Saturday, July 24, 2010

So kiss me and smile for me; tell me that you’ll wait for me

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin' it's early morn
The taxi's waitin' he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

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As you’re reading this post, my husband and I (and George, of course) are on our way back up to our beloved Maine. You’re really not that surprised, are you?

When we returned from our first visit in June, I thought that would be it. But my husband was so happy there (as was the dog) that I thought it might be nice to be able to take them back. And so I began to look for places that we could afford because I had another week off that I needed to take before the summer ended.

It quickly became apparent, however, that not only would we never find a place for what we could pay in high season, but the cottages we wanted (on the water) would not take pets. It wasn’t until I contacted a realtor we used a couple of years ago that I began to think that maybe this idea would work. She said that since we had rented before, she could get us into places that didn’t advertise as pet-friendly.

So this opened up a lot more rental properties from which to choose.

Although we prefer Saturday to Saturday, I did find a Sunday to Sunday rental that’s much further from the national park than I would have liked, but it’s affordable. And it’s right on the water. It’s a little rustic but I can handle that because hey . . . (you know what I’m going to say already) . . . we’ll be in Maine.

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This incredible heat has gotten to my husband. Maybe it’s the whole cancer thing, I don’t know. But I do know that I need to get him away again. Unfortunately, because the place is a bit lacking in the modern technologies, there will be no internet. I think there’s a TV, but heavens knows what we’ll be able to get on it. And there’s no washer or dryer. But hey! There’s a LOBSTAH POT!!!

I won’t be home until next Sunday evening, so there won’t be another post until then. I’ll try to take lots of pictures and hope you don’t forget about me in the meantime.


PS – Photos are of the George Washington Bridge in NYC in the early morning light during our last trip this past June. Traffic was light, which was a first.


Deborah said...

Have a lay-back week..and I hope its cooler for you there.
Of course, you will be dearly missed, but I know the posts will be growing inside you and you'll have lots to share..because you love being in Maine :)
Safe travels...

Deborah xo

Connie in Hartwood said...

Have a safe trip, and enjoy Maine for the week. We look forward to your return.

Lili said...

I am smiling so BIG for you! I pray our weather cooperates and you enjoy lots of sunshine and cool ocean breezes! xo ~Lili

Mental P Mama said...

Happy trails, my friend. Happy trails.

D.K. Wall said...

Have a great week. Rustic sounds normal to us!

Daryl said...

Safe travel... the GW Bridge never looked so good xox

mom x 2 said...

Have a wonderful week! Travel safe :)

wildbanshee said...

Have a safe trip, enjoy, I'm on vacation also, just going to take it easy.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Travel safely, have a great time, and we'll wait until you return to hear all about your beloved Maine.

Deb said...

have a great time...can't wait to hear all about it...

Karen said...

You've probably driven right by our exit in Connecticut - 63! George Washington Bridge is brutal almost any time, and so expensive now. But hey, you're headed to Maine!...

Have a great trip, although you won't know I said that till next week. :-)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Have a fantastic trip and a relaxing vacation.

blueyedjane said...

Have a wonderful trip! can't wait to see pictures!

altar ego said...

You'll be missed! Have a grand time and enjoy yourselves. Sounds like an adventure.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Have a wonderful week both of you (and George too of course)

abb said...

Here's to a GREAT week!

beth said...

have the best trip EVAH !

Anonymous said...

The heat this summer feels never ending.

Enjoy your stay and hoping you have awesome cooler weather in Maine!


Anonymous said...

Oh I hope you have a fabulous time....smiles.

Julie Harward said...

I did not know about his heart hurts...God bless you both...have a fantastic stay! :D

A New England Life said...

No internet? Where the heck are you staying, 1980? LOL!

I do hope this trip does the trick for your husband. You too, Kate.

It's been years since I've been over the GW Bridge but I knew it in an instant!

Mary said...

Have a wonderful time!!! It has to be cooler up there, near the water. Take plenty of pics -- can't wait to see them when you return. :)

Jeanne Walker said...

Think of it as a blessing that the 'cottage' is lacking access to the Internet. We will go through some withdrawals, but I pray that you and your hubby will have a wonderfully relaxing time; and that y'all come back rejuvenated, refreshed and restored! And praying that the weather will be delightfully cool and soothing! Don't forget to take a good book and your camera...and George too...that goes without saying! Have fun!

GailO said...

I'm so happy for you that you will be able to spend another week in Maine...and one when the blueberries will be ripe...:)

We will be missing each other there again tho...:( I won't be going until you are coming back...

mrs mediocrity said...

Have a wonderful, restful, soothing trip.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time!!! I love Maine too. :0)

Jon said...

Maine...the place I have read in Stephen King books...
Enjoy a safe trip

Jon said...

Maine...the place I have read in Stephen King books...
Enjoy a safe trip

Diane said...

Have fun Sweetness! Take lots of pictures and relax! I hope your husband feels better...

Deb said...

Find the coolness in the air...
Retreat to calmer surroundings...
Take a break from modern conveniences...
Snap as many photos as possible...
And most of all,
Love one another!

Jo said...

Enjoy! Relax! Enjoy! :-)

Alli said...

That's great! I'm glad you'll have the chance to be back in Maine again where your family is so happy! Have a wonderful week enjoying the cooler weather!

Hilary said...

Oh I'm so happy for you, Kate. I know how much you love it there. Dip a lobster claw for me, and have a wonderful, safe trip.

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh have a great time. Can't wait for the pictures and story.

becky up the hill said...

Pray for a refreshing week. Hope it's not to rustic!

Unknown said...

Have a great trip! We just got back and it was wonderful. Too bad you weren't up there last week!

The JR said...

Glad you are getting to go back to Maine. I want to day.

noble pig said...

I hope you are having a great time!!





Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Have a safe one! Miss you already. No way we could forget you. xoxo

Rocky Mountain Yankee said...

lol, we probably passed each other on the highway! I was heading back to PA from Maine on the 24th. I wish I could have hopped in your car and headed back that way. I love Maine and miss it so very much.

karen said...

Happy Trails to you....You will be passing bay me on 95N in Peabody, MA
PS My DH surprised me with a Nikon D5000 for my birthday...loving it!!!!

karen said...

Happy Trails to you....You will be passing by me on 95N in Peabody, MA
PS My DH surprised me with a Nikon D5000 for my birthday...loving it!!!!

Latane Barton said...

Glad you could get away. Man, that's an excellent picture of the George Washington Bridge. Mine never turn out well (Daughter lives in Rye so I am there alot) Have fun this week.

Meg McCormick said...

You all have a GREAT time - can't wait to read all about it (and see your photos)!

Reddirt Woman said...

I'm thinking of all the George photos you will have to post for us when you get back. And Maine photos also... The heat takes a lot out of a person and you all have had more than usual from what I've heard on the news so to be able to get away from it for even a week is wonderful. I'll be looking forward to seeing the pics and stories you bring back.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

as if we could forget you... have fun enjoy the time away from the net...

Anonymous said...

First time to your blog and it is grand!
Those pictures of the GW bridge are awesome.

Hope you have a great time in Maine.

my journey through life after the loss of my son, Joshua.

BB said...

This song gets stuck in my head every time I pop back here to see if you are home yet! Hope you had a blast... or at least a nice relaxing time.

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

I definitely won't forget about you :) Have a great time! Can't wait to see the pics and I hope 'rustic' isn't too rustic ;)