Saturday, August 21, 2010

Archives from another August

I guess you’ve noticed that I’ve been going through my photo archives lately. I don’t know, maybe you haven’t. Or maybe you’ve just stumbled upon this blog and we’ve never even met. In that case, hi. My name is Kate. Some people call me Country Girl.

I’ve been in sort of a photography rut lately, but I plan on snapping out of it soon. Good news, though -- the knee is doing well! It’s a lovely shade of aubergine but it’s healing nicely. And my beloved macro lens is on its way to Nikon to see if it can be fixed. I’m really hoping for a happy ending to that story.

In the meantime, I opened my photo files and went back to August of 2008 tonight -- back to a day spent in New York City with my husband’s parents and my younger son, Shaun. We went to visit my older son, Matt, who was living on John Street at the time.

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Maybe you know where I took this shot. If you don’t, that’s a huge hint with the link.

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I shot this out of a moving car window. I was in the front, navigating for dad. I like reading maps. And taking pictures at the same time.

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We ate lunch in my son’s old neighborhood, on Stone Street. The street is blocked off and there’s a row of restaurants down either side with picnic tables in the street. We had pizza at Adrienne’s Pizza Bar.

DSC_0046 copy 2xI’ve posted this photo before. They’re the steps we took to get to the rooftop view at my son’s apartment. We took the elevator all the way and only had to walk up the one flight. Can you imagine walking up all these stairs every day?

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And now, because it’s Friday and because I’m gearing up for a day full of housekeeping chores tomorrow, and because I am just plain inquisitive, here’s some nosey questions I found over at Donna Boucher’s Quiet Life. She’s Miz Booshay, for those of you who read Pioneer Woman’s photography site.

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Snoop patrol.

1. One thing on your nightstand?
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
6. Maker of your fine china?
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
8. Color of your living room sofa?
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?

See you in the comments, my friends . . .


Country Girl said...

1. One thing on your nightstand?
A handmade glass box, a gift from my sister.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
A big sunflower.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
Dental floss, eye makeup remover, viagra for women.
(i really am kidding about the viagra).
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
In the sink. We've never used the dishwasher.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
Something from WalMart.
6. Maker of your fine china?
Royal Albert.
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
My external hard drive.
8. Color your living room sofa?
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
Is it weird to not have reading material in my bathroom? Because I don't have any.
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
The female viagra in the bathroom.

~ C.G.

Michelle said...

My, that's quite a list! Let's see:
1. One thing on your nightstand? A half-used tissue.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? A framed piece of my own artwork.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? Allergy medicine, headache medicine, hair products.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? First one, then the other.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? "Contemporary Chateau"
6. Maker of your fine china? "Royal Court"
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? My laptop!
8. Color your living room sofa? Floral tapestry with black background.
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? None.
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? The pile of papers on the dining room table. Nothing embarrassing there but the mess!

Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brynwood Needleworks said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? Water, every night. In case my throat gets too dry from snoring! gah!
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? A print of Lake MI shoreline that used to hang in my MIL's living room. It reminds me of WI and FL. I love it.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? a nail file, a bottle of Tylenol, tweezers
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? dishwasher
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? Hull. It's the old Hull ovenware. I started collecting it when I was in grade school. I'd buy 1 piece a week with my allowance. Years later I augmented the set on eBay. Handsome refers to them as OPOBDs...Other People's Old Brown Dishes. Heavy, dishwasher and oven- worthy. Look like the edges have been "iced". I have a service for 20.
6. Maker of your fine china? Spode
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? my iMac. It contains LOTS of photos and all our financial information.
8. Color your living room sofa? Camel (tan) leather
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? none
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? Husband has a photo of the two of us sans clothes (taken 20 years and many fewer pounds ago!) on his desk. We stick it in a drawer when company comes over. It's a good thing it wasn't taken recently. Now THAT would be embarrassing!

Have a great weekend, Kate!

Chrissykat said...


1. Nothing, because one of my kitties likes to clear anything that happens to be on 4am!

2. An old weathered window

3. Advil PM, toothbrush, my retainers (yes, I still wear them!).

4. In the sink but only briefly as I cannot stand anything in the sink.

5. Target plates we've had for 16 years.

6. Muirfield (I had to go look). We've also had this for 16 years and it has not been used once.

7. My kitties, oh wait, a "thing"...then ditto, my external hard drive.

8. Dark sage green.

9. None...get in get out...there are far more comfy places in my house to sit and read! ;)

10. All the paperplates I have around the house to help me with one of my kitty's vomiting issues...they are a lifesaver!

Ellen said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? A lamp for reading
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? Floating shelf
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? Inhaler, toothpaste, deodorant
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?Sink or counter until I load the dishwasher or wash the pots and pans
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? Corelle
6. Maker of your fine china? Lenox
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? Box with negatives from our wedding
8. Color of your living room sofa? Cream
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? Catalogs, magazines
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? paperwork and crap on my desk

Great questions Kate. Love playing this game.

wayne15575 said...

1. One thing on your nightstand?
mostly dust
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
A large mirror
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
tooth paste, shaving soap, bandades.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
on the counter until I put them in the sink to wash them.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
it says Better Homes and Gardends...go figure.
6. Maker of your fine china?
I think the wife said it was " Dixie "
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
My wife !!! Mean old gal, but I need her.
8. Color your living room sofa?
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
wrappers in the garbage can off other stuff in the bathroom.
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
probably my WIFE'S porn collection ( just kidding ). I have no idea.

Gayle said...

1. Kitty toy
2. an Andrew Wyeth print called Groundhog Day
3. bee pollen capsules, nail polish, a good Christmas ornament
4. fer sher dishwasher
5. Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz
6. Haviland
7. photo album
8. black with big splashy roses
9. just the back of some label
10. i guess the kitty box

Annie H said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? open book waiting to be read.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? carved wooden flag with names of military installations and dates of dwelling there.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? deoderant, dental floss, my husbands aftershave.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? depends if the dishwasher has clean dishes in it or not.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? corelle
6. Maker of your fine china? What is fine china? LOL!
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? my computer
8. Color of your living room sofa? black
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? parenting magazine
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? mt. washmore or mt. foldmore

Liz said...

I can't resist this one.....

1. One thing on your nightstand?
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
One of my daughters paintings.
3. Three things you would find in your medicine cabinet?
Tweezers, deodorant, hairspray. (no viagra)
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
Sink (the dishwasher is usually waiting to be emptied!!
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
??? From French Provincial..
6. Maker of your fine china?
What fine china? See #5.
7. If you had to save one "thing" from your house?
My external hard drives, all 6 of them..!!
8. Colour of your living room sofa?
Deep brown leather.
9. What reading material would you find in my bathroom?
I don't go in there to read! Besides I actually think it's quite unhygienic, yuk!!
10.Most embarrassing thing in my home that I hide when guests come over?
All my visitors know exactly who and what I am so I have absolutely no reason to hide anything from them (although if I had female viagra I might be tempted to hide that in case they wanted some too!).


DAnna said...

1. A photo of my daughter when she was 10 years old.
2. An oil painting by a local artist of Morro Rock.
3. Advil, deodorant, hair spray
4. In the sink for awhile, then into the dishwasher.
5. Pottery made by my sister-in-law.
6. Lennox (which I never use)
7. Cats
8. Sage Green
9. None
10. I close the door to my "craft room" cause it's so messy!
Fun questions!

BB said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? Half-empty glass of water.

2. One thing on a wall in your living room? A giant photo of my pregnant belly (with Violet inside) and Dash standing beside, hand on belly looking up at my face (out of shot). My father hates it!

3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? Children's panadol, mouth wash, empty dental floss container.

4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? Depends who emptied last!

5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? Maxwell Williams

6. Maker of your fine china? Pardon?

7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? External disc drive (am assuming all living things are already out!)

8. Color of your living room sofa? Fawn

9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? Horse Deals magazine and House and Garden

10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? The Great Dane.

Sweetpea said...

aaahhh CG, it's 2:07 in the morning here and I'm too beat to answer these ????s. But would like to! So I will come back over the weekend. IF I perchance falter, puhleeeez do remind me.

Respectfully yours,

Anonymous said...

No, I definitely can't imagine walking up those stairs every day!!

Just a little something on my blog for George!

CJ xx

Kathleen Stoltzfus said...

1. One thing on your nightstand?
a candle

2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
a large framed photo of my dearly departed dog

3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
advil, toothpaste, hair mousse

4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
sometimes one, sometimes the other. it all depends on whether the dishwasher is empty or not

5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
no clue, it's generic

6. Maker of your fine china?
again no clue, it antique - bought the set at an auction many years ago

7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
my laptop

8. Color of your living room sofa?
brown leather

9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?

10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?

Brenda said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? Framed casts of handprints of my three children when they were one year old.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
My daughter's latest drawing.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
Panado, Lotem, Tea tree oil
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
Maxwell Williams
6. Maker of your fine china?
Maxwell Williams!
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
Gotta agree, Country Girl - external hard drive's contents are priceless.
8. Color your living room sofa?
Brown stripes (to hide the kid-created stains!)
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
Gardening magazines, bike magazines, decor magazines, photography books
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
Um, not really anything :)

Andi said...

I love to look back at old photos. Really want to get some that are not digital scanned so I can post them etc. :) There is a woman near us that charges a small fee to do it for you!
Here are my answers....
1. One thing on your nightstand?
The sad thing is, nothing interesting! LOL! You chose, should I post about the pair of shorts I need to return to Kohl's, the magazine, notepad, or alarm clock? I don't have any "decor" on my table top.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
A quilt ( I want to see a picture of your sunflower!)
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
The usual suspects - nail clippers, advil, and packages of new toothbrushes.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? If *I* make them, the dishwasher. If anyone else in the house makes them, into the sink until I squawk and someone puts them in the dishwasher.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? Pfaltzkraft
6. Maker of your fine china?
Bwahahahaa....yeah. Um...Chinet?
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
My laptop. Full of my photos.
8. Color of your living room sofa?
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? Nada.
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
Nothing really. I stay pretty tidy. Maybe sweep away some dog hair bunnies before company comes, or make the family put away their "counter clutter"

Mental P Mama said...

1. Books!
2. "Bavon's Special Light"
3. Eye cream, throat cream, tweezers.
4. Sink. Then dishwasher.
5. Conran's.
6. Ceralene.
7. Computer.
8. Ivory
9. None. I hate that.
10. Unfortunately, all my crap is always on display.

This was fun;)

Sarah said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? A photo of my husband taken when he was about 3 years old.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? A Chip Davis (Mannheim Steamroller) signed music manuscript.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? Alka Seltzer, Saline Solution nose spray, White Strips
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? Dishwasher
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? Lenox
6. Maker of your fine china? Franciscan
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? My laptop case with laptop, and EHD. I'm so paranoid I keep it on the first floor by the door when not in use.
8. Color of your living room sofa? A muted rose, sage, and blue floral on a cream background.
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? None (I see a trend here)
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? All the empty wine bottles ;-)

Anonymous said...

1. One thing on your nightstand?

2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
Nothing yet. We just recently finished painting the LR.

3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
Toothpaste, witch hazel, Burt's Bees eye cream

4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
Both--first in the sink to soak, then into the dw for cleaning.

5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?

6. Maker of your fine china?
What fine china?

7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
PHOTOS--in albums and on dvds

8. Color of your living room sofa?
There are 2--both are hunter green. However, they're both covered in tan slipcovers. Our dog, Charlie, is the reason for the slipcovers. One xmas about 5 years ago, he decided to tear one of the leather seats and remove some of the stuffing from it while we were out. I managed to fix it, but he decided to undo my work shortly after that. A repair the second time around was just impossible. So, we just keep the couches covered. Oh yes, he also has a habit of lounging on the back of the couch by the bay window when we leave--yet another reason to just keep the couches covered in slipcovers. They really do hide a world of sin.

9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
No reading material is kept in there.

10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
Dirty laundry

Evelyn in Mich.

beth said...

1. lip balm
2. entertainment center
3. tylenol, fingernail file, cough drops
4. sink...then dishwasher
5. world market
6. fine china ?......LOL
7. my computer/hard drive
8. yellow and white strips
9. an oriah book
10. nothing....i'm an open book !

Jayne said...

1. My wrist splint I wear at night
2. Photo purchased in Tuscany from a friend
3. Bandaids, Maalox, TUMS
4. Always the dishwasher. Can't stand things left in the sink.
5. Pfaltzgraff
6. Mikasa
7. My computer... with all my photos on it
8. Rust?
9. Bits N Pieces
10. KY Silk on the nightstand?

The Weaver of Grass said...

1, What is a night stand please?
2. A portrait of me at 17.
3. Paracetamol, optrex and sticking plasters.
4. A dishwasher.
5. Portmerion pottery, Wales.
6. Minton.
7. My alabaster buddha.
8. Brown.
9. This month's Country Living magazine.
10. Too embarrassing to write!

Marilyn said...

1. nightstand....nothing. have a bed with closet/headboard thingy and a shelf that slides out if needed! ?
2. living room wall...very old copper tray
3. medicine cabinet...deodorant,tweezers,pink razor
4. dishes...both
5. everyday dishes...WalMart!
6. good china...don't have any really
7. save...not a "thing" but the cat...the rest are just things!
8. sofa colour...brown
9. bathroom books...none
10. most mess du jour...

Deb said...

Hi Kate - been awhile since I've visited....glad the knee is better.

1. One thing on your nightstand: sailboat tea light
2. One thing on a wall in your living room: Clock with a lighthouse photo
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? neosporin;headache meds;dental floss
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? Dishwasher
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? similar to Fiesta ware
6. Maker of your fine chine? Royal China - English Ivy
7. If you had to save on "thing" from your home, what would it be? Photo albums
8. Color of your living room sofa? Green tweed
9. What reading material would we find your bathroom? Nothing at the moment
10. Most embarrassing ting in your home that you hide when guests come over? cat box

Deb :)

GailO said...

1. Burt's Bees Lip Balm...the best ever and it comes in a cute little tin....
2. A painting of my daughter in her angel halloween costume done by my brother in law...
3. Neti pot...rarely used make-up...bandaids in all sizes...I'm a clutz too and if you have grandchildren you have bandaids...
4. Both... depends what needs cleaning...
5. Who knows...bought at Job Lot
6. Same as my everyday...
7. Aside from people and pets it would have to be that would be my hard drive too:)
8. Brown tweed the color of pet beautifully
9. Me: An old Gladys Tabor book found at a book sale...Mr O: Boating magazines
10. HaHa! It is so well hidden I forgot what it was:)

Anonymous said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? Kindle
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?picture of magnolia blossom from tree that was in my pawpaw's yard. My sister took it,had it framed and gave it to me for my birthday many, many years ago. I loved my Paw Paw.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? floride treatment, bleaching trays, hair dye.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?sink, but not for long, don't like dirty dishes.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? fiestaware
6. Maker of your fine china? can't remember, to lazy to get up.
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? the hope chest my pawpaw made for my mama
8. Color of your living room sofa? ugh, green
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? none
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? Jay's office, I always close the door.

Anonymous said...

1. Nightstand - B&W photo of newborn daughter and I
2. Living room wall - Oil painting of my daughter at age 2.
3. Medicine cabinet - Prescription Motrin 800 mg, dental floss, cancer meds
4. Dirty dishes - sink first then dishwasher
5. Everyday dinnerware - Lennox
6. Fine china? Wedgwood
7. Save - external hard drive
8. Living Rm Sofa color - white, Family Rm Sofa - brown leather, Basement Sofa - Red leather
9. Bathroom Reading - daily crossword puzzle
10. Quick! Hide the vibrator

Sharon said...

1. One thing on your nightstand?
The current book I am ready.
2. One thing on the wall in your living room?
A Civil War Print-The Artillery Was ready by Mort Kintsler
3. Three things in the medicine cabinet?
Neosporin,Pepto Bismol and cough syrup
4. Dirty dishes go in the dishwasher
5. Every day dinnerware is Remembrance by Pfaltzgraff
6. No fine china but we have some Dansk we use as the "good dishes"
7. If you had to save one thing from your home what would it be? Pictures of my family
8. Living room sofa is a dark blue
9. Reading material in my bathroom is a computer magazine and a Quilter's Newsletter Magazine
10. Nothing.

Char said...

1. my ipod alarm clock
2. a mirror
3. toothpaste, advil and dental floss
4. sink
5. correll
6. noritake
7. only one? my purse (it would break my heart to leave my mom's things, the furniture my dad made, my camera and other things)
8. gold
9. none - i don't read in there
10. i close my bedroom door because i don't always make my bed.

Anonymous said...

1. Dust on my nightstand
2. A large round clock
3. Deodorant, facial cream, dental floss
4. Dishwasher
5. Fiestaware by Homer Laughlin
6. Pfaltzgraff... how lame
7. My darling Rottweiler, Handsome
8. Some tan shade...
9. You would have to ask my husband... I don't read in there!
10. Please see response by Anonymous. LOL (am I kidding? You'll never know)

deborah said...

1. Nightstand- fan, water, phone charger
2. On the wall- Dog leashes
3. Medicine Cabinet - dust, razor, toothbrushes and toothpaste
4. Dishes - in and around the sink till I put them in the dishwasher
5. Everyday dinnerware - Fiestaware by Homer Laughlin
6. Fine china- Chinet
7. To save-My cats and dogs (I know its more than one thing...but)
8. Couch- Brownish ugly plaid, soon to be slipcovered
9. Bathroom reading-Pottery Barn catalog, quilt magazines, cruise brochures
10. Embarrassing thing- My sons :) seriously, I hope guests are coming to see us not our house or dog-hair covered floors! I do try to keep the furniture hair-free, but with 3 dogs and 2 cats in the house and on the furniture, that can sometimes become a struggle haha!

I always enjoy your pictures, no matter when you took them! Happy that your knee-bo is getting all better!

deborah said...

Oh, about the pictures..we are buying a fireproof safe to keep albums and external hard drives..not just for those things, but there must be room for them:)

M and M said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? One perfect Heath pottery vase.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? Laura Ashley Sand 5 (my first dark accent wall)
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? Diptyque eau de toilette, Kiehls, and, sadly, always Pepcid AC.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? Sink, have never used the dishwasher.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? Heath, Masons, Longaberger, Furnivals, Villeroy and Boch, Emille Henry (I love dishes).
6. Maker of your fine china? Spode, Wedgwood, Lenox, Royal Doulton, Coalport (I really, really love dishes).
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? The srapbooks (after the dogs, cat and horse of course).
8. Color of your living room sofa? Red.
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? Right now, B & H photo catalog.
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? Laundry Mountain.

Gail said...

1. One thing on my nightstand...a bottle of lotion
2. One thing on a wall in my living room...a feathered mask
3. Three things in my medicine cabinet...tylenol, triple anti-biotic and band aids
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or the dishwasher...they go anywhere they want to go.
5. Maker of your every day dinnerware...Home Decore, JC Penneys
6. Fine China??? What's that?
7. One thing I would save...hard drive and I must chose another, Mama's quilt.
8. Color of my living room sofa! Off white

commoncents said...

THANK YOU for posting! I always love visiting...

Common Cents

Katy Noelle said...

Dear Kate(y)=],

Thank you so much for taking the time to come over and visit with me in the sunny spot. I've had quite a lovely half hour poking around your blog. Your photos are truly lovely. Oh, for a macro lens!!! I am just a baby photographer. Struggling with tack sharp and, especially struggling with my tripod but, still, having a ball!!! I just got my Canon in June.

Anyway, I hope that you feel much better, soon and good luck with your broken lens!!

Katy Noelle

Hilary said...

1. Whatever I am reading at the moment....cause it is the only time I slow down enough to actually read...then it puts me to sleep.
Can't win.
2.My Coca Cola wooden clock, made in the 1930's, I guess....the only thing my alcoholic ex husband ever gave me that I liked. floss, tooth brush, med bottles old enough to qualify as antiques.
4.they are supposed to go in the dishwasher....although it is broken right now. I put them in the sink sometimes, and get hollered at.
5.I just bought some new dishes, Pfaltzgraft.
6. I only have one set of dishes...the house is just too small for another set.
7. Well, you said 'thing' you are expecting that my dog would come first, and doesn't count for this my lap top....or my Compact loom......oh, dear.
8.beige/rose/sage floral
9. I never understood reading on the toilet.....WTH???
But my husband you will find golfing mags and HUNTING mags. UGH.
10. Dog hair. Lots of it.

Kerri Farley said...

Hi Kate, Just caught up with your posts! Sorry to hear about your knee and the Macro lens :( Hope you are better soon!

Daryl said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? a miniature Tiffany lamp.
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? One of your photos
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? bandaids,toothpaste, deodorant...
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? In the sink so the dishwasher (ToonMan)can wash them to his specifications which apparently I dont meet.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? No name, just some dishes I got at the Japanese market in Riveredge, NJ
6. Maker of your fine china? LAUGHING ... ok, there is a small milk pitcher I got for my mom in London at Thomas B. Goode
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? the cats
8. Color of your living room sofa? the slipcover is currently an off white sheet.. on top of the real paisley-like pattern that was just steam cleaned this week to rid us of any lurking ringworm spors
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? The labels on my make up
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? There is nothing to hide .. nothing...

altar ego said...

1. One thing on your nightstand?
a framed photo of my husband

2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
a framed sampler done by a many-times-great-grandmother's sister in 1794

3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
No medicine cabinet here, but probably you'd find a thermometer for canine use, medication, and a box of bandaids.

4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
either, depending on the dish

5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
a collection of stuff from my childhood and my mom's childhood

6. Maker of your fine china?
Royal Daulton

7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
if you don't count the dogs, a family bible published in 1750

8. Color of your living room sofa?
an ugly "wheat" color (think tinges of gray-green)

9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
none in mine. Maybe I should rethink that for guests.

10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?

becky up the hill said...

1. shabby chic lamp from Target

2. vintage florist flower display piece

3. nose drops, Advil, Neosporin

4. sink, no dishwasher

5. Misc English stuff from t.j. maxx

6. no fine china

7. family photos

8. French pinks/reds

9. my husband like those Uncle John books

10. crabby cat

Donna S. said...

1. Picture of grandkids
2. Metal hanging of a tree branch
3. Lots of creams for skin problems!
4. Me dishwasher...husband sink....grandkids wherever they leave them usually.
5. Fiestaware
6. Fiestaware
7. Nonliving thing...purse or laptop? I'd just be worried about kids or dog.
8. Goldish beige?
9. Knitting magazines to glance at.
10. Clutter? LOL I'm pretty boring.

Mary said...

1. eye shade, for sleeping in blackout conditions!
2. big mirror
3. moisturizer, floss, more moisturizer
4. dishwasher, definitely!
5. Portmerion
6. Spode, Noritake, Wedgwood... I have a thing for dishes. :)
7. My camera!!! Then maybe the cat. Kidding. Maybe.
8. cranberry and cream stripes
9. Comic strip collections, The Onion collections, House Beautiful
10. The dust kitties

Deb said...

Oh, my! You are inquisitive today, aren't you? :)
1. water bottle
2. finger prints
3. motrin, advil, tylenol
4. never any dirty dishes in my sink
5. the new stuff we are about to bring out is from Sears and it is pretty
6. Lennox and Spode
7. my scrapbook of my kids
8. black coffee
9. nothing
10. ummm...don't look under my mattress!

karen said...

1. My extra pair of glasses
2. A water color I purchased at The Outer Banks
3. vitamins, make-up, hair products
4. dishwasher
5. pfaltzgraff
6. Leonex
7. photo's
8. light green
9. of my Dear Husband!!
10. the clutter the said DH collects on the chair in the kitchen

Launi said...

1) The second book in the Hunger Games Trilogy--Catching Fire. Fell asleep with it in my hand and it barely made it to the nightstand. Incredible book (btw).

2) A tapestry wall hanging that says, "Welcome to the Nuthouse." Very classy indeed.

3) Arnica tablets to heal bruising and trauma. Maalox...because we believe food is a glorious thing. And an empty box of band-aids...empty...always empty. :/

4) They go in the side only. It is a crime of maximum magnitude to fill both sinks. Right side and counter for the dirty ones ONLY...thank you.

5) Oneida or however you spell that. Only a few precious pieces left...after the backyard sandbox festival of 2001.

6) Fine china? Hmmm...I have a plate for food photos that I picked up at an antique shop that says, "W.Dalton" on the bottom. Hope that counts. We eat off of Pfaltzgraff, Gazebo

7) External hard drive...dang thing should have wheels though. It's soooo heavy. Hope the flood or fire will wait for me to huff and puff my way out. sheesh.

8. Deep Sea Blue...much prettier than saying, "Navy" don't you think?

9) Sudoku...that's it.

10) The chocolate covered graham crackers package--not because I'm particularly embarrassed, mostly because I refuse to share.


Anonymous said...

Oooo My favorite day....still late, sorry...smiles
1. One thing on your nightstand? photo of me and my son when he was 6, and sweet....smiles
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? Framed whale bone knives that belonged to my husband's grandmother.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? Don't have one, but you would find Cover Girl lipstick, Seabreeze, and Milk of Magnesia.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? Both, depends on volume and crud.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? (had to go look) Mikasa, Italian Countryside
6. Maker of your fine china? Royal Doulton Heather
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? Son's baby negatives and photos
8. Color of your living room sofa? Beige, boring I know.
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? "House Beautiful"
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? Magazine collection in bedroom......really....hundreds....yipes.

Anonymous said...

1) telephone
2) painting our daughter made when she was 10 years old and taking art classes
3) don't use my medicine cabinet
4) dirty dishes on cabinet until they're put in dishwasher; don't like dishes in the sink!
5) Churchhill pattern similar to Blue Willow
6) Noritake (Fairmont)
7) the box of original photos that I packed when we evacuated for Hurricane Rita
8) ? some form of white
9) none
10)stuff that accumulates on the kitchen table!

Linda (GillLink)

Anonymous said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? Books
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
Thomas Kinkade painting
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
Advil, Pepto bismol tablets, Glass eye wash cup
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
6. Maker of your fine china?
What china?
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
Family photos
8. Color of your living room sofa?
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
Papers all over my desk

Rambling said...

1. A coffee coaster.
2. A watercolor of an eskimo kuyaking.
3. Vitamin E lotion, bandaids, tylenol.
4. Dishwasher, unless they don't fit.
5. Churchill.
6. Wedgwood.
7. Photos of my kids.
8. Multicolored.
9. None.
10. Paper clutter that ends up all over the kitchen table.

mrs mediocrity said...

Love that staircase photo!

1. One thing on your nightstand?
Whatever book I am currently reading. Just now, Hemingway's "To Have or Have Not."
2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
A drawing I did of our dog that died three years ago.
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
3 different kinds of anti-aging cream that I always forget to use.
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
In the sink. Don't have a dishwasher, unless my husband counts.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
Crate and Barrel.
6. Maker of your fine china?
No fine china because, well, see #4. He breaks things a lot.
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
My computer.
8. Color your living room sofa?
Sage green.
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
I don't have any for myself. My husband's newspaper is always there.
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
The sheets that cover all the furniture in the living room (six cats).

Jill of All Trades said...

I'm a little late on this...
1. On my nightstand...the TV control
2. In the LR, on the wall, hmmm, stuffed Antelope
3. Medicine cabinet, well, I don't really have one but probably Aleve for the muscle aches after workout.
4. Dirty dishes definitely in the sink.
5. Everday dinnerware is the wonderful Fiesta Ware...some of it old belonging to my greatgrandmother.
6. Fine china, I don't have any really.
7. Saving something from my home would be pictures.
8. We have two living room sofas, one a greenish plaid and the other dark brown leather.
9. Reading material in the john is usually whatever I bring with me, book, newspaper, or crossword.
10. The most embarassing thing I hide is absolutely nothing, well, maybe my dirty underwear on the floor...

The JR said...

Better late again, than never I guess....
1. One thing on your nightstand? my tweezers so my husband can ask me for the millionth time why I'm plucking
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? 3-d horse picture in copper than my sister gave me
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? poisen ivy cream (which I am currently using), benedryl (for the poisen ivy too) and my BP meds
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? either, depends on if the DW is empty
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? most of it from auctions, it's a miss mash
6. Maker of your fine china? ? came from kroger grocery store when I was a kid - buy a plate/bowl/cup a week thing
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? they would have to save me, cause I would be running around trying to decide
8. Color of your living room sofa? tan with burgandy flowers
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? cookbooks
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? my husbands piggy pile (the clothes he takes off and throws by the bed - EVERYDAY!)

Stephanie said...

1. an antique silver vase
2. Venetian mirror
3. Aleve, Excedrin, Prilosec
4. diswasher
5. Pier I white
6. Which set? I collect china! Mottahedah, Spode, Royal Worchester, Syracuse, Lenox, and Royal Copenhagen
7. antique jewelry
8. Ivory slipcover [washable,people!~]
9. none~!
10. ???? don't know, don't care~!

sharon said...

1. One thing on your nightstand?
two little cats made out mt. st. helens ash

2. One thing on a wall in your living room? The vettriano painting of the man and woman dancing on the beach.

3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?bandaids,
dental floss, contact solution

4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?both

5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? mish mash

6. Maker of your fine china?
comes from Norway

7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
my scriptures
8. Color of your living room sofa?

9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?nothing, to small to stay in there.

10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
usually my bra, because I take it off the first thing I do when I come home!
love your questions!

Anonymous said...

1. One thing on your nightstand? a devotional
2. One thing on a wall in your living room? a picture of my horse
3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet? tylenol, toothpaste, and perfume
4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher? Big ones are washed in the sink, others go to the dishwasher.
5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware? Corel
6. Maker of your fine china? no idea
7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be? my camera
8. Color of your living room sofa? bone
9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom? None. Not unless you count the wording on the back of a shampoo bottle!
10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over? ???

maillady said...

hey kate i know this is late but iv'e been away.
1. glasses
2.mine and my husbands parents pictures.all of which have since passed
3.bandaides, motrine and eyewash
4.dishwasher... really!!! is is.
6.dont have fine china. i did once and gave it away cats ,,, sorry there are two of them
10.i really don't think i hide anything.

Unknown said...

I'm a little behind on my blog reading, but here's my answers.

1. One thing on your nightstand?
A couples devotional bible that our pastor gave my husband and I just before he married us.

2. One thing on a wall in your living room?
Breakfast at Tiffany's with Audrey Hepburn Poster

3. Three things we would find in your medicine cabinet?
Band-Aids, Q-Tips, and Neosporin

4. Do your dirty dishes go in the sink or dishwasher?
The sink, I don't have a dishwasher yet. :(

5. Maker of your everyday dinnerware?
It's Royal Daulton, out of an old box of my mother's. I only have 4 settings.

6. Maker of your fine china?
I don't have any.

7. If you had to save one “thing” from your home, what would it be?
My camera, maybe.

8. Color of your living room sofa?
The most horrible yellow/orange color. I'm hoping it will be replaced when we move in a few weeks.

9. What reading material would we find in your bathroom?
Magazines - Country Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Fitness

10. Most embarrassing thing in your home that you hide when guests come over?
Hmmm, the office, which is basically a storage room right now.