Thursday, August 5, 2010

Maine macro photography

I hope you aren’t minding the way I go on and on with my Maine posts, because I have another one for you today. Just looking at these photos makes me feel cooler and with this wicked awful heat, a temperature change is what we all need (at least those of us in the States).

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There are cairns all over the place in Maine. I found this one marking one of the trails through the woods at the rental cottage.

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I saw this on the floor of the deck and thought it was interesting. And I love the autumnal color.

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Speaking of color, I found this magical mushroom while walking the Pigeon Hill Trail across the bay from the rental cottage. It’s like totally groovy, dude.

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I love ferns.

I once knew somebody named Fern. She was a yoga instructor. Her profession and her name seemed to be a good fit and she sort of whispered when she talked.

I found that very annoying.

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But speaking of mushrooms, I think this one is really cool. I love the color, too.

It looks yummy to me. When I was a child, I once ate some very pretty mushrooms. My mother happened to catch me as the last one went into my mouth, and I remember waiting for the doctor to come and then being forced to drink something horrible that made me throw up.

Learned my lesson, I will tell you that.

And I'll explain later why the doctor actually came to the house.

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I found this butter knife in the utensil drawer at the rental cottage. No other silverware. Just this lone butter knife.

I took its photo to make it feel special.

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I love cupcakes. ‘Nuff said.

Luv you, too.

‘til tomorrow, my friends . . .

PS -- The doctor who came was our family doctor and the best friend of my father. I don't think my mother was able to go out to get the medicine for me, so he brought some over and stayed to make sure I was ok.


Jack Thyen said...

Love your photos! I need to plan a trip to Maine sometime soon! I've had enough of this Carolina Heat!

JacksDad said...

Now I feel bad for the butter knife. I hope you stole it and brought it home with you so it wouldn't be alone!

Hilary said...

Gorgeous snaps, Kate. Your last comment about Fern cracked me up. I'd find it annoying too. Love the butter knife shot. Now it has identical pieces on everyone's computer all over the blogosphere. And I'll bet that was a very fine cupcake vintage.

Chrissykat said...

Now I want a cupcake...or a cookie...or doughnut...mmmm, doughnuts...

Marla said...

I love love love those mushroom pictures. :)

Marla @

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Can I just say, I LOVE your macro photography! Love, love, love the orange mushroom!! By the way, I ordered a macro lens yesterday and I think you're to blame ;)

Gail said...

Love the photos, your heart is showing in every one.

What wonderful memories you have made.

Ellen said...

Great photos. Love the butter knife - so sweet.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Maine does look lovely and cooler! It was 107 in our part of the country the past couple of days!
Do your mama dosed you with Syrup of Ipecac? My youngest daughter was a climber and very sneaky! I caught her standing on the kitchen counter and drinking orange Triaminic syrup when she was a youngster, so I gave her a small dose of Ipecac, fearing she had overdosed. Believe me it cured her of her counter cruising, getting into everything behavior!

Mental P Mama said...

Wait. You went a whole week with just a butter knife? You rock! So do your mushrooms and your wine. Shots.

Country Girl said...

When I said silverware, I meant silver. There were utensils there! But only the one silver piece.
I didn't explain that correctly.

~ C.G.

Lili said...

Nice shots, really nice! Oh and I think there should be a question about the butter knife on the list of general questions for that rental too! ~Lili

Karen said...

Awesome photos, Kate. ESPECIALLY... the groovy mushroom and the butter knife. I think I like that as much as the clothspin shot!

I remember our family dr. coming to my house to check on me when I was very young with a high fever. Gone are those days!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Kate ..... These are Superb! You must must must frame that leaf shot. It is absolutely stunning!

mrs mediocrity said...

Gorgeous. I love the first mushroom shot, the color is incredible. How was the wine?

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Great macros. I have been searching for beautifully colored mushrooms here but all I have are plain jane white ones.

Nurse Nancy said...

I lvoe these postings of Maine. Will be going to Maine next spring for a give me ideas on what to do while I am there....beautiful ideas.

Linda said...

Rocks, leaves, mushrooms. I never tire of your photos:)

Andi said...

Cupcake wine! :) Yum!

Daryl said...

I hate yoga, it hurts my knees ... whisperers are annoying .. those photos are fab and that the doc made a house call .. well, not only was he a family friend, I think that was a time when doctors actually did make housecalls

Daryl said...

Forgot to ask .. was Cupcake as good as Layer Cake?

Carolynn Anctil said...

Great photos. I especially love that gorgeous orange beauty in your header. Wow!

I work with a guy who barely talks above a whisper. It's annoying as hell.

The JR said...

Fantastic macros. Luv all the shots.

Anonymous said...

That orange mushroom id groovy! Love all your shots!

I have never seen the wine, need to find it!

Shelley Jaffe said...

Love the orange mushroom. Very groovy, indeed.

Thanks for the tip about the whispery yoga instructor - I promise you I will endeavor not to teach that way...if you, one of the most mellow people I know, find it annoying, then it must be so!

Laura @ Our House of Joyful Noise said...

Fabulous macro shots!
I've been reading along, and you really make me feel like going to Maine!

Jeanne Walker said...

Kate, we never get tired of your photos or your narratives. God has gifted you with a way with words and an eye for capturing the beauty of the nature that He created!

Would you recommend a bottle of Cupcake for someone who cannot eat cupcakes, but drinks wine???

Great weekend to you!

Country Girl said...

Yes, I would, Jeanne. It's a delightful little drink.

~ C.G.

ELK said...

kate i really enjoyed these, each so different than the next...what pretty light you had to shoot them in too

Jan's camera said...

Hi, I remember when the doctor use to come to the house. Those were the days. I love the photo of the wine bottle with the cupcake label. And the knife is so pretty. I love all of your Maine photos.