Friday, November 6, 2009

A post of few words

I wasn’t going to write today. The post I wrote before publishing this one actually made me cry when I read it back.

So I deleted it because we can’t have that. Good Lord!

Sometimes it’s best to just not say anything.

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One thing I will say is that I’m sure you all feel this way at times. Afraid. Worried because of your circumstances, the health of a loved one, maybe it’s financial troubles.

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Whatever it is that makes you afraid and makes you feel small. We have all felt this way.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another. ~Katherine Paterson, Jacob Have I Loved

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I do not intend on being swung around by the tail.

And tomorrow will be a better day. I’m sure of it.

Until then, my friends.


Anonymous said...
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bv said...

well, that first comment confused me.....
yes, we all have these times. not sure what is your worry but i do want you to know that i hold you in my heart & prayer. you do so well but i know, just right under the surface, is worry. as my dear husband tells me to the point of slapping him up side his dear will all work out for the best...i have lived through LOTS and this seems to be a truth.
bv...if we can just live to see the good!

Egghead said...

Aw Kate you certainly are in my prayers tonight. Yes I DO know living in fear, uncertainty but at the end of the day your strong heart comes forth. Take care of yourself and know we care.

Coloradolady said...

I know those feelings well...hugs my friend, hope is on the way what ever the situation is....

Char said...

oh dear. a spammer. sorry hon.

anyway - yes, i know those feelings. sending much love and prayer. and warm hugs.

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Fear is overwhelming sometimes, I have been in that place so many times in my life. The world and all its trouble right now makes us all feel scared as hell. The way I keep from falling into the fear abyss is to remind myself I have people that care about me, and you dear Kate have so many, many people that care about you, and that includes me. May God bless you and keep you in his arms. Jeanne

Sparkly Jules said...

Hi Kate,

I found your blog from a comment you left on PW's blog. And now I'm in love...the pictures, the house....I have always wanted to visit New England--or live there--I feel like I'm missing out having not ever been there.

I can appease that craving, a bit, with your blog. I'll be back.


Alli said...

So true, fear has overwhelmed us all. Its sad that its one of the best ways to connect - to share pain. I hope tomorrow truly is better! I'll be thinking about you!

Hilary said...

Wishing you a much better tomorrow. Hugs to you, Kate.

Dagmar said...

Oh yes sometimes one goes down memorielane and you feel like the moon....sigh. Wich in a way is good. But it's even better you'll get trough those days with a smile looking back at them. Be well today. Lots of positive hugs from me to you send over by the clouds.

In these picture I love them. Great great shots.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great post. i tend to let fear take hold and swing me, but i certainly don't want anyone to know it!

BB said...

Oh Kate... whatever it is, I send big hugs and hope your great attitude lifts you up over this hurdle.

queenbuffness said...

Want to use my mantra?
2 Timothy 1:7

Laura ~Peach~ said...

hugs.... some times shared pains are so much easier to bear...bare...hummm seems like their should be another term... ok to carry... anyway... just my convoluted way of saying I am alwways here if you need a ear/shoulder/ coffee/ tea.... Love n hugs

From the Old InkWell said...

so sorry that you're feeling blue. Life is tough at times, but you're so right - tomorrow will be a better day.

Kate, don't know why, but I can tell you're strong and can handle whatever it is and it's never a bad thing to ask for help. God is always there.

Anonymous said...

I know, too, about those kind of days so just know that we are all saying in our own way 'I feel your pain!'
Here's a little thing I typed and put up to remind myself:

"Instead of telling God how big your problem is ~ tell your problem how big your God is!"

Hugs to you this day and keep up the good fight!!

Daryl said...

I am sad to hear something got you down ... xoxo

Mary said...

Oh Kate, we have all felt this way at one time or another. Please remember that we all hold you in our thoughts and prayers, and hope that tomorrow will bring you strength and peace.


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...


The JR said...

That's what we do, take each day at a time.

Hope you are feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

I don't believe I've left a comment here before. I love your blog - the honesty and beauty you share.

I've been through some very rough times over the past 7 years - this quote helps me keep going...

"Barn's burnt down,
Now I can see the moon." - Masahide

We don't know one another, I see that you have a lot of friends here, but I just wanted to send you a hug and suggest that you take fear by the tail, swing it around hard and fast and send it flying. It will get better. Honest.


Country Girl said...

I am so sorry to have worried all my internet buddies. I am fine (most of the time) and I realize now that I should not have posted last night!
I also had to put the word verification back on because I was hit by a spammer. Again.

Thanks for all your support. And honestly, it's all ok.

~ C.G.

Darla said...

What peaceful photos...nope operating in fear is no good at all. Posted alittle frustration myself today.

JC said...

Gorgeous photos ...

Not to worry, we've all had those days. Hope today and the weekend are a bit better for you ...

Deb said...

there's no crying in blog land!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Dear bloggy friend - we are all one big happy family in blogland - I think our little bloggy group get on so well - just remember Kate that a trouble shared is often a trouble halved. We are all right behind you my dear - so take care and chin up.

CarlaHR said...

Hello Kate, I think we all have times when we are seized by fears (rational or irrational). In the past I've always kept those fears to myself but have now learned that once you share them things seem a little better. So please feel free to share the good times together with the not so good.
Lovely photos as always.
Here's hoping that your weekend is a good one.

Skogkjerring said...

Oh Kate, it's true everyone has these days...tomorrow will be better...or as Annie sang- THE SUN WILL COME OUT....TOMORROW..
Take care my friend..

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. sometimes words are over rated. I know how you feel I have been there.

Chocolate Cat said...

I have felt like this (often) and it does pass usually making me determined to not tie myself up in knots next time. Thinking of you and sending you hugs xx

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I've been feeling that way today as well; so thank you for those lovely words. I will not be swung around by the tail either!

Jeanne Walker said...

We are all just human and sometimes we just let things get the best of us. You've been through a lot and so has your hubby. My mantra is:
Proverbs 3:5-6

Hugs and blessings, Jeanne

Mommas Soapbox said...

We have all had worries before and fears. I hope your day is better today! I hope you are skipping you are so happy!

Prayers for whatever worries ya.

Mattenylou said...

It's okay to have a sad day.. I hope tomorrow is brighter for you. Take care.

maillady said...

kate, you know you are never alone.just a phone call away awaits many a friend to listen and some even know exactly what your going through... love ya

Unknown said...

Thinking of you Kate...


CHummelKornell said...

Fear is something we cannot allow. Believe that all will be well and it will. You are so loved by your family, friends and bloggers that you must allow this strength to surround you so that there is no room for fear and uncertainty to get through. Try to count the blessings in your life, this will help, and remember whenever a door closes a window opens.

Christine said...

{big hug}

LOVE that first photo. The color is fabulous!

ELK said...

kate I read your dancing and jumping post before this one...I can relate to both posts!! really is a little too much at times, glad i can read your blog and see beauty in your helps!

Sarah Anne said...

I love that book.

Shelley Jaffe said...

Miss Kate: Sometimes crying can be cathartic, sometimes not. But (with the exception of SirSpamALot, you're in the company of friends. We are all here for you. Think of you often, and am sending positivity and strength your way.

FireLight said...

You nailed it in your closing comment.....FEAR is one of the greatest cripplers in life. However, sometimes one needs friends, or God to chase it away!
Peace be with you, Kate.

GailO said...

Hugs from me too:)