Saturday, January 26, 2008

And we have a winner

ALISA is the winner of Weekend Guessing Game #3. Her guess of CORN STALK was the correct answer. Alisa lives in Maryland and is a teacher, a mother of three and wife to Steven. She's also a crack shot with a firearm and is a true country girl. That's probably why she got this answer so quickly. Yeah, that's it. Bamboo was an excellent guess, as was a segmented stalk, and I can see why some thought of a mushroom. But it really is a corn stalk. A dried up, old corn stalk. So congratulations to you, Alisa, and please, let us know how the fame affects you and changes your life. Past-winners Renee and Judy have both reported that the notoriety has been astounding. Just wanted to warn you.


Rising Rainbow said...

Now that you say it, I see that is a cornstalk. lol

brneyedgal967 said...

Congrats Alisa! I will keep an eye out for your debut on the talk show circuits as you begin the "winning photo junket". *grin*

Anonymous said...

Congrats Alisa! I would have never guessed! LOL