Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Vignette #1

Late Sunday afternoon, I was sitting at my computer minding my own business and sipping my favorite winter drink. I was happily working on some pictures I’d taken that afternoon and then my husband walked into the room.

HIM: Hey, c’mon outside. I’ve gotta show you something.

ME: Oh, ok. (I happily get up, thinking it’s something close by, maybe in the house. So I bring my drink and follow him. He opens the door and heads out. I went back to get the camera because you never know when you’ll need it).

He’s already walked across the driveway and is now heading towards the open part of the property behind the house. I scrinch my nose up and realize that this is one of those things he does and decide to just go along with it. I can always work on my pictures later. So I put down my drink on the front steps and follow him. I see him at the center of the yard and he’s moving from spot to spot, and looking through the trees in the distance. When I catch up to him, he tells me to wait a minute, he’ll find it in a minute. And then he says,

HIM: Ok. Stand here. Try to get as tall as you can and look above that big branch that you can see ahead of you, that one right there.

ME: (I just do whatever he just told me to do. Hopefully this will be over soon).

HIM: Do you see it? Do you see that red sparkling strip?

What he wanted to show me was the river in the distance, sparkling with the glow of the setting sun. You’d never think you could see it from our house, but we sit on a big hill, and sure enough there was the river, albeit a very tiny sliver of it. He wanted to wait until sunset, he said, because it would be glowing with red and easier for me to see.

I thought it was sweet, and thanked him for showing me. I even brought up the fact that when George Washington stood at this very spot, the river was actually wider then and the trees weren’t in the way, and you could see all the tall ships of the British troops who were landing there. Oh yes, very interesting.

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And then I turned around to go back inside. And this is what I saw.

And it made me smile.

And I thanked him for showing me these beautiful things.

And he seemed glad.

Respectfully submitted,


abb said...

Lovely. Your husband has a lot of soul. Just like you.

Anonymous said...

Well I can see why you are together, two old souls, it's a wonderful thing.

Journey said...

How sweet! Beautiful picture!

Gail said...

Ahhh, that was a moment. I love when hubby brings me rocks.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Delightfully received! What a fabulous shot. Your husband is a dear.

Mental P Mama said...


Mary said...

Ah, so sweet!

JacksDad said...

Now that's a good husband! :)

Deb said...

Ahhh...sniff sniff...so sweet

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I so have to slow down and smell the roses or see the sunset. Ach!

A Scattering said...

You shoot with soul and write with voice. And you have a sweet man.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Not knowing your husband but knowing other husbands, I must say that it's very rare to have one who appreciates that which truly ought to be appreciated but is often overlooked. In other words, he's not talking about the next gadget or car or toy he must have.

He's appreciating what is already in front of him, including his wife.

And that's nice.

tainterturtles said...

Love the photo. I experienced the most beautiful sunset tonight, despite the fact I was still at work. The sky was on fire!!!!

A New England Life said...

I think it's wonderful when a man appreciates what's around him in nature, and shares it. So many men sit there on the couch drinking a beer and watching tv. Ha ha!

You got a good one Kate.

Lovin that moon lately!

Sweetpea said...

CG, it seems this lovely moon is infecting the souls of others far and wide - what a lovely post!

I just left a message over on Moonlight & Hares about your post (hope that's ok) because what I soooo love about this community of bloggers is the synchronicity of our responses to what is happening around us...like these reactions to the same full (almost) moon from opposite sides of the earth. How cool is THAT?!

If you don't know Moonlight & Hares, you can find it here: http://moonlightandhares.blogspot.com/2009/12/arrival-of-winter-and-little-giveaway.html

I think its lovely, incredibly lovely, that you followed your husband outside.

Katie Aiken Ritter said...

I loved the part about George Washington. Those days seem so long ago but they really weren't, they were just a hearbeat. Their energy still hangs in the air. So close. Can we know what they lived from it?

I just loved picturing that! Thanks.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

You never would have seen it without that walk to the middle of the yard......

Caroline said...

How cool is that? Great photo!

Char said...

beautifully written...and it seems we have the same photographic taste this week. :) i love it when that happens.

Cloudia said...

No wonder you have such a lovely relationship. I shall try to keep your example in mind...

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Anonymous said...

the picture is breathtaking! love the simplicity.

Skogkjerring said...

Loved the photo but loved more the fact that your husband thought enough of you to share something so simple and beautiful with you instead of just assuming you were busy and wouldn't be interested...so sweet....have a super day!

Dagmar said...

This is a presious gift that your husband is showing you. Glad you took us along to share the story.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

makes my heart smile :)

Tess Kincaid said...

This made me smile.

Gail, mine brings me rocks, too.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we need to be pulled away from our computers and remember that there's actually a big world out there. At least I do!

The Blue Ridge Gal
Just Vignettes

Daryl said...
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Daryl said...

What CBW said; 'cept I know your husband and his sharing side has garnered you a lot of good photos.. just sayin'

The JR said...

Beautiful capture. Neat that your husband loves to share.

Hilary said...

He sure knows what you love... and you love what he knows. Seems to work quite beautifully. :)

Anonymous said...

Those kinds of moments are my favorite ones :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Isn't it always the simple things that give the most pleasure - particularly when they happen in such an unexpected way, Kate.

Marilyn said...

You got yourself a guy there! All the troubles melt away when they do things like that.

Flea said...

I love the way you describe your relationship with your husband. I love that you're still together. That he makes you smile. And I adore that photo.

Mattenylou said...

Wow, pretty neat that George Washington stood and looked over the countryside from where you now stand, under that same moon.

Your husband sounds like a sweetie. We're lucky to have that, our husbands knowing the simple things that bring us joy, being our best friends, too, and sharing in our lives.

Lots of folks nowadays are missing out on that special bond with another person, that takes time, willingness and understanding to create... it's not always easy, but so worth it.

GailO said...

...ok, now I have tears in my eyes:)

cottage farm villa said...

Kate, such a sweet post.

"Try to get as tall as you can" ...made me smile and chuckle.

Zuzana said...

Beautiful sentiment and beautiful photograph. I love the moon and everything that it is about; this appealed very much to me who loves to photograph it any chance I get. However I fail making it to look anything this stunning.
Congratulations on your POTW win, well deserved.

Unknown said...

What a grand sight!

Congrats on POTW from Hilary!

Boozy Tooth said...

Congratulations on being selected POTW at Hilary's. Awesome post! Sweet, loving, and oh! that photograph!

Brian Miller said...

and those little moments make life worth living...

congrats on the POTW!

Daryl said...

back to say Congrats on getting THE POTW from Hilary

Land of shimp said...

What a lovely, peaceful, and gentle story. Not just in what you saw, but that thing with your husband? "One of those things he does." and how you went along with it, we all do that, don't we?

Then sometimes we are greatly rewarded for it with a beautiful sight.

My husband has a great interest in insects, so generally speaking I'm rewarded with ...sights...perhaps not so beautiful ;-)

But I think it's an awfully cute part of his personality. "Come here, look at this!!" "What is it?" "A Praying Mantis!! A nest of Preying Mantises ...or would it be Manti?"

It's still delight in the world around him.

I thought it was lovely that clearly, you share your husband's delight in the world around you. Thank you for sharing it here.

Dianne said...

oh that's lovely
you can tell a lot about a person based on what and how they see
your husband sounds like a good old soul as my nana would say

congrats on the POTW :)

MaggieGem said...

Great shot... aren't glad you just followed hubby?

Congrats on POTW!

Maria said...

Tremendous view!

Dave said...

Hi Kate. Well done for winning Hilary's BOTW.
Good on your husband. You need to remembetr that us fellas do see beauty sometimes! - Dave

Pseudo said...

Lovely story, beautiful image. congrats on POTW.

I read your profile in the side bar; we also have a border collie.

Lori said...

Nice story...sweet husband...lovely pictures. Congrats on POTW!

ds said...

Nothing like a country sky, is there? So glad you followed your husband outside--and that you brought your camera along. Many congratulations on your most deserved POTW!

Jill of All Trades said...

I have been behind in my blog reading so I read this one then the next three from you. Now I'm back to this one. The Hubby and I will have been married for 34 years next month and let me tell you the little habits and glitches we all have tend to rear their ugly heads occassionally. I've written and referenced before the I Love Lucy episode of the four, Lucy, Rickey, Ethel and Fred and their little quirks that were driving each other crazy. We all have them. So been there.

Have to tell you I so love your blog, your writing and your wonderful pictures. Glad I found it, makes my day to read. Thank you Carla

Sandi McBride said...

And I'll bet you bought the house with a river view! LOL...Hilary sent me, she is sure good at picking 'em!

Jan's camera said...

That's so wonderful that your husband wanted to share that with you.

BB said...

You know, I think when you know the story of you and your husband, this snippet becomes really poignant...
PS My FB grasshead photo share today was a similar feel? Or maybe just meant something a little similar to me...

Ellen said...

What a thoughtful man.