. . . as I have seen in one autumnal face. ~ John Donne
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Lately I’ve been thinking that I really don’t have much to say. I’m sure most of you have long since realized this fact (ha!) but I have been blogging for almost three years now and I’m beginning to sound like a broken record to myself. I’m always walking around my yard taking pictures or taking portraits of a photogenic border collie who happens to live with us.
Well, the broken record is going to continue, because today I bring you more photos of walking around my yard. I did include a black cat and some birds this time, to change things up a bit.
Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter.
~Carol Bishop Hipps
I love October. It just feels so good. And the color is beginning to get marvelous around here. To the reader who commented yesterday that seeing my photos of her beloved Maryland is making her cry, I’m sorry.
I didn’t mean to make you cry.
My husband hung a bird feeder out the window at the breakfast nook. It’s up quite high and we get to see the birds close up now, every time we sit at the table.
A little Miss Blackie on a chilly fall day.
I took all of the photos in today’s post using my Nikon D80 and a Nikon 105mm macro lens that I borrowed from a co-worker for the weekend.
Last night my husband and I stood right where I stood to take the photo above and we moved our shadows up and down, stretching them out and elongating them again.
It was his idea. I’d been hiking by on the trail that runs behind the trees there and he called me over to show me the long length of his shadow. I wished I’d had the camera but knew that the light would be gone by the time I returned. So I promised myself to remember it because it was one of those completely sweet and touching moments that doesn’t just come along every day.
The sun was slowly setting and the bokeh was glowing.
bokeh (pronounced /boʊ'kɛ/) is the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light." ~ Wikipedia
I hope you all enjoy your weekends, whatever is that you do. The world is your oyster. And thanks, as ever, for your visits here.
Until next time . . .

I don't care if you post nothing but bird photos every day for the next year, I'd still come back for more. I love the house finches. We're getting a strong presence of them right now in Texas too.
Have a great weekend!
I love that word....bokeh.
Are you weaving yet?
Love seeing any of your pics. The leaves are lovely this time of the year.
Okee Dokee Bokeh!.....smiles...
and a good weekend to you too...
Gorgeous photos!!! How do you keep Miss Blackie from the birds??
i run out of words, too....
thank goodness for photos :)
and this time of year....BOKEH is no JOKIE.... HOLY SMOKEY !
Love the bird and the black cat photos. I'm at the beach house for the weekend enjoying the quiet of nature.
I enjoy all of your photography, no matter if it is just your yard. Also, I am a huge fan of George, so I expect those photos to keep on comin'.
Oh, I love the results you are getting out of that 105mm Micro lens. It's on my list of lens wants. Jealous you actually get to play with one!
we love you, silly, just the way you are. i can just picture you and your husband making funny shadows, and it made me smile.
kate i understand how you feel about the blog, i often feel that as well on mine..these are so nice..enjoy the weekend
I was only introduced to the blogging world very recently which means I am in NO way tired of your photos. Keep doing what you do - your pictures are phenomenal!
...Hello Miss Kate!*waving* Comin' outta Lurksville to say just how beautiful those photos are... That red leaf photo is just to die for! :o)
...Thank you for your sweet note on my FB, I miss you too. I need to get back into commenting again, I've just been popping in and popping out here and there and everywhere and then off to do something. Thankfully things are slowing down around here and now I can get into visiting more... :o)
...I think of you often and hope all is well in your beautiful world. "Hello" to Country Boy and Georgee-Peorgee too!
...Blessings my friend... :o)
I don't think your record is broken Kate. I think it's more like a well loved 45 that we played over and over again just to hear our favorite song one more time! Keep it coming, and I love the shadow story!
Happy weekend!
Kat :)
I never tire of your words or pictures!
How about if we meet at Longwood some day? Then you'll have new fodder for your blog. And so will I!
Although I do love George and I do love my dog Kaja I really consider myself a cat person:)...so I love seeing Blackie here:) I haven't gotten bored here yet Kate!
each shot tops the last!
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
Oh my gosh.. trees and dogs. Hmmmm, now let me think, who else posts those kinds of photos every day. ME! That's who.
Your photos are always worthwhile, Kate. That's why I keep coming back, well... along with your words of course.
I am also new to the blog world and have only just discovered your beautiful photos, great quotes and new words to learn.
It's really interesting, there are bajillions of blogs out there and some how I connect with yours and keep checking in on you and your photos.
Must be your love of nature, dogs and husbands:)
I love that you take pictures of your yard and your dog... that's totally me too! Isn't it fun? :) Enjoy your weekend! Your photos are beautiful.
never bored with your posts...and beautiful photos...
I love seeing pictures of your yard and George...always beautiful.
Your Miss Blackie looks like my Inky.
Don't stop walking and shooting! :D :D :D
Wonderful photos ! I havent been blogging for very long only about 6 months and I am even finding it hard now to try to post without repeting my self! Have a great weekend !
You speak volumes with just your lens Kate... no words needed. Have a glorious weekend my friend.
Kate, you could list your groceries and we'd keep coming back.....and the shadow story.....adorable!!! :} Just include the handsome one and the black cat once in a while.....and we're set to stay.....you aren't getting rid of us that easily!!!!!
I assure you Kate that I enjoy every one of your posts and do not for an instant believe they are getting jaded - I feel every day you are giving me a little slice of your life - and I really enjoy it.
I love the close up of the black capped chickadee. I think the are just the sweetest little birds. In the last photo I think I can see the faint outline of a spiders web. Really cool.
I never tire of reading your blog. It goes without saying...your photos are awesome..even if it's a photo of a leaf! Intricate is a good thing! Your writings are your personal thoughts. It gives us an insight into who 'Kate' is. Some of us live exciting lives that affords us many things to write about. Most of us live normal lives and it is from this existence that we find about about who you are and not what you have and where you have been. So keep it up...I look forward to seeing what 'my friend' did today!!! Hugs!
I just stopped by for a quick visit before I head off to work this morning. Such pretty images. I especially like the little whiskered face you shared today.
Enjoyed your backyard glimpses of Autumn. Miss Blackie looks just like my Lucy.
Well, your pictures have never made me want to cry - they usually just make me feel very peaceful.
Beautiful, beautiful fall photos! I never get tired of your words...or your photos.
your are so right about the bokeh. this is beautiful and I totally LOVE the black kitty photo and the DOF.
I really enjoy your blog
peace n abundance,
I can almost hear the beginning of nature's night music while gazing at your bokeh shots. ~Lili
Don't much care for oysters but I do love pearls!
Your photos are always beautiful.
I wish we had such beautiful bright colorful birds here on the coast. Watching North and South miniseries this weekend and the lovely homes and pathways framed by trees remind me of your place. Gorgeous.
love the pics - beautiful warm light and cool compositions :))
Doesn't look like a broken record to me....I love everything you have to say and show. your photos are Always beautiful!!!!
What gorgeous photos! I just found your blog, and your fall photos are so much more glorious than my cell phone ones, but still, I tried! I love that one red leaf!
I love fall pictures!! I esp. love the changing leaves. thanks for the pictures. keep them coming. Loved the pic of your black cat. I'm a cat lover so cat's have a particular place in my heart.
I'm so glad you will continue to be here. I love, LOVE your blog and even if you don't have something to say pictures are worth a million words. Thank you.
totally awesome shots ... I only post photos and rarely do wordy blogs posts because I am never clever on my own, I need something to happen/go somewhere so I get inspired to share .. your photos are worth a bazillion words!
fantastic shots!
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