Saturday, March 28, 2009

A friend like that

I came home one day this week to find more photos from my husband on the camera storage disk. It’s kind of fun, you know, sharing how someone else sees the day. I like what he did here with the little barn in the background and the red buds beginning to burst forth on the trees. And I actually like that green mold on the barn roof.

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Of course, his best friend looks good, too.

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George is a favorite subject for the camera lens around here.

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This poem sort of reminds me of my husband’s relationship with this wonderful dog of ours.

I talk to him when I'm lonesome like; and I'm sure he understands.

When he looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands;

then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes, but I never say naught threat.

For the good Lord knows I can buy more clothes, but never a friend like that.

~W. Dayton Wedgefarth

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And that’s what I think about that.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Delwyn said...

George has a beautiful face 1/2 and 1/2. Most collies I've seen have a smudgy streak of varying width.
happy days

Anonymous said...

That's a very nice poem. George looks like a really good friend.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photos, I love the poem!

Mental P Mama said...


Char said...

I not only talk to the dogs but sometimes for the dogs - it's a favorite game we play around here to see who can make the other laugh.

Shawn said...

I love that poem. I love that you found something that fits the situation so beautifully.

abb said...

Kind of reminds me of YOUR relationship with George as well. There is simply nothing better than a four-legged friend, nothing better.

Ellen said...

George. One name says it all.

tj said...

...I love that! Thank you Kate...

...Blessings... :o)

Woman in a Window said...

Trade you dogs. Really. I'll trade.

Anonymous said...

Now isn't that the truth.


Staci said...

I think God gave George to you and your husband for a reason, you know?

Laura ~Peach~ said...

so true ... Hugs and kisses to george :)

Treasia Stepp said...

I love that poem and it does sound fitting for the two of them. Nice photos he took.

noble pig said...

George is so striking.

Anonymous said...

I love scenes with old barns in them and your husband has captured a nice view of that one. George is wonderful as usual - my husband still misses his best companion Mandy, an Austrailain Shepherd. He used to talk to her all the time.

High Desert Diva said...

Yep...its perfect.

Annie said...

Nice to catch up here Kate. Thanks for that lovely poem ...and your sharing of your lives, and George's, with us!

I am now visiting my daughter and little family in NYC again. What fun. And looking forward to seeing all the changes that Spring brings. A season I haven't experienced here before! And such a radical season change compared to an Australian one!

Shimmy Mom said...

Aww, I love George. Hope that he and your husband are having a great day together.

imom said...

I love all of those photos, your husband did a great job. The poem is perfect! And yep, I'm still in love with George!

Sarah Anne said...

Your dog is so beautiful! Or handsome. Just so he doesn't feel offended. :)

Daryl said...

Wonderful shots .. kinda shootin'!

Donalyn said...

Love seeing George as always. And the poem is great!

FireLight said...

The poem is so perfect for a dog lover. I can truly relate to "nose prints" & "paw prints"....I just brush 'em off and wear the remaining traces out and into the world knowing how much I am loved!
Really great photos of George and the barn.

Mary said...

Awww, that George is such a sweetie. And your husband is getting quite good with that camera. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post,Kate. And thanks for telling us about Leif. I am hooked on the story! Your friend, Doris

Country Girl said...

Thanks so much, all. I tell my husband sometimes what you all say and he just dismisses it. He says he just points the camera, which is all I do also. I think he's just a natural like he is with anything he tries.

And Doris, I am totally hooked on the story, too. Did you read the latest post? OH. MY. GOD.

~ C.G.

Suzanne said...

Very true words! I wouldn't trade my Nolli-dog for anything!

Suzanne @

Brenda Pruitt said...

Dog is a man's (and woman's: I don't know why they left that out of the quote) best friend. I'm so glad your husband is enjoying the camera and looking at the "distilled" life through the lens. It brings a meditative reflection for me.

My name is Christine said...

Truer words were never spoken.

mint said...

Found your blog and love it!! I love dogs too! Keep up the good work.

Skogkjerring said...

I can understand why George is the camera lens best friend- he's lovely and photographs so well!!!
I adored the poem as hits home for any dog lover :-)) Have a super evening!!

BB said...

That made me well up. My Dad is the same with his horses. There is a song "Leave Him Out There (In the Long Yard)" which completely sums up these relationships. Makes me cry every time I hear it.

Isn't it funny how that softness men often find hard to show with other humans, is often evident in their connections with other animals...?

Cindy said...

George is a beautiful dog and I love the poem.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Absolutely beautiful! I loved it!