Thursday, December 17, 2009

Riders on the storm

I don’t know about you, but this is what I do when I’m bored and riding in a car at night.

I play with my camera.

I took these photos in early August, after leaving our house around 3:30 AM, headed north for Maine. We were cruising on the Jersey Turnpike near New York City shortly before dawn.

I’m sharing them because I think they’re really cool. It’s all good if you don’t agree because I’m not going to hold it against you. I like to read something in each picture, too.

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This looks like writing to me. I think it says “what condition your condition is in. el el el”. That’s what I think.

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This one looks like reindeer taking off.

Admit it. You can see it too, can’tcha?

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I think the color of teal adds some interest here. Very feminine, too.

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This is big. And bold. And manly. It’s a night on the town with Mr. Big.

Seriously, I have no idea where this stuff comes from. And no, I am not imbibing.

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These are kangaroos leaping across the highway in the coming dawn.

You can totally see this, can’t you?

I’ll have to take another road trip and play this game again. I love it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I have a collection of holiday music that I listen to while driving and I currently have my favorite in our car’s CD player. It’s Sarah McLachlan’s Wintersong. This CD is absolutely beautiful and contains a wonderful rendition of Joni Mitchell’s River (from the 1971 album, Blue). These two songs are a little melancholy but they go with the holidays. Not everyone is enthralled with this time of year.

The You-tube offering below showcases the title song, Wintersong. This is a fairly decent little video if I must say so myself, and was created by a fan of Ms. McLachlan.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

Hope you enjoyed my zany artwork and my favorite holiday music.


mom x 2 said...

See, here's the thing, when I take pictures like that, I think wth? But when you take pictures like that and add captions it makes me think, darn, why did I delete those pictures!

Country Girl said...

Yeah, it's crazy, isn't it?

~ C.G.

Mary said...

My son did a short film with road lights at night set to music for a film project in high school. Your photos are beautiful! Oh, and I may have to get that Sarah McLaughlin CD. :)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

love, love, love those shots!! i totally see the images you see - and more.

also love Sarah and Joni - wish I had me a river....

Julie Harward said...


Hilary said...

I love pics like that....and they are always a pleasant were getting into it!!
I would have been sleeping.

Char said...

I totally see the reindeer. :) the girly one looks like a bridge to me.

I love your fun musings on this.

Sarah is rather wonderful, I agree.

beth said...

I love those photos....
and I totally see the kangaroos...

and that song.....swoon !

Betty said...

I LOVE thoes. I can see what you see. The first one looks like when my youngest daughter was about2 1/2 she wanted so badly to write so I gave her paper and pencil and showed her how to write her name.She made some lines on the paper then put the pencil down and said Mommy I can't write I can only do humpity humpity humpity.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

tj said...

...Are you sure it's just a road trip you're on? *giggle* ;o)

...Merry Christmas and blessings too... :o)

Hilary said...

Well darn.. I do that all the time.. especially on rainy nights. I usually delete them.. but occasionally I'll keep a few. Now I know why. ;)

Caroline said...

Love photos like that! It's creative and different. I am posting a blurry one tomorrow...but I like it anyway. And photography is all about expressing our creative side.

Love Sarah...she has the voice of an angel!

Scriptor Senex said...

Love those but I think you've misread the handwriting. I'm sure it says "A cup of cocoa about now would be yum!"

Country Girl said...

You know, you might be right, Scriptor!

~ C.G.

A New England Life said...

LoL! You had me snickering on this one Kate. Your mind thinks outside the box while mine just can't seem to break outside the lines.

What a sad bittersweet song. The guy in the video has a rather vacant look in his eyes.

This is the first Christmas in a long time that I've felt positive about the holidays. Usually they leave me feeling drained emotionally and financially. It feels good to enjoy the season.

Hey, when did that little tiny Cardinal show up on your header, huh? Yup, I seen it!


BB said...

Ha! Great post... can we have settings info please? I am guessing about 3 seconds open with the camera against the passenger window? Nice and clean though... lovely!

And Scriptor Senex ... I think it might have a little mention of some Bailey's in there too, no??
PS WV is 'comedica' ... you today Kate!!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

These photos remind me of that childhood song...Here we go loop de loop...Great effects! And yes, I see exactly what you're talking about in each of them.

Anonymous said...

Heh my daughter came home from NYC acouple of weeks ago and had ten pictures like that on her camera. I think I will have to try it!

Megs said...

That's so funny... Before I scrolled down to see your heading, I thought, "those lines look like their jumping - like kangaroos!"
I guess great minds think alike!

Happy Holidays, Kate! (Oh - and by the way, I LOVE your Christmas tree!)

The JR said...

Neat, I like the descriptions you gave them.

S. Etole said...

You just brought a smile to my day ... and I am going to watch for some of those kangaroo herds!

Daryl said...

what fun, especially the kangeroos, I saw those absolutely

JC said...

Those are cool ..
I have some from the 4th celebration ...

Anonymous said...

Very cool pics. I love the kangaroos.

Heidi said...

Sorry not sure how I managed to post an anonymous comment!

Annie said...

Golly gosh, I was sure that first one was Santa and his reindeer....and wondered why he would be out at night in August?
And I wonder why the kangaroos were hopping the opposite way to everyone else?

Carolynn Anctil said...

Okay....range of emotions here.

#1. Those ARE very cool photos. They look like neon lights and yes, absolutely I saw the reindeer and the kangaroos.

#2. I'm a fan of Sarah's too and hadn't heard this song before. I guess I'm not a very good fan. Nevertheless, this song brought me to tears. It hit a little too close to home for me, I guess. I awoke this morning feeling many of the things that she sings about here. Memories of a love lost recently.

Diane said...

I love that you do shots like that! It feels so festive!

Mental P Mama said...

Pass the Dramamine...

Egghead said...

Very cool lights and I saw exactly what you saw. I love that CD and I often play it at other times during the year. She is so talented!

Pretty Zesty said...

these photos are so cool!

RoseMary King said...


Great pictures, your sense of what is fun is amazing. I have been a fan of photos like yours forever and I love your taste in music.

RoseMary King said...

I tried to click on comments for the tree but my computer must be acting up and it wouldn't let me. Anyway, you have a great guy there. That is a BEAUTIFUL tree and such imagination and love went into "building" that tree. It makes me smile and wish mu guy would do something like that for me. lots of hugs

Cloudia said...

I so relate! I'm always playing with my camera too. Loved these. I bet George would be good at shots like these...

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral
