Monday, July 12, 2010

Everybody’s favorite turned 3 today

Thanks to everyone who left happy birthday wishes on George’s Facebook page today. It was a total surprise.

Today was his third birthday and it just feels like we’ve known him much longer than this. A lot has happened in these past three years, but I count getting this dog as one of the best.

I think he’s a teenager now in dog years.

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I also think my husband wanted me to get party hats and invite some friends over. Or bake a cake or something. I asked him if he was kidding and he said yes.

But I wasn’t so sure.

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This is not a new toy but it’s one he loves. (George does not need any more toys, believe me.)

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He loves the ones where the squeak still works.

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And I like the beginning of this poem, by Emily Dickinson.

I started early, took my dog,

And visited the sea;

The mermaids in the basement

Came out to look at me.

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This was our sky on Friday afternoon. Saturday brought blessed rain and we had a whole day of it gently falling. The ground is much less crunchy now.

So how was your weekend? Do anything exciting?


Ellen said...

Happy birthday to George. Hope you have many, many happy years with him.

beth said...

awwww.....happy birthday george !!....ruff, ruff !

Hilary said...

He really DOES have a Facebook page!!!
Eddie had his birthday ice cream today....he is 13!!!!
Happy Birthday to George and Eddie!!!!

Liz said...

Have a great day George, my little girl gets tired of her toys when they don't squeak anymore too. Great sky picture Kate...

Shelley said...

Happy Birthday and many more to that beautiful George! I really think he needs an agent - he should be starring in movies!

Julie Harward said...

Yes, he's a teenager, I can tell by that wild look in his eyes! LOL :D

Gail said...

Happy Birthday, George! You surely picked a great couple to call your family.

Chrissykat said...

Hope you had a dog-gone good b-day George (ugh, that was bad sorry!)!!!
Nothing special here this weekend. But sometimes, that's okay by me.

Skeletalmess said...

Sorry George, but I'm one of the two people on the planet that doesn't have a Facebook account, so I'm wishing you a Happy Birthday here.
Happy Birthday!

Now, lets see, you're 3 today, and in dog years that puts you at 21,
which means legally you can purchase alcoholic beverages. Kate, hide the car keys. LOL!

Low Tide High Style said...

Aww Happy Birthday George!!

Kat :)

JacksDad said...

He looks so happy. And that's the best!

Michelle said...

George is exceptionally bright-eyed in this post; he knows it's HIS day!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi George:
Mom is resting and left her computer lid open, so I thought I'd leave another birthday message for you. I left one on fb when she wasn't looking, too. It's so hard to get any meaningful time on her computer. If she closes the lid, I can't get in. (It's a no-thumb thing.) I love my toys, too, and the best ones are the ones the AKC makes. It takes me forever to disable the squeakers! I'm persistent, though and manage to kill them all eventually. Hope your week is filled with squeaky toys and new smells to explore.

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

George is growing up! Happy Birthday to George :)

Sweetpea said...

My, my, my look at those pearly whites and that darned twinkle in his eye...George has all of us HERDED right where he wants us, little devil :>D

"Hi George, hope you had a 4-paws-up day!!"

Annie said...

Hello Kate. Glad you had some rain. Happy Birthday to George. Cutie pie. Happy doggie.

Had a good weekend. went to a Glass works exhibition locally, and also a Quilt Show ...with jazz thrown in on Sunday afternoon. The glassworks is on my blog now, and the Quilts will follow up soon.

I don't always comment, and sometimes the comments are slow...(especially here in Australia in the mornings) but I do read your posts almost very day. Have been minding the grandchildren while my daughter in law had an operation, in Melbourne, so things have been a little busy here lately.

Cait O'Connor said...

Happy Birthday George - great name.
He is a handsome young man.
I like the Dickinson lines too.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday to that gorgeous boy. I'll have to look for him on Facebook.

As for the weekend, I posted about it last night on my blog. If you have time, there's a question on the bottom (got the idea from YOU)...

Jayne said...

A belated Happy Birthday to George! He has the most expressive face, that boy. :c)

Connie in Hartwood said...

Happy Birthday, George. Daniel said to tell you that his favorite toy is a squeekie tennis ball. It takes a long time to kill the squeeker, and it's lots of fun trying!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Birthday George!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Kerri Farley said...

Happy Birthday George!!! Give him a big hug from me!!

altar ego said...

Happy Belated Birthday to George! I hope it was his happiest yet. Wish I could have given him a scratch behind the ears and fuss over him. How fun that he has a facebook page!

My weekend was rather drab, I'm sorry to say. I can't even remember Saturday, that's how distinctive it was! With any luck this week will bring some activity of interest.

Deb said...

Happy Birthday George...

Mental P Mama said...

Love my baby boy! We had nary a drop. We need it desperately.

Snap said...

Happy Birthday to George and many happy returns!!!!!

The JR said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful George!

Fantastic pictures.

Nothing exciting over the weekend. Fished, played with the horses and worked in the yard.....

mrs mediocrity said...

My weekend was filled with driving, and a graduation party. And somehow the whole thing made me feel peaceful.
Happy Birthday to your beautiful boy. My parents would have gone ahead with the cake and the party and more toys.
Have your read The Story of Edgar Sawtelle? I just finished it, and it is a wonderful book for anyone who loves a dog...

Carolynn Anctil said...

Happy Birthday, Indeed. George is one happy fella. I can't resist a smiling dog!

All my animals have been rescues, so I don't know when their true birthdays are. I've always celebrated it on the day they first came home with me. That's a new beginning that's at least as important as the original, I believe. *smile*


JC said...

Happy Belated Birthday !!!

We sure celebrate them at our house. Normally with a new squeekie toy ... Maddy Jean loves to take her old ones in the back yard and I like to have at least one good one for indoors.

Daryl said...

Having Friday as a vacation day makes me feel so spoiled .. it was too hot on Friday to do much more than a few errands... Saturday I did Saturday things and Sunday I beautified™ ... and I started making piles of things to pack .. if I dont put it out right as I am thinking about it ..I will forget ...

Caroline said...

Happy birthday George! Does he get a car now, or at least a learners permit? Is he gonna date the hot poodle down the street? ;)

Just chilled out this was perfect!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday George!

We had a great weekend including the 3rd annual luau canoe trip!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Birthday George!!!
Time for you to get your learner's permit...ask Mom to take you to the DMV today. Meows and head scratches, Madi

GailO said...

May he have many more happy years!

He certainly is adorable:)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Birthday smooches to George! Gosh I love that pooch! See you soon Kate!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I had friends to stay for the weekend, so did lots of cooking in advance. Cooked a large piece of rare-breed beef (Dexter) and it was delicious.
George has a lovely smile - wish I could have sent him a slice of that beef for his birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday George!

D.K. Wall said...

Happy Birthday, George! We would tell you 3 is the time to start acting like an adult dog, but none of us really believe in that.

Anonymous said...

Apologies. I went to bed early last night and did not do any blog visits and so I missed wishing George a Happy B-day on the day.

Happy BELATED birthday to you George and many more you handsome thing you.


Stickhorsecowgirls said...


Char said...

happy birthday george!!!

it was a good weekend for sure

Mary said...

Awww, how did I miss his birthday?! Happy, happy birthday, dear George!!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

FireLight said...

A three year old! What a love!
I drove down to Monroeville, AL-the fictional Maycomb of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and home of Harper Lee.
There were four days of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the publication of the book. I was one of the readers of the read-a-thon of the book where we read from the judge's bench in the courthouse. Also, I got to meet, talk with, hug, and photograph Scout (actress Mary Badham). English teacher heaven and pure joy for all MOCKINGBIRD fans!

Hilary said...

Aww.. happy belated birthday, puppyface! :)

Unknown said...

How in the world did I miss this? Oh Joy! The boy is three.....big smiles...