Saturday, March 14, 2009

I’ve been on the I Can Haz Cheeseburger site again . . .

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures



funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Hope the rest of the weekend is great for you all. Until then, my friends . . .



Woman in a Window said...

Durnabit, cute cats!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much...I really needed a good laugh...that was good.

Susan English Mason said...

Purrty kitties.

Mental P Mama said...

I haz a laff every time I go there.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Hello, i was given your blog link from Daryl as i also have Border Collies. Your George is adorable.

These were really funny, especially the third one with cats all lined up looking out the window, that me LOL.... :-)

Astaryth said...

I love LOLcatz... The Migratory bird one and the force field one were really great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laughs - the Art of Disguise looks like one of our inmates ;)

cottage farm villa said...

Too funny....and scary!!!! Thanks for the chuckles!! :) Cheryl

Egghead said...

Oh I had forgotten about that site. Thanks for reminding me and giving me a good laugh today. Hilarious.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Those were GREAT pictures and captions! Oh...I miss Bumpie and Scratches so much! Scratches hated everyone and scratched everyone. He would lay in wait behind something and then attack. Who ever the victim was would go screaming out of the room in shock and pain. Poor Scratches. I think he and I were both sleep deprived back then. I just couldn't get away with scratching someone or I might have. They would have done more than quarentine me I think. I love cats!

Leenie said...

LOL Cats! Now I know why my Thomas is spending so much time at the window. Migrating bird flyovers. And...I won't let him ride in the car when I am at the wheel. He really complains about my driving!

Flea said...

I squishy heart lolcats. :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

The migration route one is absolutely fantastic - have told all my friends (all catty people) to look at it. Very funny.

Anonymous said...

YES! I love it. It always makes me laugh.

Deb said...

Oh, I'm a cat person and those photos are so funny...nicely done, Country girl.

abb said...

Haven't been over there in a while - thanks for the reminder. I ALWAYS come away laughing after a visit.

Andrea said...

Love your Border Collie...beautiful!!!! Thanks for stopping by my's nice to "meet" you and George! :)

Michele said...

Bwahahahaha... I love these!!
These are always a good way to make anyone smile! =D

Mountain Retreat Photography

Kit Aerie-el said...

Those are so fun...and familiar poses (noses pressed to windows, monorail, hissy cat)!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I am laughing!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who likes these pics. They make me laugh and I'm not even a cat person!
Thanks for stopping by my site the other day. I'm sorry you had to go through chemo. I guess that kind of experience really does help you get perspective.

Char said...

LOL they always make me laugh too

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

These are always hilarious!

Jana said...

my husband and I spend WAY too much time on that site!!! haha we also have the "I can has cheeseburger" books that have come out! so funny!