do with my beloved George is probably not stupid.

TWO: Name the artist and the song in the post title and you will have my undying respect. No cheating, k? I’ll even give you some more lyrics:

Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny
But now you're sad, your mama's mad
And your papa says he knows that I don't have any money 
Tell him this is last chance to get his daughter in a fine romance
Because a record company, Rosie, just gave me a big advance

AND THREE: See this mountain? I hiked up this mountain last Tuesday. If you look closely, you can see the ocean to the very far right. Look closely again and you can see my two favorite guys. They’re about an inch to the left of center.

DSC_0863 copy 2

So what do I do this morning? It’s my first day back to work. I get up early to get ready. Then I put together a lunch and snack, grab a half cup of coffee for the ride, and head out the door. George happens to be nearby and sees me and I begin to move down the cement walk that leads to the driveway when I suddenly take a mis-step between the edge of the walkway and the low-lying lawn and I went sprawling, landing on my left knee and turning my ankle. I was completely surprised and in a lot of pain, covered in coffee and all my belongings all over the place.

I wanted to cry for the pain but I had to get up. I couldn’t get up though. My knee . . . my friggen ankle . . . Between clenched teeth, I said to George, “GO. GET. DADDY.”

He looked me and then laid down next to me. “GEORGE. GO”, I told him.


I try to call my husband’s name. George got up. And he looked at me.

“GO”, I tried again, “GET. DADDY”.

And then he licked me. And that’s when I began to cry. I forced myself to stop, though. And then I forced myself up. Slowly, I managed to get myself up and hobble into the house where I cleaned the coffee and the blood from the scratches off my arms. And then I began crying. Damnit.

But crying made it feel better.

As I did, I realized how lucky I was that this happened AFTER our trip to Maine. And how really lucky I was that I didn’t turn my ankle on that mountain. With my ankle and my knee throbbing, I suddenly realized how completely lucky I was. I mean, if you’re going to fall in the first place, that is.

I did eventually make it to work, on time no less, lashing ice packs on my knee and my ankle all day, changing them to keep them cold. The ankle is doing ok as I sit with it up in our oasis of air conditioning tonight. And the knee is just badly bruised and scraped. And someday I’ll look back on this and it will all be funny.

Hell, I am already smiling.

Respectfully submitted,


lesthook said...

Is this it?


lesthook said...

I didn't see the no cheating and googled! Sorry!

Molly said...

Boy can I identify with you - when I worked in Montgomery at an insurance company who'd just built a big new addition with a big parking lot and security cameras everywhere...I went sprawling in my hose and heels...ankle turned, knee bruised and skinned and when I got back inside the security guards had seen the whole thing. Sigh. Glad you're taking it easy and seemingly on the mend.

Sweetpea said...

CG, that's e-x-a-c-t-l-y what my dawg Isla, would have done, she wouldn't have wanted to leave my side. Although she's mostly collie, I'm no Timmy, and she won't go home or get anybody!

Salty tears - now that's the best cleansing there is... but dang, bummer about the tumble. Don't know about you but tripping for me these days feels about like falling down that mountain in Maine :>/

Take good care of yourself.

Liz said...

Could have been so much worse, glad that you're ok, just bruised and battered!
I didn't cheat and it's Rosalita by The Boss.

"Spread out now, Rosie;
Doctor, come cut loose her mama’s reins.
You know, playin’ blindman’s bluff is a little baby’s game.
You pick up Little Dynamite;
I’m gonna pick up Little Gun;
And together we’re gonna go out tonight and make that highway run."

Just gotta love Bruce and rock...

Mental P Mama said...

Yowza. Leave it to you to find the bright side of this. So glad you are okay. In your air conditioned oasis....

Linda said...

Oh no, I'm sorry you fell and that you're in pain. Glad that you are resting in the 'cool breeze'. George, he loves you so much he wouldn't leave you laying on the lawn.

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

I would have cheated and googled, but someone beat me to it :-)

Hate..when..that..happens. Tomorrow you will wake up stiff, be careful, those first few steps.

Hilary said...

First of all, talking for your dog is totally acceptable in my book.
Secondly, that hurt........I feel your pain....knees are particularly painful in my world.
Thirdly, it was funny......especially the lick.....go....get.....Daddy.

Hilary said...

First of all, talking for your dog is totally acceptable in my book.
Secondly, that hurt........I feel your pain....knees are particularly painful in my world.
Thirdly, it was funny......especially the lick.....go....get.....Daddy.

Caroline said...

Oh hun...I am so sorry. But yes, better to fall at home where no one can see you!

Wanna hear something really funny... OK now picture this...I am looking all fine and dandy after work. I am going shopping with a friend in the heart of Chicago. It's the first beautiful warm day of the year...everyone is out. So the cab pulls up to this outdoor beer garden...my friend gets out, then me. I take about 2 steps and face plant in front of about 100 people. Who are drinking!!! OMG...I got cheers for that fall. I wanted to die. But looking back now...yes, I am laughing! Oh god, I can only imagine what I looked like!

So yeah, we all do it. Some of us more publicly than others.


Marianne said...

Seems kinda funny (not ha-ha funny) that you were looking at George when you fell -- and this was after you thought your blog about him was stupid! Doggie karma, perhaps? Especially when he ignored your pleas to go get help. Hell hath no fury like a puppy scorned, they say.I would try giving him an extra treat as an apology and to prevent any further mishaps.

Julie Harward said...

And here I thought I was the only one that did such things! I can so relate...I fell out at the hay stack one day and lay there crying as my golden came and laid as close to me as he could get and it was such a comfort...kind of like Mom's hug when I got hurt! I hope you will be alright and that you haven't done something that will hurt like heck for 6 months. Come say hi :D

Ellen said...

Feel better Kate. Glad you had a wonderful trip. I loved reading your posts and looking at your pictures.

Hope in a Basket said...

My parents chocolate lab has her own wesite. We had a border collie/lab when I was growing up I didn't have many friends and Eboney and I did everything together. I love reading your posts and seeing your pics but after a long day at work I love hearing from george too. Thanks for not pulling it. Cheers C.

emily said...

poor katy! hope you feel better. i cried a little today too. booo.

are you coming to pete's on 07.03?

i want to go to maine on our next vacation. You should work for their tourism department.

i blogged!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Oh, dear Kate: I'm so sorry you hurt yourself today. I hope you feel better by the minute. George did the right thing. It was more important that he stay there to watch over you than to run off and leave you alone. Good dog!
Hugs from you friend in FL,

Low Tide High Style said...

I'm so sorry you fell, and none of your posts are ever stupid...with or without George! And you are lucky to have fallen "after" your trip, though not falling would have been luckier!

I don't know the song, though I might if I heard it. And I cried today too!

Kat :)

Deb said...

Well, so much for George's Lassie moment!

A New England Life said...

So I'm thinking, as you lie there on the ground, why didn't you get out your cell phone and call your husband in the house?

Make sure to take ibuprofen for swelling. So sorry you took such a tumble, Kate. Rest up!

abb said...

Careful my friend! Mend fast!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

I can't believe you made it in to work after that fall!

Lili said...

If it will make you feel any better, I once fell walking through a restaurant and managed to grab at the nearest table right before my butt hit the floor and my fingers ended up in some man's plate of blueberry pancakes with syrup. Funny thing was he just kept on eating. Now that's one I always look back on and know it was funny, even though I was mortified when it happened. And thanks for telling your friend about my shop, I'm assuming it was her that bought the acorn spoon! Your George really was so sweet to lick you, he loves his mama. Hope you're feeling much better! ~Lili

Skogkjerring said...

Sorry, haven't a clue about the song, but I was thinking, I've been in situations before where I needed help and the only one there was my dog and like you, I thought, "Hey- if Lassie can get help so can my dog" but of course life isn't like Lassie on TV...so my dogs did pretty much what yours did and yeah, I can look back and smile AFTER I was ok....hahahaha...
Hope you heal quickly!

Anonymous said...

Border Collie kisses always help!
glad you are resting and were able to ice your injuries today!

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

I must say, you've got some good attitude! I'd have probably stayed home and laid on the sofa all day! Glad you're ok - sure you're ok?

Char said...

oh dear...sorry about the fall. that is never fun..and often not so funny. hope it's all better soon but you're right - at least it was at home and you didn't have to go to the ER or anything.

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

And I thought I was the only one who fell...I have fallen down the steps at work, one set inside and one outside as well as fell over into my garden just yesterday. No, I had not had anything to drink :) My cat Uh-Oh will curl his body around my oldest when she cries and refuses to leave her side. Isn't that something? especially for a cat! George is a sweetie and loves his mommy :):)

Holly said...

Oh no! Be very careful and keep an eye on those injuries. We cannot have you being hurt.


got that? It's an order.

Sare said...

#2. The song is "Rosalita" by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

OH no, that's a terrible way to start a day and a week. Hope you're feeling better and there are no tears today.

Gayle said...

oooooooooo, ouchie! so sorry to hear of your tumble. leave it to sweet george to pass out the kisses. mend well and soon........

Barb T. said...

Oh, Kate, I am so sorry about your fall; thank God it wasn't down the side of a mountain, or for that matter, anywhere during your vacation. How horrible that would've been.
Dogs are so phenomenal! What a loyal buddy George is!!

Gail said...

What a trooper! In pain, maimed and you still go to work.

Heal quickly. You will always have Maine!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

glad you are ok had to laugh at georges lack of response to go get daddy... that would be my pet...love the previous post even though i am as usual a day late ... several dollars short... and well you know me and understand me so :) it is all good!
love hugs and hope you feel better today!
and YES to the A/C ours does nto seem to ever cut off in this insane heat.

Nurse Nancy said...

I hope you feel better today...keep icing for the next 24 hours.

altar ego said...

I'm no good on the lyrics. I haven't listened to popular music since college, so I'm a hopeless case in that area.

More importantly. Owwww! I'm so sorry! I've taken some tumbles and hurt and cried and eventually laughed, too. I hope your hurts ease up very soon so you can take your boundary walks and George can go with you and you'll have more pictures to share with us.

I somehow missed yesterday's post. I think you need to sell buttons for all of George's fans that say "I love George," with his picture, of course. I'll buy the first one.

Take care.

Marilyn said...


Jayne said...

Oh, Kate... I was wincing as I read this. Ow, ow, ow. I am hurting FOR you. Nothing like splattering out to make us realize our vulnerability. So glad you were not seriously hurt and yes, that you were not on that mountain. Take care of your poor knee an ankle with rest and Motrin. Bless your sweet soul.

beth said...

oh sheesh....
i'm glad you're feeling better....
i adore your attitude about life....can you bottle that for the rest of us ?

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh I'm thankful the fall was no worse...bad as it was though. I'm thankful you were at home too. I hate falling and the older I get the more I worry about it. Seems it doesn't take much to put us on our backs. You are already smiling good for you. I smiled when I read that poor George was right there as low as he could get trying his best and was not leaving your side. If you had not gotten up when you did I expect a he would have been raising the roof. Take care of that ankle.
We enjoyed your Maine vacation and George post.
Madi and Mom

The JR said...

So sorry you fell. Am still nursing the pulled hamstring and groin muscle from 2 Saturdays ago.

Also noticed that all the limping has my ankle swollen again from the bad fall I took (exercising at Curves...) 3 years ago. They say exercising will kill ya...I believe it.

Take care of yourself.

Daryl said...

The Boss .. Rosalita

Daryl said...

I hit post too soon ... wanna compare knee scars? Queen Klutz here .. I do stuff like that all the time ... SIGH

Oh and crying is good, it washes the eyes as well as eases the boo boo hurt

Unknown said...

Yup, any post about George = not stupid, especially that one.

Glad to hear you're on the mend.

Be well ~Andrea~

Egghead said...

Poor girl. I feel your pain and some day you will look back and laugh. I was walking across the street years ago on my way to work in a dress and heels. It was raining as usual and I had my umbrella up and stepped off the curb, twisted my ankle and fell right in the middle of the street. Scraped my knee and sprained my ankle but still had to drag myself off the street and away from the cars. HUMILIATING! But now I laugh.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hoping you heal soon. The older I get, the more I seem to lose balance and tumble. I'm taking yoga classes and that seems to be helping, please God.

mrs mediocrity said...

Oh, I hope you are feeling better by now! But yes, I love how you look on the bright side, at least you tripped after your trip. (Sorry, couldn't help myself!)

deborah said...

Please, never stop writing about George! I do enjoy the posts so much.

Awww, so sorry about your fall and your boo-boo. You have an amazing attitude and outlook on life!

Mary Lou said...

kate, I'm so sorry but so glad, like you said, that it didn't happen on the mountain..Also good to know that George would not have left you on that mountain!
Hope it'a all well soon.

Diane said...

I'm sorry for the fall... and the pain. Sometimes tears help quite a bit!
Glad you're feeling better!

Donna S. said...

I understand. I have 1 step going to my garage. One day last year I did something strange & ankle turned off of it, I fell down & hit my head. I really thot I broke my ankle it hurt so bad but after ice, swelling & stuff wasn't awful so I suffered thru it. Since that time my little grandson had a spiral fracture in his ankle & it actually sounds like what I had--it doesn't hurt all the time just certain movements. Sorry, getting long winded. But anyway it took me several months to get back to normal. Hope yours heals quickly!!

GailO said...

First - George's diary was fun!...I'm so glad you didn't pull it:)

Second - NO idea...I didn't even cheat by reading all the comments

Third -I hope all is well...and I can't believe that smart dog didn't go and get daddy!

GailO said...

Now I have read all the comments and I can't believe that I didn't guess it right off the bat as Bruce is my all time favorite boy!

Deb said...

so sorry about your accident...but glad it didn't happen on your trip...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were able to get up since George refused to act like Lassie! I would have hated for you to lay there for hours with your husband thinking you had left for work!