Monday, June 22, 2009

Mosaic Monday: N’awlins memories

Welcome to my submission for Mosaic Monday, hosted by my friend Mary at Little Red House. I returned yesterday from a week’s vacation where we visited friends in Biloxi, MS. We all took a day trip to New Orleans, a city I’d never seen.

It was fabulous, although the weather was incredibly hot and steamy. We strolled the French Quarter and had brunch at The Courtyard of the Two Sisters, who you can see as statues in the center of this mosaic.

After we ate, we walked a little more and then drove over to Cafe Du Monde for beignets and iced coffee. Yum.

Mosaic Monday: N'awlins memories

Stop back later because I have a new drink to share with you. It’s perfect for summertime by the pool. Or anywhere, really.

Stop by my photo blog where I have one of the photos above enlarged. You may also click on this mosaic to go to my Flickr page, then click on "all sizes".

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Char said...

beautiful shots - I really must get back to NOLA

Sharon said...

Great captures! I have never been either. Some day. ;)

Mary said...

Wow, Kate, that looks like such a fun place to visit. !I'm so glad you are back, and posting again. Thanks so much for joining the fun at Mosaic Monday. :)

Lana G! said...

What a great place! Love your photos!

ellen b said...

Such an interesting city! I've never been there or anywhere in the South yet...
Have a great week!

erin said...

oh kate...what fab shots from no...each is special.
have a wonderful evening.

Jeanne said...

It looks like many of us were traveling this week. I'd LOVE to visit New Orleans someday. Your vision of it makes me ache to even more. Wonderful!

Woman in a Window said...

As soon as you said New Orleans I knew you'd have gorgeous images. You didn't disappoint!

Unknown said...

what a gorgeous combination of photographs. It looks like a wonderful place to visit.


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

How much fun! I love New of my favorite vacation spots! Mmmm...I can almost taste the beignets and that coffee with chicoree! The Big
Easy really is a state of mind, isn't it?? Happy MM...Debbie

Hilary said...

It looks and sounds delicious. Looking forward to reading about those drinks.

BB said...

Oh lovely... you know it's been (ahem) 16 years since I was travelling in the US and saw New Orleans ... the last city on our trip through the states and I loved it. Was devestated at the terrible destruction there with the hurricane - seemed like everything we saw had been destroyed. But your shots show much of the things I enjoyed - it really is a special place!

Arleen @ Seasons for All said...

What a fun mosaic. I've been to N'awlins, too, but it was so very long ago it made your photographs especially fun to view. Thank you! ~Arleen

Jo said...

What a wonderful trip you had! I am just scrolling through some of your posts, and I love the photo of you and the mermaid. You seem to be having a heart-to-heart chat. :-)

I would love to visit that part of your country.

Ebie said...

Never been to N.O. but I heard about their weather. You did a wonderful collection of photos that make me want to go there! Have a great week!

Marsha said...

I've never been to NO either so enjoyed the view through your lens! Great mosaic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

now I really know I have to visit the states one year. These are delightful!
Cold and wet in Orange today....brrrr. Dogs barking fit to bust outside. Must go and drag them in.

NatureStop said...

What a beautiful mosaic.Looks like a great place.

Flea said...

How's NO looking these days? I haven't been since the storm. I'm afraid to. Years of memories ...

Mental P Mama said...

Wonderful. I feel like I've been there now!

Anonymous said...

hey kate, glad to see you had a great visit. i knew you would. the cabin looked cozy and new orleans is always fun. i'm sure W enjoyed your time at the casino as well. have a grat week and glad to have you back. i enjoy reading your blog every morning before work. peggy

Islandsparrow said...

My daughter visited New Orleans this spring. it was hot then so I can just imagine how steamy it would be now. No wonder you're thinking up a new drink :) Happy MM!

Donalyn said...

We are planning to get there some time - love these shots that make me want to go even more. In February though, I think.

imom said...

Wonderful way to showcase your N'awlins memories!

Mary @Boogieboard Cottage said...

Lovely mosaic! :O)

Jadehollow said...

Beautiful.. Great Shots!
George is darling!

Daryl said...

Ah N'awlins, one of my all time fav places .. last time we had brunch at the Court of the Two Sisters ... lovely place but the food isnt as wonderful as it is at other Brennan owned N'awlins eateries ... glad you had such a good time.

Vee said...

Love the fun, relaxed pose along with the sun bather! Wonderful photos of New Orleans.

Linda said...

The header for your blog is lovely.

Sorry, I don't go willingly to places where it's hot and humid. It does look like you had a wonderful time.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Oh...I love New Orleans!!! Your photos are gorgeous and make a beautiful mosaic!!!

Happy MM!!!

Unknown said...

I have always wanted to go here! What fun photos! Have a fantastic week!
~Really Rainey~

Melissa Marie said...

Oh my goodness! I almost did a mosaic on New Orleans too this week! Instead I decided on Mississippi. ;) I love, love, love your photos! Such a neat city. :)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear all about your vacation!

Sue said...

Hi Kate....Oh good old Cafe DuMonde...I always have to laugh when I hear that name...We were in N.O. years ago when one night the Boss stepped out to walk around and bring us back a snack...We were staying at an old hotel right in the French Quarter....Okay, it was a dive....Anyhoo, he comes back a short time later with a big grin on his face...a bottle of milk and a bag....when I asked what was in the bag he proudly announces...." I brought you guys back a Beignet Mix"...I think it's a mixture of all different kinds"...we still laugh about that. He actually brought us a box of be made at home....Only a man!!

GailO said...

Gorgeous, romantic pics...

abb said...

Never been there and can't wait to make the trip someday....soon! Lovely mosaic!

Anonymous said...

Missed you! Those New Orleans photos are great. Did you know that SuperGuy used to have a farm in Picayune, MS? We used to go to Biloxi to go out deep sea fishing with the boys!

That lower left photo in the Mosaic? Is that the building across from Cafe DuMonde? My dh's aunt and uncle used to live in there!