Sunday, November 22, 2009

Evening in Paris

I’m apologizing immediately. I’m really really sorry if you came here solely because of the post title. (We’d all like to spend an evening in Paris, wouldn’t we?)

However, this is just a post with photos of a border collie, with the lights of the city in the background. I don’t know if I’d even call it a city. It’s just the lights along the main route.

I only wrote the title because of the lights, and that’s the truth.

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I went outside late this afternoon with camera in hand, and took some photos of George in the waning light. And it wasn’t long until I could hear the sound of


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I am not kidding. I heard them crashing from branch to branch.

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Soaring through the canopy of leafless tree limbs . . . and running along the ground.

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It’s distracting, I tell you. And I love the bokeh in this last shot.

And the border collie in it, as well.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

Bokeh is pronounced bow-kay or bow-keh and it refers to that lovely out-of-focus light and all the different shapes and colors you see in the background of photos taken with a digital camera. It is created by light and and the glass in your lens and distance and wind and focus. It's a Japanese term for the subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of a photographic image.


BB said...

Mornin' Kate... loving the bokeh. The word always reminds me of that British comedy where the "Lady of the House" refers to herself as "Mrs Bouquet" - when in fact her name is spelled "Bucket". Cracks me up.

A thanks at my place for your help with the calendar. Almost all gone which has thrilled me no end. Appreciate your support.


PS The lights of Paris are pretty nice - highly recommended!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

You are forgiven. I think I am falling in love with George - so I can overlook the tease to get me here. The soft lights are pretty and do make one think of gai Paris.

Mary said...

Love the bokeh.
Love the new header.
LOVE George. :)

ain't for city gals said...

I would much rather see a beautiful Border Collie than the lights of Paris...

Char said...

beautiful bokeh for sure

and i think of my mom's perfume when i hear that title. i remember it on the dresser when i was a very young child in a beautiful cobalt blue bottle.

Deb said...

George is such a beautiful dog! The photo's aren't bad either.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Beautiful...and, yes, I did think of the perfume rather than the city...C

Hilary said...

george outshines all the lights!

tainterturtles said...

I absolutely love George's "squirrel" stare. Everytime I see that look in his eyes, I just want to laugh.

A Scattering said...

Fabulous new header! And George, of course, is as handsome as ever.

Sweetpea said...

I've seen the evening lights in Paris. I would still rather look at George.

p.s. The new header design is GORGEOUS!

Leenie said...

Hehe. George has such a personality. You can see so much expression in that face and those ears! "Which way to run to get those ANNOYING SQUIRRELS?! Arrgh."

Like everyone sez...the header is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

George is such a good dog. Way to go on keeping watch at the squirrels.

Mental P Mama said...

If I were a squirrel in that neighborhood, I would never touch the ground. I'm seriel;)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Wow - the new look/header is incredible.

There's almost always a bouquet here - a lovely bouquet of warm words and gorgeous photos.

The bokeh is awesome too. I learned something new today.

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Great lights and that George sure is something! I like your new heading a lot, you sure have a way with a photo. Jeanne

Michelle said...

Beautiful new header, although I miss the "Try not to get too excited" bit. The last photo is stunning; the others made me laugh after seeing the clip of "Up" you included previously. Heh.

Caroline said...

LOVE the new header!!! And yes, the bokeh above George is amazing!

Jill of All Trades said...

It is an odd happening when all the leaves have left the trees that void of noise cushion is gone and you can really hear those squirrels bounding around the trees. I told The Hubby last weekend when we drove to the cabin how naked the trees had become since they had dropped their pretty clothes. Sometimes it is eerie silence except for the fuzzy little guys.

Kerri Farley said...

I would much rather see George than Paris :) Great shots of him...I'm sure he's just waiting for you or your hubs to throw that frisbee.

And thank you for your kind words and sharing in my good new on my last post :)

Hilary said...

George is such a perfect looking creature. Love that dog!

And you deserve a "bouquet of flowers" for that "bokeh of light."

Golden West said...

I, too, think of cobalt bottles of perfume, a staple in the 5 and Dime stores of my youth. Those stores were treasure troves! Nancy Drew books, kites, new pencils - simple pleasures of a happy childhood.

Linda said...

Love the new header! And George. I could look at that dog all day long. Look at the focus! One word from you and he'd be off to hunt thoses squirrels. What a good dog to pose for you.

Daryl said...

Lovely new header shot and of course the ever handsome George!

Dagmar said...

Love this post, even if it's not in Paris at all. George you are the best.

The JR said...

Love the photos. Pretty boy George is such a photogenic subject.

Scriptor Senex said...

I love learning things like that. Bokeh will be featuring on my word blog fairly soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that last shot it is fabulous!

tj said...

...Oh my gosh, Bush Babe is here! I remember seein' her over at PW's way back when we all kinda first "met" over there... You know, when PDub had only a hundred comments or

...Love that last photo Kate! That bokeh rocks and so does George... ;o)

...And your header to your blog is awesome too! So calming and pleasing to the eye... Kinda like your blog is calming and pleasing to the soul... Yeah. :o)

...Blessings dear...

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I love me some George.
And I've been to Paris...for lunch.

olivia said...

Yep, it is delicious! Love that line you captured. Of course, George sets it off wonderfully. :)

Skeletalmess said...

Well, hello George, nice to meet you.

Funny about dogs and squirrels.

abb said...

That last photo - superb!

GailO said...

This makes me smile:)

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

How did you get George to sit still instead of chasing those squirrels? He's still adorable!

cottage farm villa said...

That dog.....just the most gorgeous thing walking this earth! Beautiful photos Kate!! If only George knew how many fans he has and how he touches our hearts with his poses.