I loved reading what all of you are doing for the weekend from the question I posed in yesterday’s post. And thanks to Tiggeriffic for helping me identify the Harris’ sparrow. I have to look in one of the bird books, and even then I’m not completely sure sometimes.
I found another group of photographs in the camera disk today. My husband took all of them and then I worked on a few of them in Photoshop.
Before Photoshop, I read more books. So tonight after I finish this post, I’m going to continue to read the book I started last night. It’s a Sue Grafton and I’ve been reading her Kinsey Milhone series for over 20 years, the first one being ‘G is for Gumshoe’ and then working my way back and then forward.
But back to the camera dish. Here’s what I found tonight.
He must have been lying on the ground for this one of George. I love it. I used a Michelle Black sepia action on it and then a texture from Shadowhouse Creations called 5AT5.
You can see several bridges from the top of the hill. This was taken in the field in front of the property, through the woods. I used Florabella’s Little Blue Book texture in warm.
I know they’re dead sunflowers, but I just loved this picture above, with the morning glories growing up the stalks and the blue of the sky. I used Pioneer Woman’s Seventies action on this as well as Florabella’s Summer Wine, both with the opacities lowered considerably.
:: ~ :: :: ~ :: :: ~ ::
My crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not deck’d with diamonds and Indian stones,
Nor to be seen: my crown is call’d content.Shakespeare - King Henry VI, Part III, Act III
:: ~ :: :: ~ :: :: ~ ::
I really liked this one too. The lone morning glory ~
:: ~ :: :: ~ :: :: ~ ::
And now, if you care to partake, I have some questions that need an answer.
1. Do you lie about your age?
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you?
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish?
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside?
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing?
See you in the comments, my friends . . .

1. Do you lie about your age? Never. I have no shame.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Besides my husband cooking dinner for me, a co-worker who gave me a bottle of wine just for helping her out with a little pizza lunch fundraiser at school.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? It's not something I relish, but I'm able to do it. I think my best dish is my pumpkin/apple pie.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? About where I reside in Maryland, I'd have to say the Chesapeake Bay. It's beautiful.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? My mother took me to see Bambi when I was very young.
~ C.G.
1. I don't really lie, but I avoid the issue sometimes.
2. My sister gave me a cup and saucer that belonged to our mother.
3. Sometimes I like to cook. Amaretto chicken is mighty tasty!
4. I am within minutes of the ocean, the mountains and snow, and just over an hour to go to the desert. Also, fabulous weather in San Diego.
5. Black Beauty, my mom had to take me out, I remember sobbing, loudly, hurrying up the aisle.
1. Do you lie about your age? No
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? A friend I met for coffee this Tuesday brought me the most beautiful set of scripture notecards and a yummy bar of soap. I love soap....
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? Yes, as long as it is not under pressure (like for a big group). I especially like to bake desserts and have several men at church who always ask "What did YOU bring?"
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? So many good things about it! The weather, the view, the trees, the flowers....
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? Too long ago for this middle-aged brain to recall!
1. Do you lie about your age? No, not worth it.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you?
Nurse Nancy brought me the cutest Halloween tea light holders.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I love to cook. Best dish - Nut roll. My baking skills far exceed my main dish skills.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? Hum, I live in NJ. Is there anything good about living there?
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? Had to be "Snow White." At the movie theater where "The Blob" movie theater scene was filmed (the original, not the remake).
Age-Nope, and I hope I never do. (Though sometimes I forget how old I am.)
nice thing- An older woman held the door for me this morning since I had the stroller.
cook- I don't mind cooking, it's the clean up that kills me. I make a good French dip and an even tastier chocolate chip cookie pie.
first movie-I think I remember seeing ET at the drive in.
Beautiful photos Kate, I love the dead sunflowers very symbiotic with the morning glories on them!
1. Do you lie about your age? Heck no, every year I'm hear is a badge of honor as far as I'm concerned! Like my dad used to say, it's better than the alternative.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Mr. Tide made dinner tonight, since I was fried from writing all day today. It was yummy too!
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I like to cook but only if I have everything I need, I hate starting to cook only to realize I'm missing an ingredient! My family would say that my chili is my best dish, followed by my homemade brownies.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? The tranquility, and the fact that there is always something new to marvel at.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? 101 and 1 Dalmations when it came to our local drive-in several years after it was originally released...man I loved the drive-in!
Enjoy your weekend!
Kat :)
1. Do you lie about your age?
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you?
Today my brother-in-law did a rather huge favor for the man I'm dating. And only because I'm dating him, therefore he actually did this favor for me. Could you follow that?
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish?
Yes. Not a dish, really. Homemade bread.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside?
The peace, being surrounded by nature.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing?
Honestly can't remember. Perhaps it was Star Wars? Let's just say we never went to movies when I was growing up.
1. Do you lie about your age?
No. 25 is a great age :)
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you?
I made dinner for my husband and just picked a winner for a giveaway at my blog.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish?
I make awesome chicken/vegetable soup! No recipe in particular. I just through things together and its good every time.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside?
Its Northeastern Vermont. Everything.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing?
Bambi. I was 3 or 4 in the movie theater with my dad. My little sister cried when Bambi's mother died and my dad had to take her out of the theater. I remember laughing at her.
Cabin Fever in Vermont
1. Never......I'm 63 and glad to be alive.
2.My husband ....made dinner.....picked up groceries for my Mom.
3.I do like to cook, but I don't have much money. I make the best PIE, and the best SOUP.
4.The Adirondacks.
5.I guess it was the King Kong and Godzilla movie.
1. Do you lie about your age?
No, never old is still old.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? A fellow blogger sent me a gift, "just because."
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? Yes, I love to cook, Clam Chowder in bread bowls.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? Having my Field of Dreams, and seeing them come true.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing?
To Kill A Mockingbird
1. Nope, never have never will. I love that I get to celebrate another year.
2. I received a sweet gift bag on my front porch from a friend who knows I've been very sad lately.
3. No...no no no. I do not like to cook. Not even a little. Nope.
4. Hmmm...I guess the best thing about where I reside is that someday, I'll get to leave here...I hope.
5. I'm quite sure I would have had to see something before this but the first movie I remember seeing was Freaky Friday (the original).
1. Do you lie about your age? Never. I come from a long line of women who live to be 100, more or less, so I'm just over half-way by my accounting.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Handsome brought me coffee in bed this morning.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? Love to cook. Crown roast (pork) with Fennel, Wild Rise and Sausage Stuffing (for celebrations) or Kicked Up Stuffed Garlic Bread (for everyday).
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? No snow
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? I remember watching The Sound of Music with my best friend from grade school.
Hope you have a great weekend, Kate. Love the photos today!
1. Do you lie about your age? No.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? My husband bought me two bags of mini hershey bars because "they were on sale."
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? Love to cook. I;m not that much of a cook. I make great pizza, great soup and chili, and good pierogies.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? Wide open spaces.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? King of the Grizzlies at the old playhouse in my town which was a beautiful, ornate theatre and it was the last movie they showed before they tore it down.
And those are some great photos, I love the one of George.
1. You gotta be kidding. I turned 65 this year and went on Medicare (I still view myself as a high school cheerleader!). The gray hair tells it all. I was sooooo pleased to see and hear Nate Berkus' show yesterday about how gray is the new black ~ including hair color!
2. Just yesterday I called someone who is a client (more so than a friend) and asked if she could come with a minivan to help me return some 6 foot long tables I had borrowed from another friend for a yard sale because the person who helped me get them flaked out! I was overjoyed to return them and to think that someone who pays me to do work for them would pitch in at the last minute. Thank you, Sue!
3. Absolutely. I've been cooking for one for almost 40 years and two of my favorites are chicken picatta and sour cream chicken enchiladas!
4. Best thing about where I reside is it is sunny about 360 days out of the year. But I'm leaving here in late December to return to my roots in a southern state where there's lots of rainfall and cloudy days (but then that will be the best thing about where I reside since now it's only about 6 inches a year!)
5. Oh, you gotta be kidding. My mom says I played in the floor at the Bambi premier. I actually remember such things as "Trapeze" with Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina Lollobrigida and Katy Jurado (who also starred in High Noon with Grace Kelly and Gary Cooper); "Elephant Walk" with Elizabeth Taylor and Dana Andrews; and then of course Marilyn Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes; Clark Gable and Ava Gardner in "Mogambo"; and not to be forgotten "Gone with the Wind" with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. I could go on and on but please, let's not be boring!
1. You gotta be kidding. I turned 65 this year and went on Medicare (I still view myself as a high school cheerleader!). The gray hair tells it all. I was sooooo pleased to see and hear Nate Berkus' show yesterday about how gray is the new black ~ including hair color!
2. Just yesterday I called someone who is a client (more so than a friend) and asked if she could come with a minivan to help me return some 6 foot long tables I had borrowed from another friend for a yard sale because the person who helped me get them flaked out! I was overjoyed to return them and to think that someone who pays me to do work for them would pitch in at the last minute. Thank you, Sue!
3. Absolutely. I've been cooking for one for almost 40 years and two of my favorites are chicken picatta and sour cream chicken enchiladas!
4. Best thing about where I reside is it is sunny about 360 days out of the year. But I'm leaving here in late December to return to my roots in a southern state where there's lots of rainfall and cloudy days (but then that will be the best thing about where I reside since now it's only about 6 inches a year!)
5. Oh, you gotta be kidding. My mom says I played in the floor at the Bambi premier. I actually remember such things as "Trapeze" with Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina Lollobrigida and Katy Jurado (who also starred in High Noon with Grace Kelly and Gary Cooper); "Elephant Walk" with Elizabeth Taylor and Dana Andrews; and then of course Marilyn Monroe in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes; Clark Gable and Ava Gardner in "Mogambo"; and not to be forgotten "Gone with the Wind" with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. I could go on and on but please, let's not be boring!
1. Do you lie about your age? Nope, as a matter of fact, I shout it from the rooftops sometimes :) I'm enjoying the freedom my 40's have brought so far.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? A person who I look up to professionally more than anyone else nominated me for a teaching award...she called me to tell me how much I meant to her...
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I love to cook...I can bake a knock your socks off bread pudding with whisky sauce on top ;)
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? our community is a small community inside a small state. Most everyone looks out for everyone else...while that can be aggravating at times, most of the time it is a very secure feeling.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? The Apple Dumpling Gang with Don Knotts...I watched this movie in my hometown theatre which is currently a hotel...
1. Do you lie about your age? Currently, no. When I was 17 trying to get into The Spectrum under the bridge at Yorktown? Yes. I said I was 18, which was the drinking age at the time.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Tonight after I cried during a tirade with a friend about how stressed I was, I returned home to find a rose from that same person.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I have mixed feelings on cooking. Sort of like it but sort of have huge disasters with it. My best dish is something somebody else cooks.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? Just about everything.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? Tarzan. I saw it at Donk's Theater at Hudgins. Black and white. Circa 1970. We were in the front row, and I was mesmerized. Today they sing country music in that same theater. This is a small part of what I love about where I live. That things endure for generations. People know each other. They stop to talk or they smile politely when they pass you in the produce aisle. The pace is slower. You can walk out onto a beach and not see another soul for hours. You can hop in a boat and catch your dinner. If something goes wrong the community circles the wagons and makes things right. We have no stoplights. We have no Targets. We have no McDonalds. Yet we have it all.
I love where I live. Sorry. I confused the questions.
1. Sometimes, I don't feel as old as the numbers say, so sometimes its hard to say the numbers!
2. The texts my hubby has been sending me. He knows I have been really sad since end of my vacation when I had to say goodbye to my daughter who had just moved away.
3. Mostly I would rather someone else cooks but I do cook. My best dish is Barbequed Spareribs.
4. This town is a small enough town not to feel overpopulated or crowded, and yet big enough to have all the amenities we need.
5. The Wizard of Oz.
The photos and the processing are wonderful Kate! You make a great team:)
1. No...except when I'm teasing my 5yr old grandson who isn't sure if he should believe me or not when I tell him I'm 29...he is starting to catch on tho...
2. Mr O did the dishes tonight...but then he usually does:)
3. I love to cook! I think my family would say my Mac and Cheese is their favorite.
4. All the hiking trails near the house...Definitely NOT the junk yard across the street...
5. The very first movie I remember seeing in a theater was a Disney movie called "Perri the Squirrel"...it came out in 1956. It was live nature photography and I was mesmerized...
1. Do you lie about your age?
no, I do however forget how old I am.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you?
My husband did some garden work for me.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish?
Yes. Pasta in all forms. I'm blanking on best dish. I'm 56!
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside?
Living close to Yosemite, it's an hour away.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing
To Kill a Mocking Bird. I was like 7 and it scared me!
1) No, never. I just don't always reveal it. ;)
2) My son cooked for me.
3) Yes. I make a good low fat Chicken Cordon Blue and a not so low fat Chicken Parmesan.
4) It's a close-knit neighbourhood. But if you mean geographically, it's the nearby pond. If you mean Canada in general.. well everything.
5) Big Red followed shortly afterward by The Miracle Worker. I was 7 at the time. There, I just revealed my age. ;)
1. Do you lie about your age?
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? MOST OF THE TIME... PIKELETS (RECIPE HERE: http://bushbabeofoz.com/2010/10/18/bush-babes-pikelets/ )
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? WHERE DO I BEGIN... THE PEACE AND THE BEAUTY.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? DISNEY'S MERLIN. ALL THOSE SWEEPING BROOMS MADE QUITE AN IMPRESSION!
I really love that shot of George. I like it when a dog's mouth hangs a little loosely at the corners. A sign of relaxation and contentment.
1. No. Never. I think I look pretty good for my age, if I do say so myself.
2. The Frenchman gave me one of his patented hugs. They should be packaged up and sold, I'm tellin' ya. We'd be millionares. *smile*
3. I don't like to cook, but I like to eat. I'm what I refer to as a 'functional' cook. It might not look pretty, but it'll taste pretty good.
4. It feels like a vacation home. Always has.
5. Mary Poppins...? Or maybe, 101 Dalmations - the original.
These are FAB photos, CG...I find it pretty fascinating, the images your hubs trips the shutter for combined with your p'shop choices...and I always luv your dialogue about his pictures. Endearing. ok, that sounds schmaltzy but somehow I think you'll know what I mean.
Ok, I've been very remiss about answering your *questionnaires* of late so here goes:
1. oh yes, but only occasionally, depending on who needs to know...and I usually fess up by saying something like, "oh, I'm 49 for the 6th time"....
2. They gave me space when I needed quiet down time...
3. Not too much, I am a cooking klutz. Does not come naturally. No instinct about food combining whatsoever. BUT. I ADORE making SOUP! Soups of all kinds. Best soup? Split pea with bacon.
4. Living so close to nature.
5. Walt Disney's 'Bambi'
1.No but sometimes I have been known to 'forget' just how old I am!
2.My husband hung the washing out for me this morning when I was time poor and starting to panic!
3.I hate cooking meals but love baking cakes, cookies and desserts. Not so good on the cleaning up though!
4. Mmmmm???? that is a tricky one. Maybe just simply because this is where my family are.
5. Grease - in grade six and 'Jenny Taylor and Andrew Eastick' kissed! Still one of my favorite movies.
1. Nope, never. I am quite proud that I love my 40's so much and am looking forward to my 50's!
2. A choir friend gave me two free tickets to see the play Annie this weekend. :c)
3. I really don't like to cook anything complicated. Best dish is my vegetable soup.
4. A wonderful thick tree line behind my house where all my birdie friends live and fly to my feeders from.
5. One that made a huge impact was my dad taking us to see Walking Tall.
Gorgeous pictures!
1. Do you lie about your age? No, not really. But I do have to stop and think about just how old I really am-
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Our dear friends took us out to dinner
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I don't mind cooking, but then I cook every day. My family would say my Chili is my best dish.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? This is a great small town to live in..nice weather, close to the water, close to the countryside, close to a large city with all the conveniences...
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? I think it was 101 Dalmations at a grand vintage theatre in Huntington.
please give George a hug for me - dpk
Super October photos!
1. Do you lie about your age? No
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you. My husband did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen last night.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? Yes. See #2. My best dish is probably Osso Bucco.
4. What's the best thing about where you reside. It fits us!
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing. Gone With The Wind - and no, not the year of its release! I grew up in a small town in Texas and perhaps it just took ten or so years to get to our "picture show." What I remember most is red velvet!
1. Do you lie about your age?No, I am very proud to have survived...smiles
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you?A friend trusted me with her sadness, I am honored.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish?I love to cook....Chocolate Pound cake.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? Lots of trees....old souls.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? The one I really remember was Mary Poppins, not because of the movie, or Julie, or the songs (I'm hummin"), but because we saw it at a drive-in, and my brother an I were in our PJs.
Thank you my friend for Friday questions, they are one of the best parts of the week.....smiles.
1. Do you lie about your age?
No! I'm proud I've gotten this far!
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you?
On Wednesday a friend at the museum gave me the beautiful orchid on her desk.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish?
I do like to cook. Best dish? Well. Good question! I love soups, stews, eggplant parmesan and hubby would say chicken enchiladas!
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside?
We are close to Rice University. Everything we need is within a 5 - 10 minute drive. When the weather is nice (read no humidity), we can walk, walk, walk.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing?
I have no idea! I guess I've never been much of a movie goer at any age.
1. I don't lie about my age
2. Wrote out times on my flyers because I forgot to type them in.
3.Yes. Chicken Soup.
4. It's quiet and backs onto a forest for now.
5. Grizzly Adams
1. Never lied about my age. Well, since before I was 18.
2. Getting lots of helping hands this week for my event tomorrow. Makes for a very grateful MPM...
3. Anything with garlic.
4. I love the park across the street. So does my pup!
5. Bambi.
1. Nope.
2. For me ... well, actually nothing.
3. Bwahaaaaaaaaa. I used to cook. I used to bake from scratch. But not for a looong time. Back when I did my specialty was a very tasty pasta sauce.
4. Its in NYC and steps away from a gorgeous park and incredible shops.
5. I am sure I saw other movies before this one but for a birthday my parents took me to Radio City Music Hall and the movie was Operation Petticoat with Cary Grant.
1) Do I lie about my age? only to myself. I really think I'm still 20 something.
2)What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Last night I made a homemade Lasagna with hand made pasta. My family said they loved it about 100 times. Update-my husband just called to say he loves me xoxo
3)Do I like to cook? Love not like! I'm still thinking...
4)What the best thing about where you live? I live on a little 30 acre farm with horses and chickens and of course dogs and a cat. The best part is I grew up here, my parents still live here and my sister and her family built a house here. Our parents deeded us a portion of the acreage to build on when we married.
5) first movie I remember?) My Fair Lady!!!. We went to see it as a family and the bath scene when the bathroom filled with steam and she screamed warped me. I though they were scalding her to death!
Great photos and post !
1. I am proud of my age 45
2. My hubby hand made a frame for me for our anniversary with our wedding photo in it, he loves woodworking.
3. Yes , home made shepherds pie and blueberry muffins from scratch.
4.We live in a small country village with lots of nice people and great history.
5.Grease with my mum.
1. No. I'm thankful for every one of my 76 years.
2.My daughter brought me four beautiful yellow roses last evening - just because.
3. Like it? Sometimes. Best dish: Deviled Beans (baked beans with a kick)
4. Temperate climate, easy drive to forest, mountains, lakes, as well as a good sized metropolitan area.
5. Don't remember the name of the movie, but it was a musical starring Deanna Durbin and I saw it just before Christmas in 1938, when I was 4.
P.S. Photos are lovely!!
1. I NEVER lie about my age; I've earned every single day!
2. Last night, Dave had a business meeting at a restaurant; he brought me ribs, knowing I'd probably eat cheese and crackers if left to myself; he was right -smile-.
3. I do like to cook but can't wait until the last minute. I have to have time to ponder and prepare. Savory is roast, slowed cooked in an heavy enamel pot in the oven; sweet would be pies. I'm known as the Pie Lady at community suppers.
4. Our views out of every door and window is fabulous. The peace of God sounds are the only we hear; it's heaven on earth!
5. Tomasina and I wanted to be that woman weaving on her loom in the wood. And I am blessed because I live at Thistle Cove Farm with sheep, horses, dogs, cats, spinning wheels and looms with a loving husband who has only ever raised his hand to me in love. Would that all women could say the same about their husbands.
1. I never lie about my age … one reason is that I look my age … and I’m kinda proud of it … I’m 50!
2. The last nice thing someone did for me was my wife … while I was at work, she rearranged my closet by cold weather garments to the right and warm weather garments to the left, and then by sections … pants, shirts, sweatshirts, etc.!
3. I love too cook (a later in life endeavor, spurred on by my cousin at dlynz.com)! My favorite thing to cook are creations that I make from all the different fresh veggies I get at the local Farmer’s Market. My best one is my Tomato Cucumber Salad. (I have it on FB … George can get it for you!)
4. I live in the Midwest, Kansas City. The best tourist attraction is the Harry and Bess Truman Home, a few miles from my house or the Famous Country Club Plaza. We don’t have to worry about hurricanes here! What keeps me in KC is my job at Hallmark Cards.
5. The Wizard of OZ (on TV … an annual cherished event). My first movie in a theatre was either The Hiding Place (about Corrie Ten Boom) or Rocky.
It is starting to be redundant to say it, but as usual love the world through your husband's eyes. Your action choices are perfect as well...so on to the questions!
1. Do you lie about your age? No - but I do find myself not being as forthcoming with it as I used to be! I am not ashamed of my age, so I am not sure why....my 30's and the start of my 40th decade have been the best yet.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? I do for others, I am not good at receiving...so I guess the last nice thing someone did for me was just be there, and ask if I needed anything.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? Love love love to cook....my best dish is also the easiest...chicken and ravioli with pesto - it is usually requested anytime I give my guests the choice, and my husband knows it is a "company" meal - a bit rich for us to have too often...so he also "suggests" it whenever he knows someone is coming to dinner.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? I would have to say, feeling rural while being easily accessible to the urban areas.We still have a very "small town" feel to where we live.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? Bed Knobs and Broomsticks at the drive in.
nope i am 43 and thrilled to have lived this long...and yes i have earned each and every gray hair on my head. I have decided to not color them any more :-)
Lori wished me a happy day this morning made me feel really good ;)
i LOVE TO COOK... HUBBy says everything i cook is the best.. i think one of the best is my mac and cheese.
its HOME. been here 24 years. dont want to leave its where my roots grow
snow white and the 7 dwarves and the apple dumpling gang... it was a double feature i was 8 :)
Once again, good teamwork by the both of you. Good eye by your hubby and I like the way you processed them.
1. No, 52 TODAY!
2. New riding arena being started on our property by my hubby. The twinkle in his eye as he asked me if it was what I wanted can't be described.
3. Yes, my best dish is probably my sausage cup wonton appetizers that get requested to functions even if we don't come. I made 14 dozen (with my husband's help) for a friends daughters wedding.
4. Being in the Country. No body lives in front of us or close behind us.
5. At the theatre it was one of the James Bond movies.
1. I do NOT lie about my age. My weight, however, is another story altogether!
2. My husband had the oil changed in my car a couple days ago.
3. I like to cook when I can take my time. I'm not sure what my best dish would be.
4. The memories.
5. Island of the Blue Dolphins.
1. I don't lie about my age. I do sometimes omit it, though.
2. A friend listened to me ramble on about a tough situation.
3. I'm not crazy about cooking. I do, however, make fabulous white chicken enchiladas.
4. There is a fabulous yoga studio nearby that just feels like home.
5. The first movie I remember watching is Jaws. I cried when they killed the shark. The first movie I saw in a theater was Crocodile Dundee. :-)
I love the Shakespeare Henry VI quote - thank you for that.
2/My friend flew over to Barcelona so she could help me drive up to the UK in my van.
3/I love to make soup - a little spicey
4/ I live in Catalunya and love my Catalan man - he's the best part of a lovely place.
5/I'm in the Bambi age group!
. Do you lie about your age? NEVER, I embrace it, I even thought when I was 41 that I was 42 and told people I was 42, I was a bit surprised when my husband corrected me and had to do the math LOL.
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? made me laugh when I was feeling sad.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? NO! but I am pretty good when I want to be, homemade soups, and pies are my specialty!
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? the warm sunshine even when it is in the 30's!
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? "Carousel" with my mother at a fancy big theater and remembering her crying during the movie....I love that movie to this day! This was fun!
1. Do you lie about your age? Is it lying if you just don't mention it? Let's just say, I don't volunteer it!
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Today a co-worker told me that she overheard my boss saying some really nice things about me. It made me feel appreciated, which was nice.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I do enjoy cooking. My family would probably say my best dish is my chicken and black bean enchiladas.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? We have four seasons with summer being especially beautiful but sometimes winter is especially loooooong!
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? I'm not sure which one but I know it was an Elvis Presley movie. My Mom loved taking me and her girlfriend to the drive-in to see Elvis movies.
1. Do you lie about your age? No, I have no reason to. ;)
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? Noah gave me a massage. Also, a guy lent me paper in mineralogy today.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I enjoy cooking as long as I'm doing it for at least one other person. Best dish? I really like the Tortilla Soup I've made (but I didn't invent the recipe).
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? oh easy! The fact that Noah resides here too. Besides that though, it's the band apt complex so it's quiet and there are good people.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? I was just talking about this earlier this week. I honestly don't know. I remember the first one I saw by myself (Phantom of the Opera) but not the first ever!
1. No, I do not lie about my age, but I am quiet about it these days!
2. The nicest thing someone did for me lately was buy my dinner!
3. I DO like to cook--especially stews and soup! People seem to like my rum cake!
4. I live where we have 4 distinct seasons and we even have a lovely little mountain nearby. It's "the natural state"!
5. The first movie I recall was Bambi or perhaps Old Yeller. I was devestated by both!
1. No. Can't see the sense in it.
2. Husband rubbed my feet last night-he is a sweetie!
3. I am not crazy about cooking on a daily basis but when I have time I like to cook.
4. We downsized to prepare for retirement(old age)...it is all one level, brick, trex deck....pretty maintenance free. We are on the end of a cul-de-sac with a creek, then hill with trees behind us. So even though we are in a subdivision we have some privacy & country feeling. Sorry, that was one long answer that didn't even answer the question!! I like my home! LOL
5. I can't even say??? Don't remember.
1. no never....I usually have to stop and count to remember my age...48 and proud
2. hubby popped me popcorn..
3. I'm not really a cook...but I do like to make chicken stew
4. it's like being in the country in the city
4. the 1st movie that stands out to me was the birds scared me tp death
A little late in responding to your post and questions. We were in between home and Fayetteville, Arkansas. Now set up in the Boston Mountains...here for a football game!
Here goes....
1. I don't lie about my age. This past March, I celebrated the 10th anniversary of my 49th birthday!!!
2. I have a very good friend, years younger than me...sometimes when she buys a new nail polish, hair product, and such, she will buy me one too!
3. I love to cook. But I married a man who grew up on meat and potatos (plain food) and sweets. So I don't cook like I would like to. My best dish would be chicken and sausage gumbo...my next best would be bread pudding.
4. My 'granddaughter' lives 2 blocks over!
5. Sinbad the Sailor with the One-eyed Cyclops...when I was about 12 years old. Scared me to death!
It's why I don't watch 'scary' movies to this day!
Love reading your responses and everyone's to these questions.
1. no, never have, never will.turning 53 in less than a month...
2.yesterday at work. as you know i am a mail lady and the mail has been so heavy this week. i was having a really bad day and my friend who is mail lady too met me on the route and helped me out. it meant sooo much.
3. i do cook a little, i like to bake more. i think i am an excellent breakfast maker and i think my two best dinner dishes are shrimp and pasta and chicken parm.... yummmy
4.my state or my home. my state is southern new jersey. the best thing about it is the fact in less than 2 hrs you can get to the city of phila. new york and baltimore. you can get to the mountains of pa. and the beaches in less than an hr. my home is just cozy.
5. i have to say the exorcist. thats the first movie i really remember seeing.
1. Do you lie about your age? nope
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? My cousin sent me something I received in the mail yesterday that she knew I would treasure. A photo of me and her now deceased parents that we recently lost.
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? Yes. Pie.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? That I get to call it home now.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? 101 Dalmatians at the drive-in as a child.
The George photo your husband took is among one of my favorites. (Even though I have lots of favorites that are taken of George, there's always room for a few hundred more or so.) xo ~Lili
1. I don't usually remember my age -- which I guess is a perk of my advanced years...
2. My daughter gave me her baseball cap at the football game today to keep the sun out of my eyes.
3. I like to cook, but not every night. I make a mean chili, and baked ziti.
4. The best thing about my house and my town is that I grew up here...
5. First movie? I think maybe Mary Poppins?
. Do you lie about your age? no
2. What is the last nice thing that someone did for you? My oldest daughter cooked supper last night. That was really nice
3. Do you like to cook? What is your best dish? I use to, but now that I work I'm usually to tired to care about working.
4. What’s the best thing about where you reside? The people are really friendly here.
5. What is the first movie you remember seeing? The apple dumpling game, because my dad laughed soooo hard!
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