Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday morning hike

Last night, my husband announced plans for our Saturday, telling me that when we got up this morning, we were packing up the car and going somewhere.

He wouldn’t say where, and I didn’t believe him in the first place. So when I got up this morning, it was anyone’s guess as to what the day held in store for me. I had some plans of my own, which I accomplished in the end, but the world was our oyster on Saturday morning.

Last night, he told me that he didn’t understand how I could continue to sleep past the time he gets up (which is 5:30 am), when he talks to the dog in the bedroom, goes to put coffee on, takes a shower and returns to turn on the light and make noise, all while I continue to sleep.

“I don’t understand how you can do that,” he told me.

“It’s a gift,” I answered.

“So wake me, okay?” I said.

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Personally, I think it IS a gift to continue sleeping while someone else is making noise.

Come the morning, we had sandwiches and drinks packed and were out the driveway by 7:30 am, heading for places unknown. I’ve learned not to even ask anymore, because I like being surprised and I’m usually never disappointed.

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Today we ended up at the edge of the next county over (Harford County), at Conowingo Dam, where there is a nice nature/biking trail. It was a beautiful morning here in Maryland and these are just some glimpses of what I noticed along the trail.

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We walked just over 2 miles in one direction and then turned around and walked back.

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It was a good walk and the trail was busy with hikers and bikers and birders and nature lovers.

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My feet started hurting on the way back, so I began to go slower, taking photos of things along the way that I found interesting.

(And dreaming of the pedicure I had planned for after we returned home. This was one of my goals for the weekend.

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It was a beautiful morning hike and the weather continues to remain pleasant here in my neck of the woods. However, the tables are turning come the beginning of the week when hot and humid temps are predicted.

And now, if you are so inclined, here are some weekend questions for you:

~ :: ~~ :: ~~ :: ~~ :: ~~ :: ~

1.  The strangest thing I've ever eaten was _______________________________ .

2.  My best friend is _______________________________________ .

3.  If I could live in a different era it would be ____________________________ .

4.  I like ___________________________ .

5.  If you only know one thing about me it should be  ______________________.

6.  The one beauty product I couldn't live without is  _______________________ .

7.  If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with _____________________ .

8.  One of the best feelings in the world is ________________________________ .

See you in the comment section, my friends . . .


Country Girl said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was canned octopus. I did it on a dare. Not a fan.

2. My best friend is probably my husband at the moment. I want to spend my time with him while I have him on this earth.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be the 1920's. I'd have probably been a flapper.

4. I like people who have positive attitudes.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I love the outdoors.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is mascara. Even when I wear no makeup, which is often in the summer, I still use mascara.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Brad Pitt. No, it's not just because he's beautiful. It's because I think he's beautiful inside as well. Angelina can stay home.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is having someone put their arms around you and say, 'God, I love you'.

~ C.G.

beth said...

1. fish bladder while in hong kong
2. my hubby and of course michele
3. 1960's
4. who get me
5. that i will hug you when i meet you
6. mascara without question...oh crap, i need lip balm too
7. let's just say tom
8. is being understood

beth said...

oops...#4 should be "people who get me"

Lili said...

Sounds like my kind of picnic and hike, love doing that! Your images are particularly dreamy today.

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was salty licorice.

2. My best friend is my Henri.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be the Edwardian era.

4. I like coffee in the morning.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be I love Maine.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is lotion.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Lucille Ball (did they have to be alive?).

8. One of the best feelings in the world is contentment.

That was fun Kate! Have a great weekend and I think it is so cool that your husband surprises you with a destination hike! ~Lili

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I. Was. Going. To. Go. There. Today.


1. An oyster. Ok, so I am not an adventurous eater.

2. is the person who understands me the most.

3. The civil war era. I have no idea why.

4. fake coffee.

5. that I love music and photography.

6. a razor. Ugh. I hate hair.

7. Johnny Depp. He would be funny and brooding.

8. holding a toddler's hand in mine.

Miss you, my friend!

Anonymous said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was Livermush, (you must be southern to understand this) and I hate to admit, but I like it .

2. My best friend is my sweetie, I waited a very long time to have him in my life, I think I'll savor it...smiles.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be in the very far future....maybe on the Starship Enterprise.

4. I like Peaceful vacations....anyone want to throw one my way?( I especially like them at the beach)

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be _that I value authenticity above all qualities in a friend.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is Oil of Olay, no they don't pay me, but I could sell it I'm sure...smiles. .

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Bette White, love her! .

8. One of the best feelings in the world is getting a card that your child has written, saying you are the best mom EVER! .

deborah said...

Lovely pictures!
1, calamari
2. my husband
3. my grandmother was a flapper, I saw some of her dresses-fun! Me, if I were wealthy, during the Victorian period
4. my dogs and cats
5. that I love nature and knowing about the animals and plants
6. nothing that I can think of...
7. William Powell or Myrna Loy
8. having my husband tell me he loves me!
Had to think about some of these.
I enjoy your questions!

Rambling said...

1. Gooseberry Pie. Yuck.
2. My Mom.
3. During WWII. Scary times ... but such brave, amazing men and women.
4. I like autumn.
5. I love my kids.
6. Paul Mitchell "Thicken Up".
7. Johnny Depp.
8. Finally getting to bed when you're really, really tired.

Karen said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was Escargo. I'm not very adventurous in the strange food department.

2. My best friend is probably my mother. I can't believe I just said that. She wouldn't either :-)

3. If I could live in a different era it would be ... I wouldn't. Can you imagine medical life before we had what we have today. I know, I'm a wuss.

4. I like having happy, healthy children.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be I'de give you the shirt off my back if you needed it.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is moisturizer, dang this middle-aged skin.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with John Travolta. He just seems like such a nice down to earth guy.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is being truly in love and having it reciprocated.

A New England Life said...

I wish my husband would do stuff like that, take me places, but he loves to stay home. Luckily I'm able to work my charms on him most of the time and drag him out of the house!

1. IDK
2. My husband, no doubt. He's helped me through some of the toughest crap in my life.
3. There's no time like the present.
4. I like the age I am.
5. You should know that I'm a very pleasant person who needs a good nights sleep and healthy food to stay that way. Otherwise I end up grumpy and sick.
6. I've got to have Mascara.
7. Mark Wahlburg. oh lord.
8. Enjoying the company of my husband ; ) Just sayin'

sherry said...

1. rattlesnake
2. My hubs (Steve)
3. The 1800's, A cowgirl.
4. my sweet grandchildren
5. I am a kind person.
6. moisturizer.
7. Johhny Depp
8. being in love.

Deb said...

Hi there Kate! I haven't written in a new job has me all out of sorts for now. Part of it is getting back into the groove, plus overcoming some little health issues at the moment.

As for moi, I could sleep while a marching band was coming through my bedroom. I love my sleep, truly! My pillow and bed are the most comfortable place on earth, well, that is according to me.
1. I really cannot think of the strangest thing I've ever had.
2. My best friend is my husband...all other friends have come and gone...but he is here for the long hall.
3. I've never thought about living in another era.
4. I like beer and nascar. Gah!
5. If you only knew one is I loath people who are late.
6. I could not live without my face cream.
7. Meryl Streep
8. best feeling in the world is having my grandson call for me....Mimi...where r r r you?

so that's that! Happy Saturday!

Cheryl Kohan said...

Well, Kate, I'll tell you what...these photos are just spectacular. I LOVE your photography. Now, about your challenge:

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was headcheese. It's something my grandmother made and I think it had blood in it. Gross!!

2. My best friend is...hmmm, that's tough. I don't have a best friend, per se. I have lots of friends and they're all special in their own way. I know I could count on any of them at any time.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be the 1950's.

4. I like Spring.

5. If you only knew one thing about me it would be that I cannot tolerate intolerance. I know, I know...that's an oxymoron but there you go...

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is coconut oil.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would love to work with Tom Hanks.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is awe.

Anonymous said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was sea urchin.

2. My best friend is my husband, I suppose. He cooks and cleans for me and holds the fort down, but doesn't ever take me anywhere.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be during the roaring 20's or any time before any wars.

4. I like the outdoors.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that this question is too personal.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is does Carmex or Burt's Bees lip balm count?.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Kevin Costner.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is wet sand between my toes.

Mary said...

1. I don't eat strange food. I don't even eat eggs.

2. My best friend is my husband. :)

3. I would have liked to have lived in Regency England. I guess I've read too much Jane Austen.

4. I like people who smile at me.

5. If you only know one thing about me, it's that I'm an artist at heart.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is concealer.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor or actress, it would be Meryl Streep, who grew up in the town next to mine.

8. One of the best things in the world is waking up to a glorious morning and going for a walk. :)

Beautiful photos, Kate!!!

Chrissykat said...

1. The srangest thing I've ever eaten was: poi, in Hawaii...yuk.

2. My best friend is: my mom, hands down.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be: the 40's so I could dance with Fred Astaire.

4. I like: cloudy rainy days...A LOT!!!

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be: that I believe in equal rights.

6. The beauty product I couldn't live without is: lip balm.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with: Mark Ruffalo in a romantic comedy...he's just too charming.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is: laughing with my mom.

altar ego said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was fresh figs. Seriously.

2. My best friend is out there in the world looking for me, just as I am looking for him/her.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be Colonial America.

4. I like chocolate and peanut butter.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I love dogs.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is eyeliner.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Meryl Streep. She's a totally class act.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is to have a child reach for and want to be held by you.

GailO said...

I love the treatments on these photos Kate!...especially the first of the great blue heron...fantastic!

1. sea urchin at a sushi restaurant...will not be trying it again...

2. Her name is Mickey...our kids grew up together...

3. Would love to see what the future looks like...

4. Time by myself...

5. I'm should say hi first:)

6. blush and lip balm

7. Someone with a great sense of humor...George Clooney would be ok:)

8. Having a grandchild's face light up when they see you...

Hilary said...

So nice to have such a surprise.. that's romantic. Beautiful photos.

1) Nothing all that strange for me.. squid.. quail's eggs.. tongue. Frank, on the other hand claims to have eaten a bull's penis and a seagull. Probably not at the same time.

2) My best friend is the above-mentioned Frank. Good thing those foods aren't still on his breath.

3) Different era? I'd be game for just about any. Surprise me. ;)

4) I like having good reasons to smile.

5) If you only know one thing about me it should be that I consider that the most important thing I've ever done was to parent my sons.

6) Mascara

7) It might have been Gregory Peck.. or Paul Newman.

8) A sleeping baby in my arms.. child or animal.

msdewberry said...

1)The strangest thing I've ever eaten is Oysters. I still hate everything about them.
2)My best friend is my hubby. I cannot imagine my life without him.
3)I would live in the era of North American Indians before the white man came.
4)I like people who are honest and straight forward.
5)The one thing you could know about me is that I see things differently since I took up photography.
6)The one beauty product I must have is lip gloss and chapstick.
7) I would star in a movie with my cousin Rikki Gagne. She could be my stunt double too!!
8)One of the best feelings in the world is sleeping in with my hubby and the morning hugs!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was cracked conch. Delicious!

2. My best friend is my friend, Lee. She understands even when my husband doesn't.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be 1800s. Pioneer Woman (not the famous one), and farm girl.

4. I like Labrador and Golden Retrievers.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I'm a woman of integrity.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is mascara. I have light colored eyelashes and need mascara for definition around my eyes.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Sean Connery. Stirred, not shaken.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is knowing after I die, I'll be with my beloved dogs again.

Thanks again, Kate. Love your weekend questionnaires!

Caroline said...

Gorgeous photos Kate!!!

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was Dinuguan (a Filipino blood and meat stew) .

2. My best friend is my Mom

3. If I could live in a different era it would be...I kinda like now actually!

4. I like a good glass of red wine.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I don't hold regrets.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is mascara.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Julia Roberts.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is being loved.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

One of the strangest things I've ever eaten is Play Dough, when a mean bully of a neighbor girl threatened to sit on me until I tasted it. It's salty in case you were wondering. Next on the list is dry dog food, and that's a story for another time.

I'm not sure I have a best friend but the person I talk to the most is Bud.

Me too for the twenties - and I'd definitely have been a flapper.

I like harmony. And the notion of winning the lottery.

If you only know one thing about me, I'm not sure what that would be. Need to think about that one.

Aside from the Bonnebell lipsmackers that I've used since high school (and I'm in my forties), I'd say blue eyeliner. I probably need to rethink the use of blue eyeliner since the '70s are a fading memory, but that's the answer for today.

The movie I'd want to star in would be the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice. I'd play ELizabeth Bennett and Colin Firth would be Mr. Darcy.

One of the best feelings in the world is laughing with my kids.

Surprises are wonderful, and sleeping past 5:30 while someone is making a racket is indeed a gift. Your Saturday sounds perfect.

Gail said...

1. The strangest thing I have ever eaten is Sushi...not impressed. I guess it depends on your definition of strange. I have eaten turtles, racoons and crawdads, but I like them. Raw fish is fish bait around here.

2. My best friend is my sister.

3. If I could live in a different era, it would be late 1800s.

4. I like people who make me laugh.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be I love chocolate.

6. The one beauty product I could not live without is a good body lotion.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress it would be Sam Elliot. I just want to hear that voice!

8. One of the best feelings in the world knowing you are loved.

Anonymous said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was alligator .

2. My best friend is Judy .

3. If I could live in a different era it would be on a beach.

4. I like reading .

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be I have more pain than anyone knows.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is fade cream.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Meryl Streep .

8. One of the best feelings in the world is being loved .

Daryl said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was eel .. its the only type of sushi I will never eat again .. ever

2. My best friend is my husband

3. If I could live in a different era it would be .. except for the Plague the 13-14th centuries seemed fun

4. I like to have this ringworm stuff end NOW and never come back .. evah

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be I am many things ... a work in progress

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is sunblock

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with George Clooney .. seriously do I need to explain?

8. One of the best feelings in the world is learning your are cancer free

SouthernSass said...

1. Frog legs. Yuck!
2. Husband, daughter, son and Hydie.
3. Early 1900s - simpler times.
4. I like kind, caring people.
5. That I love to take naps!
6. Definitely mascara!
7. Angelina Jolie - she is so complex.
8. One of the best feelings in the world is receiving big hugs from my children without having to ask!

Thanks Kate - this was fun!

Anonymous said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was calamari. I know, insufficiently strange.

2. My best friend is Vikki. Since high school. 35+ years and she still loves me. :)

3. If I could live in a different era I wouldn't. Kind of enjoying the here and now. But I'd love to wear styles from the 40's!

4.I like smart, funny and optimistic creatures. Dogs and people especially.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be I'm shy. And a homebody.

6.The one beauty product I couldn't live without is moisturizer. Yum.

7.If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Colin Firth. YUM.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is hugs.

second-best feeling is having a functioning computer, something I've done without for seven months! It's so good to read your blog again!

Shelley Jaffe said...

1. Tie between alligator and ostrich. Both of which, oddly enough, tasted like chicken.

2. My best friend is Patty. Who sounds just like Marge from 'Fargo' (just don't tell her I said that)

3. The early 70's. I would have been the BEST. HIPPY. CHICK. EVER.

4. I like quiet.

5. If you only know one thing about me, it should be that I am so much more than I appear to be.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is lip goop.
I hate having dry lips.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress, I would want to work with Liev Schrieber. He would definitely make me bring my "A" game. Plus, I've seen him on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and he is really clever/funny!

8. One of the best feelings in the world is splitting a gut laughing with my family. They are all so very, very funny. I'm no slouch either (she said humbly)

xo Miss you, Sweets.

Kerri Farley said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!
1. strangest thing eaten ~ raw oyster. May not be strange for some but it was definitely strange for me :)
2. My best Friend is my hubby
3. Different era - I can see me living in the future with a hover car and a computer that fits into my eyeglasses :)
4. I Like kind people
5. If you only knew one thing about me it would be: that I would like to live simply and without too much "stuff" and am slowly purging "things" out of my life.
6. I could live without any beauty products - in fact I pretty much do :)
7. I would like to be in a movie with Cary Grant or Jimmy Stewart~ they are both wonderful and I couldn't narrow it down to only 1.
8. For my children to tell me they love me :)

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh I love the Q&A part...
1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten and really not strange to me. It was rather ordinary in my household was cow's tongue.
2. My best friend is The Hubby as it should be.
3. I think I would go back to the 60's again...yes again but I would like to be just a bit older than I was.
4. I like honesty.
5. If you only know one thing about me it is that I am fair, a very fair person.
6. The one beauty product I could not live without is my Mary Kay Eye Cream. I think it is why I don't have crows feet yet.
7. Hmmm, actor or actress, I think maybe it would be Julia Roberts. She is such a geniune person I think and I love her laugh.
8. One of the best feelings in the world is when both my girls are home together and we are all four under the same roof.

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

The strangest thing I've ever eaten was food from a buffet at a luncheon in Oakland, Calif...I had no idea what anything was but was starving. Next time I will ask for more info :(

My best friend is my husband...a 2nd close runner would be my mom.

If I could live in a different era it would be colonial times...of course I would want to live somewhere where it's not 105 degrees in the summer.

I like honest upfront people.

If you only know one thing about me it should be that I need lots of sleep...or else ;)

The one beauty product I couldn't live without is facewash...I would rather go without makeup as much as possible and do most of the time in the summer, but I have to be able to wash my face at night and in the morning.

If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Sandra, funny and strong.

One of the best feelings in the world is having my children and husband home together sharing a home cooked meal.

Deb said...

Hi Kate,
Glad you had a grand weekend :)

To answer your questions:

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was eel = I was in Japan...they like it :)

2. My best friend - Kelly

3. If I could live in a different era it would be the 1800's on a fine southern Plantation.

4. I like people who have integrity.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that my word is the best gift I have to give.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is mascara. I have very blond eye lashes and huge blue eyes. Looks weird without mascara :)

7. If I could star in a moview with any actor/actress I would want to work with Sam Elliott. Smart, sexy, Handsome, oh yes!

8. One of the best feelings in the world is knowing you can truly trust someone.

As always, fun.

Andi said...

You make ma *almost* look forward to my kids being grown and my husband and I being home alone again. I said *almost* - I forget what it feels like to get up and go where we want when we want. Sounds like you had a great morning! :)

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was edible flowers. (I am not THAT adventurous!)

2. My best friend is actually one of my "newest" friends.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be - a tough choice. I am equally fascinated with pioneer times and the elizabethan era....

4. I like a quiet morning.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be I am a faithful dedicated person.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is foundation!

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Drew Barrymore. Not sure why but she was the first to come to my mind when you asked!

8. One of the best feelings in the world is laughing with my husband and children.

sharon said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was ___cricket cookies.

2. My best friend is other than my husband, I would have to say Karen, we've been friends since high school .

3. If I could live in a different era it would be the 50's .

4. I like the smell of rain.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I'm a Mormon_.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is lotion .

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Tom Hanks .

8. One of the best feelings in the world is my partially deaf grandson saying umma for the first time!

maillady said...

1. i think it has to be moose. my daughter lived in alaska sister joanne
3.the 50's
4.when my kids are happy
5.i am a loyal friend
6.lip gloss. i only use lip gloss and blush and you can always lip gloss a blush .
7.maybe julia roberts. i heard she is really funny to work with
8.hearing i love you grandma

BB said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was 'prairie oysters'. (If you have to ask, you really don't want to know. Trust me!)

2. My best friend is my husband.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be the 70s - so I could see Freddy Mercury live.

4. I like Bailey's Irish Cream. And it likes me too!

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be: I smile a lot. And not always at appropriate moments.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is Nude mineral makeup. (Covers all kinds of past misdemeanors).

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Daniel Craig. (To ogle, and to see if the pout ever lets up!)

8. One of the best feelings in the world is watching my children laugh with each other.

Deb said...

1. I don't eat strange things...just not that adventureous with foods.
2. My best friend is my husband...
3. I would love the 40's all the beautiful hats...and dresses..
4. I like people who speak their minds, you always know what they are thinking
5. If you only know one thing about me it is I love my family
6. I have to agree on the mascara..
it opens up your eyes...

7. It would have to be John Wayne..
8. watching my family smile...especially my grandson

Lucia said...


1. Tripe
2. Husband
3. 1950's
4. reading
5. I love beautiful things
6. soap
7. Richard Gere
8. Contentment

Unknown said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was blueberry and cheddar cheese sandwiches on rye bread when I was pregnant. I could not get enough of them!

2. My best friends are my kids and my husband.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be the 1920's in Paris. As a writer and/or artist.

4. I like foggy mornings in the country, the beach on stormy days, farmer's markets in the autumn, and newborn babies.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I pay attention to the details --sound, color, texture, scent, etc.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is lip gloss.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Woody Allen, because he is the master of the un-scripted sounding dialogue.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is love. Being in love, sharing love, being loved, giving love.

Thank you for the inspiration! Love your blog! I used to live not too far from you -- just into PA from Maryland, about an hour from Baltimore. I miss the beauty!

Manden said...

1. strangest thing i've ever eaten:
2. my best friend is Linus (of course!). he's a great listener and never shouts or gets upset and he's always up for a good cuddle. My husband is my best friend as well
3. I would love to live in the Victorian era.
4. I like cookie dough
5. I really dislike feet.
6. I wouldn't want to live without my hair straightener (i've got to tame this nest of hair!)
7. I would love to star in a film with Luke Perry
8. the best feeling in the world is a meaningful hug.

The JR said...

1. Stange and still a favorite is a big bowl of dill pickle slices and potato chips with plenty of soy sauce!

2. Definately My Husband.

3. It would be in the future - beam me up Scottie!

4. I like watching the fur children being silly.

5. That I love horses.

6. Lotion.

7. Sir Patrick Stewart

8. Hearing my Show # being called out!

Launi said...

1) Dried squid...dreadful. Dad brought it home from Japan.

2) My sister Laurie...she gets all the secrets...all of them.

3) Late 1800's--the Anne of Green Gables Era. Perfect.

4) People who are valiantly happy.

5) That I choose to be matter what.

6) Mascara. These little stumps of eyelashes are non-existent without the stuff.

7) Amy Adams--(Enchanted, Julie & Julia). I just think we would be very good friends.

8) That cool snap in the air that says Autumn is gives me excited goosebumps!

I may just have to do this on my blog as well. Thanks!

Unknown said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was raw oysters and clams.
2. My best friend is my husband.
3. If I could live in a different era it would be... I used to want to live in a different time, but now I'm just happy right here.
4. I like food - too much.
5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I am an artist.
6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is tinted lotion for all the time in the summer when only the fronts of my legs get tan. Kayaking, you know.
7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Audrey Hepburn.
8. One of the best feelings in the world is being loved.

Anonymous said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was ox tail, this is a South African dish and I did not like it.

2. My best friend is my husband Armin.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be when times were simple.

4. I like the feeling of Fall in the air.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I am a suck for animals.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is face cream and mascara...wait that two things.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Tommy Lee Jones.

8. One of the best feelings in the world is having a dream come true.


Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Whoa--I don't want to be left out here! You know I love these questions!!!

1. Pork brains in scrambled eggs--I do NOT lie! My grandmother made them.

2. Cindy

3. I'm kind of liking this era, but maybe the 1940's.

4. I like summer and autumn.

5. I'm far from perfect, but I do try to follow the golden rule and look for the best in people.

6. L'Oreal foundation Visible lift (I need all the help I can get!)

7. Jimmy Stewart

8. One of the best things in the world is knowing you did your best.

Sharmon Davidson said...

This is pretty irrelevant, but your hubby's puzzlement about your ability to sleep so late reminded me of this song by Elvis Perkins. It's pretty much a hyperbole on all the things that happen while his wife sleeps... in other words, he's aggravated because he can't sleep and she can. I thought you might like it.

maricel said...

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was ant eggs plus the ants. It was fried..haha.

2. My best friend is my fiance. I can tell him anything.

3. If I could live in a different era it would be ..hmmm..1900's maybe.

4. I like food and music.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be friendly.

6. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is suncreens.

7. If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with Johnny Depp, Leonardo Di Caprio, Angelina J., Brad Pitt..and many more

8. One of the best feelings in the world is being loved.