I love hosting a Q&A post every couple of weeks on this blog and I always seem to choose at least one question for which i find the answers most fascinating. This week, it was the last question regarding dreams. And not just regular dreams. I wanted to know if you had the kind of dreams that repeat themselves: Recurring dreams.
These photos have nothing to do with this post. I’m physically unable to post something without a photo and I thought that these two pictures, taken by my husband last October, were as good as any to share with you.
They were taken from the widow’s walk at the house. Above is a view looking towards the driveway (north).
And now to some of your answers, when asked the question “Do you have a recurring dream and what do you think it means?”
I love these . . .
I had a recurring dream for many years that I was flying/floating over the treetops in the neighborhood where I grew up. The first time I dreamed it was when I realized that I dream in color. Love that dream!
I can fly ~~~save people.. One time I actually tried flying off the bed and landing ker-plunk onto the floor.. That woke me up~~fast~!
I've always felt so glorious after my flying dreams that I think it has to have something to do with a feeling of freedom and wellness. (I really love those dreams!)
The [dream] I like most is the one where I'm flying free outside and I go under wires and in between buildings and over trees. I love the freedom of that dream. I've looked it up before and it says that you have power over something in your life at that time. go figure!
I've learned that I have a purpose in life through my recurring dream...
And dreams of houses . . .
I dream that I'm in a huge house with lots of odd rooms and hidden areas. Isn't a house supposed to represent one's self? Any interpreters out there?
I have a recurring dream about living in a huge house on a hill... I'm expecting company and I'm pressed for time to get all the rooms ready for them - anxiety! No idea what it means.
(I found [this] on ‘House’. ~ C.G.)
And then there are the scary ones . . .
I have a recurring dream about being locked into a huge house, with moving rooms and shut doors. I think I know what it means, it is a scary dream and never quite the same twice.
Tidal waves...I don't think it means a love of water!
(You’re right, it doesn’t. I found [this] on tidal waves. ~ C.G.)
[My dream] involves a car, a hill and accelerated speed while I frantically stomp the break down to the floor and I all I see out the windshield is sky. Very scary. I've read that it means I feel like I have no control in my life.
Recurring dream was terrible--a plane crash in our pasture and I was always the only one there to help. Then one night, the plane pulled up at the last minute and didn't crash, and I never had the dream again. No idea what it means, but I'm sure a Freud type would have a field day.
And then there’s these . . .
I dream I'm in NYC and I don't like it and I am lost. I don't know what triggers this dream, but it may have something to do with watching reruns of Sex in the City before bedtime.
[Mine are] more like recurring themes. From time to time I dream that I'm out walking and exploring a city.. or a large house. When I awaken I'm disappointed that I wasn't really there. This morning I was in a Scandinavian country.. exploring and taking great photos of interesting sights and objects including a Danish or Norwegian Monopoly board. When I woke up, I was disappointed that these images didn't exist on my camera. They were going to be great blog fodder. ;)
And this is the one that made me gasp out loud . . .
Yes, I have had a recurring dream for years. I am floating in a stream in the bottom of an old dug out canoe, hiding, as I lay there I see trees over head as the canoe floats quietly down the stream. I notice I am wearing an old dress like early settlers of America. I am afraid of discovery.
(Wow. ~ C.G.)
I want to thank everyone who comes here and takes the time to answer my questions. I’m unable to post the Q&A on a weekly basis because I often don’t have the time it takes. You see, I love getting to know you better and taking the time to read all of your answers, plus I answer each and every comment. Well, each and every comment that I’m able to answer. Click here if I’ve never acknowledged one of your Q&A submissions.
And with that, I’ll say ‘Until tomorrow, my friends . . .’

What very pleasant recurring dreams people have! As for me, my recurring dream was scary and one that I had my eyes open as I could see everything in my room...it goes on with greater detail but I don't want to bore you...
what a fabulous post! i find dreams so
intriguing and portentous.
Great post! I missed that Q&A so I will answer now...
I have two. One was when I was a child I used to dream over and over about a man in a spiderman costume that would chase me. If he touched me I would become frozen. Just as he was reaching out to grab me I would wake up.
The second is from adulthood, but I haven't had it recently...I am kidnapped by a man in my past and I am trapped in a speeding car with him. My heart is pounding and I pull the door handle to leap from the speeding car. I wake before I hit the ground.
I wonder why I don't have repetitive GOOD dreams?
So, when is our friend from the south heading up for a pow-wow?
It was really interesting to read all the different dreams. I also have one where I own a huge house and have not even seen or decorated all the rooms... and I have one where I'm driving on an entrance ramp to a highway and it just keeps on going up and up till I fly off into space.... HATE that one!
Interesting dreams all across the board! It's always fun when you wake up and remember your dreams (or rather the strange parts of your dreams). Sometimes I'm me and often I take on a role in a book I'm reading. I've only flown in a dream one time though. Your photos are lovely as always and thanks for sharing an interesting post!
Having really weird dreams seems to be the norm with me. I wake up most of the time remembering them. Then I tell my DH about them, and he looks at me like 'who is this weirdo I'm married to'. He never remembers his dreams! I would like to have a recurring dream that is soothing and comfy!
Tomorrow is Wednesday! Jump for joy...the weekend is almost here!
Hugs, Jeanne
@Mary, I have one like that too, except I'm driving up the ramp of a bridge, that feels kind of like a roller coaster ramp, except I'm driving and I get to the top and I can't see what's on the other side. Have had that one for years, and then last summer I had the "pleasure" of driving north from Mathews, VA on Route 301, across the Gov. Harry Nice Bridge into Maryland and OH MAH GAWD it turns out THAT is the bridge of my nightmares! And I didn't think I had a thing about bridges.
Sorry CG, I forgot about this one when I posted answers the other day. A shrink would probably have a field day with me and all the hidden meanings of my recurring dreams.
Thank you for asking such great questions. How do you come up with them? I mean I could come up with one or two, but you always do five + at a time, and they're all great questions.
I loved that Dream Weaver song, it's one of my favorites of all time. And I'm with you on that log canoe drifting down the stream - haunting.
I have a dream where I'm looking for a restroom....and every one I go into doesn't work...or the potty is missing...and I am in constant search for one that works...crazy....I know but I've had this dream so many times....
Hi Kate. I came by and read this once and read some of your replys . I thought I would join in on this one. I have an odd dream or did years ago when my niece was a baby. The dream was a nightmare that came about three times .
All three of us. My Mom , I and my niece were in Burma going into the markets to buy Jade. The surrrounding were beautiful with mountains in the mist. In the markets some pepole came and took my niece right out of my arms and headed into the mist up the mountain. Every dream I had the same happned with us going into the mist into the mountians to find her and bring her back. It always started that way and ended in about that way . Funny that I would remember that after coming here tonight.
Your hubbys photos are stunning with the fall colors. Winter is going to soon be here and we continue with the harvest with the men working into the night.
Sweet Dreams and I hope I do too.
Have a great week.
That last resonates like a past-life-memory!
(now I have that song in my head!)
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I wish my recurring dreams were pleasant like some you mentioned. I don't like waking up, and waking myself up enough, to realize I am only dreaming.
I love the Q/A posts. Your questions really make me think...something I have problems with that quite often.
The photos fit perfectly...sorta dreamy.
Hey Dream Girl!
My neighbor Cornelia told me I could find you here. :)
Miss you!
Annette Whipple
You always ask great questions and I usually have to think about my answers. Then I forget to come back and comment! LOL! According you the links you provided, in analyzing my dream from last night, my public image is in need of sprucing up and I'm under a lot of stress, hmmm.
I think I'll forgo my afternoon siesta....
Clearly this brought out the wackywoos ... Anon comments are always fun.. not
Great post .. and I think A is very brave to climb up there .. I am afraid of heights more than I am of recurring dreams
I enjoyed reading the info you found re tidal wave dreams...it makes the dreams seem less threatening...I have to say I am always panicked during those dreams and wake just before the wave gets to me...Haven't had one recently thank God:)
Your Q&As are fun!...and we get to know you too:)
i love trying to figure out dreams - i've always wanted to go back to school and become a counselor with jungian leanings
I missed the dream question. :( But I've been out of the blogging loop for awhile. LOVE the photos of fall. Another couple of weeks before it gets pretty here in Tulsa, but never as pretty as the east coast in fall.
I no longer have a recurring dream. Therapy does wonders for that. But my two recurring themes through childhood, college and early motherhood, were falling from great heights unexpectedly and spiders. *shudder*
awesome stuff :) i love the q and A sessions... and private emails too :) very carthartic!
love hugs and ear scratches for george!
I missed the original post about dreams. I have one that involves elevators that are out of control. Not only dropping or shooting up at high rates of speed, but rocking back and forth. Makes me hesitate briefly every time I step into an elevator.
Interesting. Sorry to say that I missed your original post asking the question. Interestingly I did have a recurring dream about getting lost and being unable to find my way home. I wrote a poem about it and posted it on my blog some time ago since when I have not had the dream again.
Very cool photos that your hubby took, love the perspective. And now I have that song in my head and I'll probably have another recurring dream again tonight. This was a very cool post though Kate! ~Lili
I luv those widow walks on old homes. Cool pictures by your hubby.
The photos are lovely. Unfortunately, I always have the same recurring scary dream. I'm losing my teeth! Apparently it's a fairly common dream to have. I've been told it means a variety of things - but most of them have to do with fear of losing one's looks, which makes sense, I guess! Very happy to see that others have such pleasant recurring dreams!
It took me a while to search online, only your site open up the fully details, bookmarked and thanks again.
- Kris
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