Saturday, October 30, 2010

A pair of threes

As in three orange and three blue pictures for you today. I love all this color.

So there I was, sitting on the front steps having my last cup of coffee and taking pictures of squiggles on pumpkins (yet again) for my files. I’ve already had several of them printed at and had taken them to school to use as office decorations for Halloween. I wanted to replenish my files for next year’s decorations. This year’s photos have been promised to several of my co-workers.

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Anyway, it’s a long explanation and while I was thinking all this, a ladybug came along and began crawling up the pumpkin.


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It was crawling around very quickly, as if it were on a mission. I think its mission was to get to the top of the pumpkin as soon as possible.

I could barely keep up with it using my lens.

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It was so quick that this is the last photo I caught of it before it flew off.

Please try to contain your excitement.

:: ~ ::

I’ve been cleaning the entire day and am enjoying a well-deserved glass of ice water in my Tervis tumbler. It keeps the water nice and cold. I’ve been cleaning extra because we’re doing something we rarely do here at the manor house on the hill.

We’re having company.

Now, I love company. I’d have people over all the time just like it was when I was growing up. Our house was one of the most popular on the block. But my husband is pretty much the total opposite. And not surprisingly, his parent’s home is very quiet. In fact, when I began dating him (I was 19), one of the things I loved the most was how quiet and peaceful it was at his house.

He’s looking forward to our company tomorrow, though. They’re friends that we’ve known since we were teenagers and my husband and I went to high school with one of our visitors. It’ll be so good to see them all.

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This next set of three was taken by my husband. He was checking out what’s going on with the morning glories that are covering much of the garden fence.

They were changing colors in the weather.

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I thought they were beautiful enough as they were, so I’m posting them SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera).

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And speaking of cameras, and I know this is wrong of me, but I have been lusting after something a little . . . more. But after I looked at prices of the Nikons I was really interested in, I decided that it’s just going to have to be sort of like an unrequited love. Unless I hit the lottery sometime soon.

Ok. I’ve lollygagged enough for now. I’m off to the licorice store to pick up supplies and to the grocery store for fixin’s for my favorite apple cheese crisp for tomorrow’s dessert.

Happy Halloween, everybody. Thanks for stoppin’ by today.


Brynwood Needleworks said...

Wonderful photos, as usual, Kate. Hope you have fun with your company. I'm sure a great time will be had by all!
Happy Halloween!

GailO said...

...I'm in the middle of cleaning for company too and stopped to take a break:) and blue...the photos are exceptional!!

Happy Halloween Kate!

Hilary said...

Enjoy your company.. I sure enjoyed your orange and blues.

Mental P Mama said...

Have fun;) And I had a dream that I was swamped by ladybugs last night...and I had forgotten it until just now!

D. Jean Quarles said...

Those are great photos. Love them.

Tammy said...

I've been lurking for months and loving your photos, so I thought I should say hi finally and tell you that your photos inspire me - if only I could talk the hubs into a dlsr camera - perhaps someday. of course I love your dog as well, he's just adorable!!

LivewithFlair said...

Cleaning too today. Good to know I wasn't alone:

Cloudia said...


GLORIOUS Shots, Kate!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral


Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Spectacular shots, as always.

I really want some of that apple crisp, sounds perfect for a crisp day like today.

Flea said...

Have fun with old friends! I know what you mean about company. Ours was always the house full of people, while my husband had few friends, much less had them over. He was so grouchy about having people over for years, but I persisted. We're always brimming with kids and adults and we've all come to love it!

Kay in Oregon said...

Enjoy the friends......Tell George Happy Halloween, i'ts my birthday tomorrow.

Country Girl said...

CBW, the dish is super easy to make.
Live with Flair, I loved your post about cleaning!
Thanks, everyone. Have a beautiful, peaceful weekend.

~ C.G.

deborah said...

Lovely photos!
Have fun on Hallowe'en!!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

I just love all the color this time of year and you do such a fabulous job capturing it all!

Gail said...

I know you tire of reading my great shots, wonderful photos, but my vocabulary is limited...I have no words to describe you and your husband's talent!

Tammie said...

Today, your blog was the sweet with my coffee. Maybe pecan pie without the calories! Thanks.

Donna S. said...

Love the photos today. My husband is not near as social as I am.

ELK said...

as I am writing this you must be having a lovely tome with old friends that color of ladybug on pumpkin is amazing...

Anonymous said...

I think about bettering my camera status as well, but there are so many functions on my Rebel that I don't use to full potential, AND, I think if I just spend $65 and get it cleaned well that I will be happy with my photos once again.

Love the lady bug. I don't think I've seen any at all this fall, but that's okay because the two years prior we had a total infestation of them.


Deb said...

love the ladybug....enjoy your company...

tj said...

...Happy All Hallow's Eve to you my little pretty! Mwhaa,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,haaa...*giggle*snort*

...Okay, I got pretty excited over the ladybug visit - it looked as if she wanted to be in on the photo opp' :o) And those SOOC morning glory shots, especially the first one...oh dear. *swoons* ;o)

...You're not alone on the company thing, we're the same way here. When we first bought our place we had visions of family over all the time fishing in the pond, kids running in and out of the barns, family & friends wanting to come over and go swimming, campfires with smores, holidays, yada yada yada...Nothin'. *insert crickets chirping*... :o\

...Have fun tomorrow and enjoy your guests and have a Happy Halloween Country Girl! :o)

...Seasons Screamings!

msdewberry said...

Great shots. I never get tired of seeing the morning glory shots. Are you going to be posting the apple crisp recipe??
Happy Halloween!

Low Tide High Style said...

Enjoy your company! I love these shots, especially that last lady bug pic, and the first morning glory shot...breathtaking!

Kat :)

JacksDad said...

I always wonder what bugs think when they run into something so much bigger than themselves.

I obviously have too much time on my hands. :)

MaggieGem said...

Wonderful photos! Ladybug was just trying to get her work done and get out of the chill... great blues in those morning glory shots!

Jayne said...

Those colors in the morning glories are... well... glorious! Have a great Halloween Kate!

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh my what gorgeous photos. That ladybug is great.

beth said...

that lady bug was a sign of good luck.....

and all the !

have a great time with your company !!

Alli said...

Enjoy the time with your company! I bet you'll have a blast. ;) I didn't know you two met when you were 19! wow!

I love the photo of the lady bug about to take off and the first morning glory. It just pops with color! Have a Happy Halloween!

sharon said...

LOVE the lady bug on the pumpkin!! great colors and everything. Happy Halloween to you too. Enjoy the day!

Mary said...

Aw, I love ladybugs. And the morning glories are gorgeous! Sooc, too!

Enjoy your company. I think I'm a lot like your husband -- I like the quiet. :)

Lili said...

That ladybug had great timing, wonder if she was just trying to blend in though, darn spots, that must be why she flew away. Those morning glories are amazingly vibrant. Enjoy your company Kate (and Halloween night!). xo ~Lili

A New England Life said...

Where have I been Kate? That header is marvelous! Very cool indeed.

We had some MG's like that last year. Beautiful shots your husband took.

Isn't photography just a big game of chance? You never know what's coming next, like that adorable little ladybug.

My husband isn't social either. It kind of drives me a bit crazy at times.

Happy Halloween!

Daryl said...

Hope it was a wonderful visit ... collect some of the glory seeds for me .. maybe they'll grow in my window box next spring

Anonymous said...

Love the pumpkin shots and the lady bug! As usual your phots inspire me to go out with my camera and take some shots!

mrs mediocrity said...

Love the little ladybug, it surely was on a mission! Hope you had a great time with your company.

The JR said...

Both of ya'll take amazing photos!